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Friday Fun Thread for December 9, 2022

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Not surprised at all that they hated the source material.

Sapkowski is a cynical, wise asshole who's reputed to be something of a lecher.

The entire setting is not very thinly disguised eastern European history, where every single ethnicity behaved like complete bastards at times, and everyone is suspicious of each other.

Something like that breaks the mind of the typical product of American universities; surely there must be some good guys? Persecuted minorities can't be assholes themeselves, no.

Come on.

It’s being compared to Game of Thrones. All your strawman criticisms would apply there too. Yet GoT was both well-produced (at first) and wildly popular, even among those pearl-clutching college grads.

GoT came out when these pearl-clutching college grads were less pearl-clutching. They've been escalating for years.

How does your theory fit with House of the Dragon?

Apart from the Black Valyrians and some griping about how women are forced into motherhood, it was not very woke I think.

Yes, that's my point. You were saying that pearl clutching college grads have taken over and that's part of why The Witcher is bad; but HotD shows that's not strictly true.

I didn't say that, I believe said it's no wonder they hated the source material.

The show' shit because they're incompetent.

As to why HotD is not particulary woke, there seems to be a bit of a backlash going on against wokeness in everything. Didn't Disney fire people who promoted it recently?

No, Disney fired their CEO who wanted to avoid being explicitly woke.

"Iger is no less woke than Chapek," Chesser told FOX Business. "He is even more woke."

It seems you are right. However, if due to higher interest rates they lose easy money, perhaps they'll stop pushing wokeness because it does not pay.

E.g. people liked Mandalorian because it was not particularly woke unlike other recent Disney stuff.