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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 19, 2022

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Google Search Keeps Getting Worse

I am hardly the first person to complain about Google search results circa Fall 2022, and I'm not the first person to recall how search used to feel like magic (1). It's become a commonplace (if a bit overstated) that for Google search to have any value at all, you need to point it at reddit.

Here's a case study: I've recently begun performing with a band so I went to look for ideas about how to improve my stage presence. Ten years ago, I would have just typed two or three words, perhaps just "guitarist live" or "watch guitarist live" and as I recall it, Google was reliably excellent at providing results that matched my intention, by either sorcery or science. Nowadays, perhaps superstitiously, I use complete sentences, so I typed "guitarists that are fun to watch live." The results were very bad. In order:

A group of video recommendations, all four suggestions useless:

  1. Rock Guitarist Live Streams For The 97th Time ! - With Guitar Solos, Chat, Games and Fun

  2. Three Chord Dave Live 50 Guitars music and good times

  3. Three Chord Dave Live 52 Guitars music and good times

  4. Three Chord Dave Live 51 Guitars music and good times

Next, a few links to articles:

  1. 13 Scorching Guitarists on Tour Today - Ticketmaster Blog

  2. The best live streams and virtual concerts to watch while social distancing (take note of this one, from April 23, 2020: we'll come back to it later)

  3. and 8. The next results were the "People also search for" and "People also ask" suggestions, none of which were helpful.

  4. A link to an Insider article called "Musicians you need to see live in concert". That sounded promising, except none of the musicians were guitarists (none of the headline musicians advertised on the search results - once you drilled in, Lenny Kravitz and the Red Hot Chili Peppers probably qualify).

  5. A youtube video, "Top 10 Guitarists of All Time (REDUX)". Closer, but not really what I'm looking for.

More useless results followed, including three of the next five focused on streaming ("A Guitarists Guide to Live Streaming").

Finally, coming to the culture war angle, I want to ask why this might be. Why are Google search's results so bad, compared to the five or ten years ago, or even farther back, when they had inferior technology? Clearly, some of the problem is spam, as many people argue. But that doesn't really decribe what I saw. Is it because they are prioritizing social justice in results? I know this flatters the Motte, but it also explains a handful of the noise in my search above, on a fairly anodyne topic. I got three results about streaming performances: sure, maybe "live" is often linked for "livestream" (Plato's pharmakon strikes again, three cheers for auto-antonyms!), but what explains the second non-video recommendation, number 6 above, "The best live streams and virtual concerts to watch while social distancing"? In my mind, I'm trying to find tips about how to perform live on stage for people in sweaty clubs, gleefully exchanging airborne microbes, and Google's trying to shove an article from April 2020 down my throat. I couldn't do better if I tried to parody this.

If you think my expectations are crazy, I get it, except until recently (geologically speaking), Google would have delivered EXCELLENT results on this topic.

Some other possible explanations:

  • SEO has gotten better than search - this could explain some of what I saw.

  • The internet is crowded now, there's more surface to search! That doesn't seem likely - certainly not substantially more so than five or ten years ago.

  • Maybe google never was magic! I have a bad memory or it just seemed incredible because it was novel.

  • Goodheart's law / overfitting, definitely part of the story: optimizing for revenue reduces engagement and relevance. But then again, so does optimizing for justice! It's hard not to suspect how the often comical and heavy handed attempts at "alignment" have marred ChatGPT.

  • Google engineers are bad. Non-starter, based on the ones I know. Google has lost a lot of excellent people over the years (like Steve Yegge, etc.) but this doesn't add up.

  • Google hires good people, but they don't funnel their best talent into search, because they continue to have an effective monopoly, even in the age of Bing, Duckduckgo, and Kagi.

  • ???

Which is it?


SEO has gotten better than search - this could explain some of what I saw.

More to the point, I'd say that at some point the ability of SEO providers to game the algorithm just outpaced Google's ability to respond so much that they threw their hands up in the air and rely on their practical monopoly status and the presumption the potential competitors would just be affected by the same SEO trickmastery as themselves.

I've got colleagues who provide SEO services and yeah, basically they seemingly can create plans to deal with Google's algo changes before they even roll out. Google simply cannot respond quickly because changing their algo on their end is a really big deal whilst changing the SEO optimization of client webpages is trivial, so it's like an Elephant trying to swat mosquitos. And Google has enough tasty blood that it can afford to let a few thousand mosquitos drink and not notice the loss.

And I think Google creating a new form of valuable 'real estate' (positioning on Google Search results) has allowed SEO firms to make a ton of money in a very self-sustaining way. If your company doesn't use SEO services, you'll lose out on business to those that are using them, and vice versa.

Any change Google makes to try to beat current SEO methods will simply create new ones, and the SEO firms will be much quicker to respond with new methods, which propagate immediately.

I strongly suspect Google COULD come up with a solution that would outflank the SEO companies for a while, but there's just no pressure to do so and it would probably be costly.