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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 19, 2022

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"I Have Worked It Out. You Have Killed Two Point Three Eight People."

"I have never laid a finger on anyone in my life, Mr. Pump. I may be... all those things you know I am, but I am not a killer! I have never so much as drawn a sword!"

"No, You Have Not. But You Have Stolen, Embezzled, Defrauded, And Swindled Without Discrimination, Mr. Lipwig. You Have Ruined Business And Destroyed Jobs. When Banks Fail, It Is Seldom Bankers Who Starve. Your Actions Have Taken Money From Those Who Had Little Enough To Begin With. In A Myriad Small Ways You Have Hastened The Deaths Of Many. You Did Not Know Them. You Did Not See Them Bleed. But You Snatched Food From Their Mouths And Tore Clothes From Their Backs. For Sport, Mr. Lipwig. For Sport. For The Joy Of The Game."

There is a difference between statistical deaths and murder. The first has enough links separating the action from the cause that one could be fairly said not to realize the specific harm. Murder of course one knows that he is killing another human.

This isn’t a defense of statistical deaths. White collar crime should be punished severely. SBF — assuming he is as guilty as he appears — shouldn’t be a free man until his 60s. Ditto Holmes.

Yet they aren’t murderers. I do believe murderers are worse morally. Further, I think rampant murder is worse for a community than fraud.

While I think white-collar crime and financial fraud is awful, it's also non-violent -- no one lost their lives because of SBF, and no one's home burned down

SBF is a bad example, FTX misappropriated ten thousand times the value of the median US home*. Even given the greater collateral damage and surprise of a physically burned home, FTX did more harm by wiping out investments, retirement funds. Very plausible he caused a suicide (although that's different from 'murder' because lots of suicides happen anyway, the effect needed to cause a suicide is less than that needed to kill a random person). Ten thousand retirement funds wiped out is comparable to 'destroying a neighborhood'.

It's more reasonable to compare smaller-scale white collar crime, e.g. defrauding $50k, to widespread theft and murder. Even then, how does one compare financial scams or hacking to theft?

*there are 20 reasons this is the wrong statistic, but they don't change the 10k


Er, ultimately it's children who can't afford college, someone who has to sell their house or shut down their business to pay back loans, someone being divorced because they lost money, etc. The 'numbers on a spreadsheet' are important because we use them to exchange all significant resources. If you burn down a house, that's "numbers on a spreadsheet" in insurance, but that insurance is the only reason the family can afford .

Let's say I switch some 'numbers in a spreadsheet' in a bank and steal all of a person's income and savings, and they lose their job, get evicted because they can't pay rent, get divorced and the wife takes the kids, etc. How is that different from burning down a house?

(again FTX is an unusually large-scale example of white-collar crime - $8B is a lot of money)

There's a separate issue here of culpability in that it's fraud - all the people who invested in FTX were either stupid or taking unnecessary risk, and should lose their money, which is somewhat true. Or that crypto trading is fundamentally parasitic anyway (HFT improves liquidity and allows for more efficient capital allocation or something, but what's being efficiently allocated here?). But that's not at all characteristic of white-collar crime generally. And a similar argument goes for theft, anyway - carry a gun, put criminals in jail, or it's your fault!

Weren't FTX's investors mostly institutional investors, VC funds, etc., meaning the damage will be widely distributed?

It's not just investors who lost money, users who had funds on the site are out right now as well

I mean investments as in ""investments"" retail ie random people made in bitcoin. Quite a few people put most or all funds into crypto.