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I’d suggest reimplementing the dramacoin system, albeit with a different name. “Farts Huffed” is cheeky and self-aware, but maybe not. Either way. karma-like systems allow people to build attachment to their accounts and personae on-site. If you re-add our dramacoin shop but with your own items (since ours are predominantly deliberately obnoxious visual effects or tools you can use to fuck with other users, or give yourself administrative powers), all the better. It would also give you something to incentivize codework with, white hat reporting, posts that drive engagement, etc.

The badge system is extremely useful for this as well. I don’t think that’s been removed from the repo, although you’ll obviously not want to use virtually any of our 130some badges. But badges are great for incentive and building attachment.

And attachment is very important to build. It’s critically important that any platform, however small, offers a superior and markedly different experience to a subreddit or imageboard - because if it doesn’t, why would users not just use one of those? The siren song of free speech grows stale very quickly when that free speech is the primary selling point of the platform and the main reason to stay, as alt-tech startups and big companies have seen repeatedly for several years now but have yet to actually learn from.

tl;dr - meaningful lite-gamification good and features not offered by larger alternatives are very necessary