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Why? We don't even see numbers until moat conversations are already over?

I wish we'd go back to instantly visible or not having them at all. Having them appear after one day combines the worst of both worlds.

Seconded. They really serve no purpose. They don't shrink, there's no purpose.

People still keep track (both of their own history, and what happened to other posters in older parts of the thread), I imagine. If the numbers are hidden for longer, that just makes it more insidious, since the up/down ratio still shapes the community by influencing the ordering in which replies are presented.Apparently I missed that we don't do sort by votes and probably also lost Reddit's graying of heavily downvoted responses.

since the up/down ratio still shapes the community by influencing the ordering in which replies are presented.

The default is "sort by new". I guess if you changed it back to the reddit "sort by top" that would be a concern.

Ah, I didn't realise. Sorry, I guess that's actually a non-concern then.