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This “ugh, just soooo boring” thing is clearly an act and an attempt to shut down discussion.

No, it's eye-rolling boredom. I can't speak for everyone else - some people are really upset at revisionism. I find it noxious, but I also find it tedious in the same way JB was tedious. To the degree it bothers me, it's more "Not this again" than "How dare you?"

To the degree it bothers me, it's more "Not this again" than "How dare you?"

It reminds me a lot of that "could God microwave a burrito so hot even he couldn't eat it?" meme I remember being popular a long time ago. There's just enough substance in that statement to grab people who never heard it before (and it's not like it isn't funny, either), but it subtly breaks the community down over time as the bar for "meaningful and insightful contribution" sinks lower every time someone posts it.

It's still low-effort even if it's done serially; sure, write a long post through a book if you must, but you only get to burn that bit of social capital once. Blame the tech if you must- the unwritten community rule that you need to have iterated upon your past thoughts can't reward effort if that effort is higher than just being limited to the conversation at hand is not helped by the fact this is a significant limitation of the Reddit-style discussion forum- but these are the only tools we have so this'll have to do.

It doesn't hurt that (like the above meme) HBD and Dajooz get bonus points for being argument-terminating in and of themselves- they're prescriptive arguments, not descriptive ones. Which is the meta-level justification for the "no enforcing consensus" rule anyway- sure, at the end of the day, all arguments are prescriptive (or else we wouldn't be making them), but you aren't allowed to make them directly because the entire point of this place is, well, seeing how a prescriptive argument might arise.

Put another way, there's no game of chess if you resign in the first move because you're playing black, and it's pointless if your community exists to study gameplay strategies- even if black loses every time, it's still a case study in how to play white. Ignoring it "because black loses" is not just boring; skipping to the end misses the point entirely.

No, it's eye-rolling boredom.

Concur. The topic is a looping kaleidoscope of fractal tedium, where the factual questions are so thoroughly swamped by the social dynamics as to smother the slightest spark of interest. With the exception of trolls and zealots, one does not participate in such a discussion because it is actually interesting, but because one feels compelled by the social dynamics involved, whether to defend the free expression of the nakedly repugnant, or to argue against assertions not because the facts are in question, but because failing to answer looks weak or complicit, or for a hundred other unpleasantly compulsive reasons.

The only winning move is not to play, but even that is spun to social arguments by the trolls and zealots. And it never ends, over and over across the years and even decades.