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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 27, 2023

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I've lost pretty much all respect for Yudkowsky over the years as he's progressed from writing some fun power-fantasy-for-rationalists fiction to being basically a cult leader. People seem to credit him for inventing rationality and AI safety, and to both of those I can only say "huh?". He has arguably named a few known fallacies better than people who came before him, which isn't nothing, but it's sure not "inventing rationality". And in his execrable April Fool's post he actually, truly, seriously claimed to have come up with the idea for AI safety all on his own with no inputs, as if it wasn't a well-trodden sci-fi trope dating from before he was born! Good lord.

I'm embarrassed to admit, at this point, that I donated a reasonable amount of money to MIRI in the past. Why do we spend so much of our time giving resources and attention to a "rationalist" who doesn't even practice rationalism's most basic virtues - intellectual humility and making testable predictions? And now he's threatening to be a spokesman for the AI safety crowd in the mainstream press! If that happens, there's pretty much no upside. Normies may not understand instrumental goals, orthogonality, or mesaoptimizers, but they sure do know how to ignore the frothy-mouthed madman yelling about the world ending from the street corner.

I'm perfectly willing to listen to an argument that AI safety is an important field that we are not treating seriously enough. I'm willing to listen to the argument of the people who signed the recent AI-pause letter, though I don't agree with them. But EY is at best just wasting our time with delusionally over-confident claims. I really hope rationality can outgrow (and start ignoring) him. ( I being part of the problem by spending three paragraphs talking about him? Sigh.)

People seem to credit him for inventing rationality and AI safety, and to both of those I can only say "huh?".

This seems pure pedantry. Obviously, the concept of rationality and ideas around optimizing for truth or utility have existed for a very long time. And there is plenty of science fiction which featured dangerous AI.

But I really can't imagine anyone even vaguely familiar with Yudkowsky or AI alignment or the rat-sphere would struggle with the claim that Yudkowsky "invented rationality and AI safety."

Capital-R Rationality is the modern groups that formed around the Bay-area subculture which Yudkowsky largely founded. It is MIRI, CFAR, Effective Altruism. It's Yudkowsky, Scott Alexander, Julia Galef. It's LessWrong, SSC, and even this very forum.

And AI Safety? Yes, the concept existed. But the entire modern edifice of AI alignment all arose from Yudkowsky's initial writings on LessWrong. He was responsible for drawing attention to it, he lead MIRI for a while, he set down a great deal of theory.

I'm really struggling to believe someone smart enough to post on TheMotte would so easily be confused by this.

BTW, if you want to read a good example of pre-Yudkowsky rationality, I recommend The Demon-Haunted World. Carl Sagan did a lot to help me learn how to think clearly, in my formative years.

I want to be clear that this is coming from somebody who once liked his writings. I didn't worship him. I didn't learn much from him. But he has always had a fun and unique writing style.

But believe me, there's no confusion here. Capital-R Rationality may be something that crystalized around LessWrong and the Sequences, but the concepts of rationality are hardly new; we're building on a legacy of humans struggling to explain the Universe that has been built over thousands of years. Yudkowsky wrote some entertaining essays, some of which are insightful (and some of which are silly, particularly when he veers into fields of science he doesn't know well). You could credit him with collecting and indexing a few good ideas. But he's very bad at practicing what he preaches - Scott, for instance, is far better at actually making and testing predictions than Yudkowsky. I suppose cult leaders don't usually lower themselves to the level of scrubbing the temple floor.

As for AI Safety, no. No, no, no. There's absolutely no defense for his egotistical claim in the April Fool's post. Futurists have been discussing AI safety since at least Asimov's Three Laws. What do you think AI researchers did before him, shrug and go "hmm, I wonder if making this neural net behave is something I should study sometime"? Maybe I can trace one particular flavour of the "edifice" to his writings - superintelligence-goes-FOOM-breaks-out-of-black-box-and-builds-nanotech-in-a-bio-lab - but AI safety as a whole would still exist and look pretty much the same without him. Arguably, it would be healthier, with the many people with different intelligent perspectives not being drowned out by his singular view and stubborn insistence that he knows the unknowable future.

Thank you for clarifying your points, but I think this ultimately falls into a disagreement about what the invention of a concept is. It seems you don't really disagree that Yudkowsky invented Rationality as a subculture, you just don't find it particularly impressive - which is fine, but I doubt most readers are confused reading about the difference between the subculture and the idea of rationality.

On AI Safety, I am very skeptical of your claim that current discussion around AI safety would look the same without Yudkowsky. I'm sure in a counterfactual world that someone like Nick Bostrom or whomever would still come up with many of the ideas, but this is true for most things. Yudkowsky definitely had an outsized influence, and I think if the next AI researcher survey put out a question about major influences, he would definitely perform very well.

People seem to credit him for inventing rationality and AI safety

The latter sounds particularly ridiculous considering Terminator 2 was a huge hit in 1991 when Yudkowsky was barely a teenager and AI safety has been a staple of scifi literature since the 60s.

Longer than that -- R.U.R., the 1920s story that gave us the word "robot", featured a robot revolt.