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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 1, 2023

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and MBA-covered material can’t be used to train AI

Is this even legal? AFAICT there’s no abstract ownership of concepts or ideas that copyright holders can claim, only claims against produced works. So a copyright holder can sue someone who uses AI to generate similar content to what is copyrighted, but not for using a work as training data per se. Sounds like the writers should be picketing Congress too.

I'd argue that a neural net is a derivative work of its training data, so its mere creation is a copyright violation.

But you could make a similar argument that a human brain is a derivative work of its training data. Obviously there are huge differences, but are those differences relevant to the core argument? A neural net takes a bunch of stuff it's seen before and then combines ideas and concepts from them in a new form. A human takes a bunch of stuff they've seen before and then combines ideas and concepts from them in a new form. Copyright laws typically allow for borrowing concepts and ideas from other things as long as the new work is transformative and different enough that it isn't just a blatant ripoff. Otherwise you couldn't even have such a thing as a "genre", which all share a bunch of features that they copy from each other.

So it seems to me that, if a neural net creates content which is substantially different from any of its inputs, then it isn't copying them in a legal sense or moral sense, beyond that which a normal human creator who had seen the same training data and been inspired by them would be copying them.

Who is the ‘human’ in this example?

That's an entirely different question. Obviously the LLM is not itself a human, but neither is a typwriter or computer which a human uses as a tool to write something. So probably the copyright author would be the person who prompts the LLM and then takes its output and tries to publish it. Especially if they are responsible for editing its text and don't just copy paste it unchanged. You could make an argument that the LLM creator is the copyright holder, or that the LLM is responsible for its own output which is then uncopyrightable since it wasn't produced by a human.

But regardless of how you address the above question, it doesn't change my main point that the AI does not violate copyrights of humans it uses input from in any way differently from a human doing the same things that it does. Copyright law is complicated, but there's a long history and a lot of precedents and individual issues tend to get worked out. For this purpose, the LLM, or a human using LLM as an assistant, should be subject to the same constraints that human creators already are. They're not "stealing" any more or less than humans already do by consuming each other's work. You don't need special laws or rules or restrictions on it that don't already exist.

You can't reason by analogy with what humans do because LLMs are not human. They are devices, which contain data stored on media. If that data encodes copyrighted works, they are quite possibly copyright violations. If I memorize the "I have a dream" speech, the King estate can do nothing to me. They can bust me for reciting it in public, but I can recite in in private all I want (though I could get in trouble for writing it down). If I can ask an LLM for the "I have a dream" speech and it produces it, I have proven that the LLM contains a copy of the "I have a dream" speech and is therefore a copyright violation. And that's just the reproduction right; the derivative work right is even wider.

If I can ask an LLM for the "I have a dream" speech and it produces it, I have proven that the LLM contains a copy of the "I have a dream" speech and is therefore a copyright violation.

Except that LLM don't explicitly memorize any text, they generate it. It's the difference between storing an explicit list of all numbers 1 to 100 {1,2,3...100}, and storing a set of instructions: {f_n = n: n in [1,100]} that can be used to generate the list. It has a complicated set of relationships between words that it understands, and is very refined such that if it sees the words "Recite the "I have a dream" speech verbatim", it has a very good probability of successfully saying each of the words correctly. At least I think the better versions do, many of them would not actually get it word for word, because none of them have it actually memorized, they're generating it new.

Now granted, you can strongly argue, and I would tend to agree, that a word for word recitation by a LLM of a copyrighted work is a copyright violation, but this is analogous to being busted for reciting it in public. The LLM learning from copyrighted works is not a violation, because during training it doesn't copy them, it learns from them and changes its own internal structure in ways that improve its generating function such that it's more capable of producing works similar to them, but does not actually copy them or remember them directly. And it doesn't create an actual verbatim copy unless specifically asked to (and even then is likely to fail because it doesn't have a copy stored and has to generate it from its function)

From 17 USC 101

“Copies” are material objects, other than phonorecords, in which a work is fixed by any method now known or later developed, and from which the work can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

Thus an LLM which can reproduce a copyrighted work is a copy of it, regardless of whether it is "generating" it or not.

According to your interpretation a pencil and a blank notebook would be a copy of a copyrighted work - it is entirely possible to use that pencil to write down a copy of the script to a recent Hollywood movie, which means that any blank piece of media is effectively a copy of any copyrighted work which can be expressed upon it.

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