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Calling all Lurkers: Share your Dreams of Effortposting

It’s been pointed out recently that the topics discussed in the Culture War thread have gotten a bit repetitive. While I do think the Motte has a good spread on intellectual discussion, I’m always pushing for a wider range (dare I say diversity?) of viewpoints and topics in the CW thread.

I was a lurker for years, and I know that the barrier between having a thought and writing a top level comment in the CW thread can loom large indeed. Luckily I’m fresh out of inspiration, and would love to hear thoughts from folks about effortposts they want to write but haven’t gotten around to.

This of course applies to regulars who post frequently as well - share any and all topics you wish were discussed in the CW thread!

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I have a few effort post ideas but I really don't have time to sit down and write them right now.

  1. How the arts are reacting and could potentially react to AI advancements, how performative arts will change verses recorded arts.

  2. How the internet causes radicalization because there is too much information, causing tribalism as an easy and ineffective method to filter information.

2a) Why cultural elitism has shifted from having excess goods to limiting 'rare' goods - gluten free, extreme diets, superfoods, organics, etc.

  1. While patriarchal hierarchies and organization have noted and codified negatives, matriarchal organizations have less outwardly and clear-cut outgroups but are even more stifling and cause potentially worse negative externalities.

  2. How modern gender roles, trans-humanism, and lgbt rhetoric does the exact opposite of what it intends to do - it doesn't break down gender roles but enforces and codifies them.

  3. The 'normie' vs 'conspiracy' - the statistically average viewpoint of any given event frequently fails to hold up upon closer examination vs the people who closely follow an event/thing (for example, low information atheist vs high information atheist vs Cafeteria Catholic vs studied Catholic.

  4. Financial debt - how the government leverages people in significant financial debt to consolidate power.

How the internet causes radicalization because there is too much information, causing tribalism as an easy and ineffective method to filter information.

Ironic, I wanted to write an effortpost about how the internet causes radicalization because there is too much information, causing tribalism because you are finally seeing your opposing ideology's true, grassroots, mask-off arguments, not the laundered-for-public-consumption ones you get from their more tactful, tactical, official mouthpieces, and the truth is worse than most suspected. The radicalisation comes from less biased information on the other tribe, not a self-imposed more bias due to sloppy filtration.

What a shame that we can't fight about it because we're both too lazy.

It's not really a laziness thing for me, it's more of a time thing. I have a lot I'm doing right now so it's hard to find the time to really organize thoughts into anything substantial.