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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 8, 2023

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UBI is a transition strategy, in the long term it seems less likely that people will accept a state of affairs in which people who happened to be rich in 2025 get to be rich forever, while people who weren't have no way of bettering themselves beyond the basic income.

Who says people need to accept reality for it to be imposed upon them?

Mass unemployment means the balance of military power moving decisively towards machines over people. How hard is it to put a machine-gun on a Boston Dynamics dog? How hard is it to put a gun or a bomb on a drone? Not very hard, we're seeing it in Ukraine and it has considerable battlefield impacts, whether it's dropping grenades on trenches or more sophisticated Lancets.

Machines are better at people in terms of combat power. They're compact, they don't fall asleep, they're tough, fast and easily replaced. The only advantage that people have is intelligence, the knowledge of how to traverse rugged terrain, climb over a fence, know that hearing explosions mean you should duck for cover... On an operational level, people are better at commanding armies too but only because they're more intelligent, not faster or capable of processing more information.

All these advantages in intelligence are diminishing. Palantir for instance is working on AI organizing tactics semi-autonomously, calling in drone strikes:

If we have mass unemployment from AI, then it's fairly easy to mechanize war industry as well. It isn't technically difficult to produce artillery shells, this is technology over a century old! If truck drivers are gone, then it can get a robotic howitzer to drive to the front, organize resupply trucks and drone surveillance craft for spotting. It's the same for SAMs. A war run by AI would be very quick, given how units could communicate so quickly. Artillery would be coming in 30 seconds or so, targets wouldn't have time to move before they get obliterated. Infantry can be replaced by small tanks or dog-like robots making up in numbers and coordination for what they might lack in the ability to dig trenches. Artillery/nerve gas > trenches anyway.

Air warfare favours machines even more than ground combat. Machines don't care about G-force, they don't need oxygen or parachutes. Aircraft can be slimmer and much cheaper. Even assuming technical parity, AI can pull off inhumanly precise bursts with its cannons.

Modern navies are also effectively made up of people who sit in front of computers, supervising guns and missiles that fire automatically. I'll grant that it's extremely hard to build decent ships quickly, they can't really be mass-produced. Human-controlled navies would dominate in numbers and tonnage for a long time. But maybe spamming anti-ship missiles until one gets through would be the dominant strategy.

The main weakness of automated war machines would be decapitation strikes against server infrastructure and communications. Ideally these would be underground and well-defended. But perhaps they'd be legacy infrastructure on the surface, something that might be easily nuked. Alternately, if an opposing force achieved superiority in space, they could prevent satellite communications and surveillance. This would be pretty hard though since machines dominate in space even more than in the skies.

I conclude that in worlds with mass unemployment from automation, we will be in the field of military solutions - not political ones. If the 1% can win a war with the 99%, why sacrifice their wealth and power?

Coming in late, but no.

Fully automated warfare is as of right now science fiction.

A human with a gun is worth WAY more than robo-dog with a gun; the best autonomous platforms in the world are less good than a rando with 3 days training, a shovel, and a WW1 relic bolt action.

The only place where this might change soon is in the sky, where there are less obvious advantages for meat.

And even in the air anything that a drone can do, that same drone managed by a human can do it better.

I am continuously confounded by the ability of humans to refuse to think one step ahead.

Do you think it's a knockdown argument to dismiss advances in drone technology as "science fiction" given the pace of progress?

Do you need the robot dog to piss on your lawn first before pointing a gun at your face before you worry about how they'll exceed human capabilities in astonishingly short time frames?

If you think Science Fiction isn't real, take a look around, you're already living in it.

As I actually have qualification and experience somewhere near the field: Hell yes.

None of the current glorified algorithms people are doomsaying about will ever manifest that doom vis. piloting a robot dog.

The real benefit they offer is as a force multiplier for a human with training and expertise, not as fully independent platforms.

And here is my strong claim: and they never will. The age of fully autonomous drone war will inevitably come about; It could be in 5 years or 500 years, but not under the current paradigm.

...what specifically about robot dogs that makes them such a dead-end?

The amount of energy, computation, and engineering you need to make a thing walk on the ground with legs as compared to conscripting a wagie simply makes no sense.

You can do it, but you could also do counterbattery fire by dropping big rocks from a galaxy.

Drone platforms become more viable as they get larger and get further from areas that are cluttered with bullshit, which is why drone aerial platforms were flying around the stratosphere in the 70's and currently are zooming around at sea level +30m; but self driving cars still can't make a reliable 45 deg. left.