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Friday Fun Thread for June 16, 2023

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Ahh I want this but I’m a cheap bitch. Also I’ve heard some people complain it’s too easy?

It's worth it.

How easy it is depends on your build too, and if you look up any tutorials. If you go into it completely blind with 0 Fromsoft experience and look up no help, I guarantee anyone would struggle with it.

Unless you're a veteran of souls games I would not call it easy. It's probably the hardest game I've played that's come out in the past 10 years (though I have never played a souls game before ER). Also there are ways to make it even harder, such as not using summons.

It's a bit of mixed bag. Some things are incredibly op to the point that they trivialise the game (even more so at release) but outside of that I wouldn't say it's too easy. If anything I feel it's is poorly balanced compared to earlier entries, since because they kind of expect you to have some of the OP things they have overtuned some encounters to reintroduce some challenge, which makes playing without the OP things unfun.

Elden Ring is apparently easy if you've played souls games before and hard if you're accustomed to the typical game released nowadays where you are gently handheld through cinematic spectacle you occassionally get to influence by pressing buttons and moving your thumbstick.

I haven't looked into that complaint in depth (attempting to avoid spoilers until I have a good enough setup to play it myself) but I would expect most people making it are long-time veterans of the rest of the Soulsborne games, which skews their perspective a bit. If you haven't played the other games to death, or if you aren't looking to have your balls busted, it probably wouldn't be an issue. Though, as mentioned, I'm trying to avoid spoilers so I could be wrong.