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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 19, 2023

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Not the least considering Poland could have been much better for it, along with all of Europe, if they had aligned themselves with Germany against communism

No, it would not go better for Poland given that Germans genuinely consider Poles as subhumans.

what National Socialists recognized as capitalism in the hands of the international jew.

that particular stupidity solved nothing, was mistaken and resulted in several millions of innocent people being murdered

You pro-slavery, pro-mass-murder and pro-Hitler (ok, that is redundant a bit) apologia is spectacularly stupid and evil.

No, it would not go better for Poland given that Germans genuinely consider Poles as subhumans.

Please stop telling lies. The Germans considered West-Poles to be aryans. Hitler said of slavs that they were docile so long they had food and drink.

that particular stupidity solved nothing, was mistaken and resulted in several millions of innocent people being murdered

Please engage with statements in context. This is a waste of time.

You pro-slavery, pro-mass-murder and pro-Hitler (ok, that is redundant a bit) apologia is spectacularly stupid and evil.

This isn't an argument and makes no sense since I have made no pro-slavery or pro-mass-murder statements.

The Germans considered West-Poles to be aryans. Hitler said of slavs that they were docile so long they had food and drink.

Are you now in full scale denial? Germans proceeded to murder people who were not docile.

Germans considered West-Poles to be aryans

Only some of them, and that was only subgroup anyway. And you were eligible if you cooperated with mass-murdering nazis.

They killed British and American soldiers too. You know, because there was a war.

Only some of them, and that was only subgroup anyway.

West-Poles, according to Nazi racial law, were aryans.

And you were eligible if you cooperated with mass-murdering nazis.

Seems like we have gone very far away from Germans considering all Poles subhumans very fast.

They killed British and American soldiers too. You know, because there was a war.

Are you claiming that killings in Poland were limited to soldiers? If no, how this is relevant?

Seems like we have gone very far away from Germans considering all Poles subhumans very fast.

There were few exceptions, which does not change things much.

No major participant in the war limited their killings to soldiers.

There were few exceptions, which does not change things much.

West-Poland was roughly half of the population. Considering how flexible the Germans were with their racial policies towards allies, like making the Japanese honorary Aryans, there's no reason to look at anti-slav rhetoric, most of which existing as war propaganda against the Soviets, as anything other than a placeholder for whatever would suit German necessity. Considering the idealism Hitler displayed towards Europe as a collection of nations, especially with regards to Britain, and to a further extent his respect towards Polish anti-communists like Pilsudski, there's no reason to assume any hardline ideological animus towards Poles from the Germans if Poland had aligned themselves with Germany rather than Britain, France and the US.

No major participant in the war limited their killings to soldiers.

There is major difference between some incidental deaths, or killings due to disregarding civilian casualties and deliberate murder of millions - and doing it as a goal, also when it hurt war effort.

The allies deliberately bombed civilian areas. Often times using targeted munitions like incendiary bombs on civilian infrastructure with a lot of wooden houses. Most notably in Dresden and Tokyo, though the strategy was widely employed. There was nothing incidental about it, there were no military targets. It was deliberate murder of mostly the elderly, women and children. Incinerated alive in fires that burned so hot and spread so fast that every nerve in those peoples bodies would be torturously burnt until it was physically impossible to feel more pain long before they could receive the grace of suffocating to death.

By the same token 3 million German civilians died in the post war years due to forced relocations, systematic starvation and all other manner of mistreatment. Even after that destabilized period the Soviets would use the forced starvation of German civilians as a tool to coerce the western powers to do their bidding. That's on top of every other inhumane act, like the mass rapes.

You impugned my morals previously. I'll return the favor and say I don't care one bit for moralizing from the likes of you. For what are now demonstrably valid reasons. Maybe if I only cared about jews I could understand your perspective. But even then, the Germans were working towards relocating jews out of Europe prior to the war. Which further validates my point that your premonitions and assumed knowledge of what would have happened if things went differently are simply not applicable.

Even after that destabilized period the Soviets would use the forced starvation of German civilians as a tool to coerce the western powers to do their bidding. That's on top of every other inhumane act, like the mass rapes.

I am not going to defend Soviets at all, and would happily complain about them all day long. I am well aware as fucked up they are, and would consider hammer and sickle in the same way as swastika and consider shocking its open use in many places, including use by some political parties in Western Europe.

The allies deliberately bombed civilian areas.

I know. Still, it was (generally poor) attempt to wage war by murdering civilians. Nazi Germany waged war to be able to mass murder people, including cases where they continued mass murder to detriment of war (usage of scarce resources like railway transportation capacity).

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