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Israel-Gaza Megathread #1

This is a megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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The same, of course, would have to happen to the Ultra Orthodox to save Israel, and perhaps no less harshly - children taken from families, religious dress banned, religious media heavily curtailed, forcible secularization and so on.

Why kill the hen that lays demographic eggs? As long as there are enough secular Jews, haredim are an interest-bearing account that shouldn't be touched if you don't really have to.

There are already tensions with them no? Self-inflicted poverty and disproportionate use of social benefits, not serving in the IDF, doing things to antagonize Christians and thus the West in general. If the opportunity to find a solution to the problem presents itself, some may take it. And in demographic terms, unless the OTD numbers get much higher, you're talking about a proportional increase in a net drain on resources for minimal economic growth and military capacity.

Because Israel is a democracy, and the switch from “they’re not a threat, we could convert them any time if we wanted to” to “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, now we live under a feckless theocracy that spurns modernity” can happen so quickly you don’t notice it until after it’s happened.

Perhaps these so-called democracy-enjoyers should think a little more about breeding if they are concerned about the country democratically turning into a theocracy. Why does it even matter to them anyway? Most of them will probably be dead by the time it becomes a theocracy, and if they are not, they can still probably enjoy the spoils of some other dying democracy.