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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 6, 2023

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This whole Israel-Palestine issue has made it even more clear than ever that politicians and many of the "elites" have literally no critical thinking skills or the ability to reason out one or two steps into the future. First there is the "Cease Fire People". It's understandable that people are upset seeing what is going on in Gaza with women and children, but what do they think a cease fire will accomplish? It is literally just kicking the can down the road again. Do they think Hamas will be more reasonable and someone people can negotiate with? If not, you are literally just allowing them to regroup and commit another terrorist attack that could destabilize the Middle East again in a few years. It's really that simple. If you want peace in the region, Hamas cannot be allowed to be in charge in Gaza. And if you asked the Egyptian government, they'd probably tell you the same thing since they just had their own issues wit the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then you have the people who think there will be peace if the Palestinians get their own state. Throwing out for a minute whether or not the Palestinians will attack Israel, the real question is how quickly they will start attacking each other an a civil war. We already know there was a Fatah–Hamas conflict recently, and why would they not fight each other again in a civil war that could very possibly be even worse than what's going on in Gaza? Looking at the neighboring countries, it's not exactly a place known for political stability.

I understand people seeing things on television that makes them sad and they just want it to stop. That's understandable. But has anyone in the State Department revolting against the Biden Administration for their stance on Israel given any reasonable plan for what comes next after a cease fire with Hamas? And I say this as someone who is not a Zionist or a huge fan of Israel.

Westerners just don't seem to be able to understand Muslim extremists. Hamas fighters are literally Islamists that can't be reasoned with. This should be obvious by now to everyone on planet earth after Al Qaeda and ISIS, but apparently some people still haven't learned this obvious fact. I don't know if it's because Westerners don't think that people could actually sincerely believe in their religion like that so they must be ACTUALLY motivated by something else (wrong, as their writings tell us), or their belief that inside everyone is a Westerner waiting to come out who supports gay marriage and diversity, a combination of this, or something else entirely. But if these people think that a cease fire with Hamas will lead to a long standing peace then they are delusional.

It seems to me that the Biden administration really really does not want to get into a full-scale war in the Middle East right now. Hence the relatively restrained US response to various recent attacks that Iran-allied groups have launched against US assets.

I personally support trying to avoid a US-Iran war but I don't know why the Biden administration is being so cautious. Humanitarian considerations? Holdover of Obama-era rapprochement diplomacy towards Iran? Not wanting to endanger the delicate web of US relationships with various Middle Eastern groups? Fear that it would distract so many US resources into the Middle East that Russia would defeat Ukraine? Worries about next year's election? Maybe some mix of all of these?

Anyway, not everyone who is calling for a cease-fire is doing so because they have some sort of inaccurate views about Hamas. The Biden administration's official reason for pushing for a cease-fire is in order to free hostages. There may be all kinds of reasons for America's restrained response that have nothing to do with people inaccurately understanding Hamas or Islamism or whatever.

Worries about next year's election?

100% of it is this.