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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 25, 2023

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Proposition 2

Texas should create a Border Protection Unit, and deploy additional state law enforcement and military forces, to seal the border, to use physical force to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin.

Maybe I'm crazy but isn't this obviously unconstitutional? Arizona v. United States was still binding precedent last I checked. States can't just seize the authority to do federal immigration policy for themselves. I think Proposition 3 is probably fine. Proposition 4 is probably fine as applied to colleges but I think is just a repeat of Plyler v. Doe (which was also Texas) as applied to K-12 schools. Proposition 5 also seems fine.

Proposition 7

The Texas Legislature should establish authority within the Texas State Comptroller’s office to administer access to gold and silver through the Texas Bullion Depository for use as legal tender.

I do not understand the obsession with using precious metals as currency. Why is it better for the value of your currency to be at the whims of a commodity market as compared to managed by a central bank? Are the value of these coins (presumably) going to be pegged to some USD price? Free floating exchange rate? Why would anyone use these as opposed to USD?

Proposition 13

Texas should ban the sale of Texas land to citizens, governments, and entities from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

Seems like this has obvious equal protection problems? My understanding is the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection applies to citizens and non-citizens alike, as long as they're in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction. Seems like classic national origin discrimination that would be an equal protection violation.

I do not understand the obsession with using precious metals as currency. Why is it better for the value of your currency to be at the whims of a commodity market as compared to managed by a central bank? Are the value of these coins (presumably) going to be pegged to some USD price? Free floating exchange rate? Why would anyone use these as opposed to USD?

Options are always nice. Central banks don't always do a great job managing their currencies and, while metallic standards aren't perfect, they're a workable alternative when your central bankers are having a live one.

I do not understand the obsession with using precious metals as currency. Why is it better for the value of your currency to be at the whims of a commodity market as compared to managed by a central bank?

Are you talking about state voluntary currencies specifically or about the gold standard in general?

I'll try to steelman a gold standard.

  1. Most currencies collapse. Governments (either elected or autocratic) tend to spend too much money which requires money printing. The dollar has declined by 98% vs gold since the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971. This is a success story. Within the last 100 years, most other currencies have succumbed to hyperinflation and collapse.

  2. The widely touted boom and bust cycles of the 19th century led to higher growth. Keynesian economics has mostly solved the business cycle post WWII. Recessions have been few, far between, and extremely mild. But the elimination of the business cycle has stalled capitalism's engine of creative destruction. Governments and unprofitable companies lock up a greater share of capital. They need to be rooted out by bankruptcy and replaced. Low interest rates and money printing allow the can to be kicked down the road forever, allowing inefficient uses of capital to persist. The bust cycles caused by hard money limits are a good thing. Growth was much higher before 1971.

  3. For hundreds of years in the Common Law system, the elected representatives of the people have controlled the purse strings. Unelected bureaucrats in the Federal Reserve printing money to buy trillions in mortgages or government debt is tyranny.

  4. A gold standard makes it difficult for the government to spend more money that it can collect. It also allows the government to go bankrupt which can prevent the cancerous growth of bureaucracy.

Let me know if you'd like my case AGAINST precious metals as currency!

  1. There's virtually no actual cost in having money depreciate slowly over time.
  2. This is a fully general argument in favor of greater economic volatility. If you believe that, you shouldn't just be arguing for a gold standard - you should be arguing for the government to artificially create recessions.
  3. If this is tyranny, sign me up for another!
  4. Plenty of governments had no issue borrowing enormous amounts during WWII, so I have a hard time viewing a gold standard as much of an impediment to that.

Inflation helps debtors and hurts savers and therefore you’d kind of suspect a country that money isn’t sound to become less interested in investing long term or perhaps more likely to invest in more volatile assets.

Also, you’d suspect bankers to become worth more as the Cantillion effects run rampant encouraging the financialization of the economy.

Maybe these things are good but seems like those could be side effects of depreciation

Inflation helps debtors and hurts savers

Unexpected inflation helps debtors and hurts savers. That's a pretty big difference, and I see no reason to expect the market to be biased in its inflation forecasting with either a gold standard or fiat currency.

you’d kind of suspect a country that money isn’t sound to become less interested in investing long term

Sure, price/inflation volatility is bad. The obvious next question is whether a gold standard makes inflation volatility smaller or larger. My money is on "larger" for the US, but I admit it's a hard question to answer.

perhaps more likely to invest in more volatile assets

I don't think so?

Per the Markowitz Model, if you are allocating your money between a risk free asset that returns R and a risky asset that returns Norm(µ, V), you should put this proportion in the risky asset to maximize expected utility:

(µ - r) / (2 * e * (1-t) * V)

where e is a risk aversion parameter and t is the capital gains tax rate. Inflation should push both µ and r up the same, so it shouldn't affect how much is invested in risky assets. If you add extra variance, U, to both the risky and riskless investments, the formula doesn't change, either, so I'm skeptical price volatility changes asset allocation either.

Also, you’d suspect bankers to become worth more as the Cantillion effects run rampant encouraging the financialization of the economy.

Again, I'm pretty sure the Cantillion effects are only worse if you believe the gold standard reduces CPI volatility. That has yet to be argued here, let alone proven.

Agreed with the broader point re gold standard. I’m making the more narrow point about whether depreciating dollar is good or bad.

As for volatility and pricing, sure academically. But I’m not sure people actual use models like that to invest — especially when it comes to highly uncertain returns. That is, venture capital is so uncertain trying to figure out expected return is a bit of a fools errand.

I’m making the more narrow point about whether depreciating dollar is good or bad

In that case, I think my points re savers-v-debtors and Cantillion effects still stand. More broadly, the main benefit of inflation imo is that it reduces the distortions created by sticky wages.

Re volatility, yeah - I agree it's only a model, but I'm going to consider it the best guess until someone gives me either (a) a more plausible model or (b) empirical evidence to the contrary.

That’s the benefit but I’m pointing out costs (or potential costs)