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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 25, 2023

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Trump wielded a lot of power since a lot of nonsense derived from the CDC. Trump could’ve fired Collins. He could have fired Fauci. He could’ve not side lined Atlas (if you read Atlas’s book, you’ll see that Trump seemed to agree with Atlas but lacked the courage to implement his messaging in full).

Trump didn't sideline Atlas, Trump brought in Atlas to attempt to moderate of the ridiculous loons in Birx, Fauci, and Collins; Atlas tried, he ran into the the decades-long constructed bureaucratic wall that was Fauci, Inc., in NIAID and associated agencies not to mention their ability and willingness to leak and scheme to media mouthpieces to lie and manipulate against him and any moderation of their approach (something Birx details in her own book), and realized he couldn't make a dent and he left to do other things.

while we're pointing out some context to avoid rewriting history, let's remember Donald Trump was being impeached in early 2020 and was being threatened with removal by Mitch McConnel if he "fired" or removed Fauci, a man who was almost universally revered in DC at the time who quickly became a cult-like figure in the media

so, Trump's strategy was to undermine or work-around fauci, collins, and birx because he couldn't do more due to opposition by his own party let alone the entirety of corporate media and his other political opposition

desantis wouldn't have fired fauci, collins, or birx; we know he wouldn't because he appointed Florida's own "Fauci" in Scott Rivkees and refused to fire him, despite his ridiculous guidance throughout 2020 which closely mirrored Fauci and didn't end until his contract expired in 2021

and even if fuaci, collins, and birx, were removed and scott atlas was the CDC spokesperson, the media wouldn't have magically got behind his guidance because he's the expert, they would viciously attacked and ridiculed him and ignored his guidance while having fauci, birx, and collins on tv nightly to give their sermons to fawning media personalities

no one was good on Covid, but Trump and Desantis were better than most with Trump being equal or better than Desantis on pretty much every single covid topic during 2020

Trump criticized Fauci before Desantis while Desantis was fawning over him in presser after presser. Desantis only broke with Fauci after Trump called for states to reopen and Desantis was one of the first governors (not the first) who locked their states down (multiple other governors never did) to issue a plan to reopen. Desantis didn't harshly criticize Fauci, something Trump was doing in March 2020, until 2021.

I liked Desantis despite reservations about my memory of him being a forgettable neocon/neolib dork Congressmen from Florida who idolized George H.W. Bush not to mention his military record of providing legal guidance for torturers at Gauntanamo. I grew to really like him throughout the Covid hysteria because post summer 2020, he was willing to be front in center and perform well in front of media about the various hysterics constantly being pushed. I was pretty disappointed when he decided to engage in this kamikaze campaign against Trump, but his doing so and the laughable train wreck which has been his campaign and campaign tactics have soured any positive appreciation I had for the guy. Despite some alleged vaunted "competency," he has outdone even Scott Walker in how to shred a promising political career in short-order. It's a shame. Was it always going to happen given his neocon/neolib dork tendencies being surrounded by bushie consultants? Perhaps, but in any case it shows very poorly on Desantis and his competency and decision-making.

I wish Desantis did the things him and his supporters have attempted to retcon into history, but he didn't.

There is a reason he was foremost in the summer of 2020. It is because Trump abandoned the perch.

Yes, you can point out rural states like South Dakota but I lived during covid. Florida was open early and faced heavy criticism for it. Georgia opened around a similar time (and hell I’d go to bay for Kemp as well) but Kemp didn’t go as hard in the paint to prevent local government from enacting certain policy (and you may recall Trump tried really hard to prevent Kemp from doing what he did).

Hell, I provided the receipts from Mulligran. Florida had schools open in person pretty much more than every other states (it is basically tied with Arkansas and Wyoming with a pretty big gap until Utah).

Also this whole “neoliberal” smear. Any guy that says “Coolidge” when favorite president isn’t your bog standard neo lib. Add to it his attacks on ESG and feud with Disney. He isn’t another GWB or Romney.

Finally, judging someone for a bad campaign is a poor way for how somehow would run the federal government. Instead I would say the way he handled covid in Florida (which despite your retcon was excellent) or the way he handled the hurricanes (which again were excellent). The guy is a great executive who is not a natural politician. I’d prefer the former to the latter.

He wasn't foremost in summer of 2020. Trump was always foremost throughout all of 2020. He wasn't even the foremost governor. Kemp was because he opened weeks ahead of Desantis, just not fully. Desantis only came out with reopening once Trump called for all states to reopen. Trump didn't "try really hard" to stop Kemp, he made some statements in response to questions from the media. That is nonsense. Trump criticized Kemp because Kemp was in front of Trump and Desantis. Desantis came to be the forefront governor because he engaged with the media and I was grateful for that.

I can point to more states than South Dakota. There were multiple governors who didn't lockdown at all (Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, and more). There were over five governors who never issued stay-at-home orders. There were multiple other governors who opened quicker and with fewer restrictions (Texas, Georgia, and others). There were governors who cracked down on localities attempting lockdowns quicker than Desantis, who put out an order in like October and didn't enforce it with Floridians still getting tickets and summonses afterwards.

Desantis was not good on Covid. He was better than most, but that's not saying much, and he wasn't the best. He wasn't better than Trump on any issue during 2020. And he was worse than at least five+ other governors.

In addition, my anecdotal experience in both Florida and Texas in ~May-June was Texas was more open with fewer mask weirdos irrelevant of whatever was on the books or in press conferences.

Your memory of Desantis during COVID or his PR campaign to retcon his record, much like many of his other PR stunts, are rewriting history about what he actually did during Covid. Early Desantis was mister tough guy sending staties to arrest teenagers on beaches he closed. Let's stop lying about it or mischaracterizing the landscape of the Covid hysteria in 2020.

Also this whole “neoliberal” smear.

then you should look at Desantis's record and statements when he was a Congressmen before he rebranded himself to run for Governor let alone he has repeated multiple times his politician idol is George H.W. Bush

I was in this stuff day in and day out. It isn’t PR. Maybe you’ve been buying into the Trump nonsense (like Cuomo being better).

where? I don't remotely recognize you and I was pretty involved, including in lobbying governments and in multiple lawsuits and your comments make me think you came late to this like in 2021

you've let post-2020 behavior affect your memory of the timeline and specific behaviors of Desantis during 2020, the relevant time period where Trump was in office

you're participating in the retcon which is why instead of talking about specific behaviors of Desantis and their timeline during 2020 which I've pointed out, you want to use poor proxies like "% in-person schools available" in 2020 and 2021

in most states, schools and school policies are mostly controlled very locally; state governments can and do intervene but rarely did in 2020 (at least to open them), including in Florida which is why it's a goofy proxy for the point you're trying to make but it's pretty typical for the goofy PR derps desantis hired who helped him shred his political career in record time

Okay bro. I’m sure Bleep filed a lot of law suits.

Here is a WaPo article from mid 2020.

And from the times

RDS used the power of the purse to keep schools open in mid 2020. So don’t give me your revisionist history nonsense.

so, you were nowhere to be found and engaged in your own retcon of what you did and when you did it

sorry bud, I don't believe you read those paywalled articles and I don't believe you read the order they're talking about, included waiver and subject to advice of local health boards, and it's clear you're not interested in genuine dialogue so I'll end here

Happy New Year

Get lost buddy.

Neither of you are behaving great here, but however annoying @Bleep's passive-aggressive "Happy New Year" might have been, you know if someone is pushing your buttons hard enough that you feel a need to respond like this, you should report the post if you have to, and then walk away.

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