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The Anarchonomicon REAL Banned Book List

Regime-banned books are in school libraries and on indigo bookshelves at eye level for children.

REAL banned books are often decades out of print, going for hundreds of dollars used on eBay, they've been disappeared by publishers and distributors in spite of interest and demand. Others have authors who've died or been imprisoned for their ideas, yet more have been removed from city or university-wide library systems so that their "Misinformation" and "Lies" do not poison impressionable scholars.

Yet more are suppressed algorithmically, not appearing on the author's wikipedia page and not appearing in Google search if you type the author and "book" or "memoirs"... but only appearing when you already know the full title of the work (try this yourself: Type in "Pinochet Memoirs", and then type in "Pinochet: A journey through a life")

Yet others are explicitly banned, some to the point where a mere PDF on your hard drive can result in a decade-long sentence... IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRIA.

This has been a massive project. over 200 titles on the full list and 10,000 words in my "Cursory" survey.

Let me take you on a journey into the heart of the forbidden

UPDATE: Also Checkout My Addendum to The Real Banned Book list on Holocaust Revisionist Liturature

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I'd be interested to see also a list of effectively banned videos related to these books. Extremist groups often create video's arguing their worldview and these video's often veered into the mixing together seemingly unrelated ideologies. It's a combination of fascinating and hilarious. Imagine, for example, seeing a video on Northern Irish Loyalist extremism and then suddenly the video starts explaining the necessity of a Land Value Tax. Incredible.

Or if in the midst of a Kahanist speech there was some side ramble against the Israeli government because of the importance of environmental regulations on water usage for sustained economic use.

If anyone else remembers, there was a time in early ISIS when they spooked the world by virtue of having a good media game instead of Al Qaeda style grainy shaky cam in the mountains. They produced a video explaining how after ISIS will fix the economy by brining back the Gold (Dinar) Standard in resistance the Federal Reserve. It is inadvertently hilarious/voyeuristically fascinating as they go back and forth between ancient history lessons, quotes from the Quran about weights & measures, and Free State Project tier screeds against the Federal Reserve. All in English.

You can still find it on Internet Archive (views: 150) but it's otherwise effectively scrubbed from the internet.

I can't help but find such absurdities to be interesting to collect.

I know @KulakRevolt gives a headnod to Holocaust Revisionist literature in his article without specifically including it. But given that Holocaust Denial was basically the first class of political content to be banned from YouTube, and the first class of book political content to be banned from Amazon books, I would be remiss if I did not specifically mention banned Revisionist materials that are responsive to your interest.

This is especially the case because the long-time publisher of the Revisionist written literature recently declared it was suspending operations and restructuring the business. This is on the heels of some extraordinary suppression efforts of Revisionist written material, including growing censorship laws in the Western world and very recent UN Declarations demanding member states actively combat this material.

So, one example of a banned video related to a banned book is a video on the Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth released by the same publisher of a banned book on the same study. Any reasonable person who is willing to spend a few hours can see that this is a clear case where the banned book provides a more truthful interpretation of history than what passed as official history of an alleged gas chamber extermination camp. This is only one such case of dozens of volumes from the same publisher, which are all more banned in the real sense of the word than anything else Kulak has on that list.

I found the tone of the "banned video" very off-putting. From the parody "20th Century HOAX" intro to the incessant claim that Zyklon B was exclusively used as a "LIFESAVING measure to keep the prisoners HEALTHY and FREE of typhus." My guess is that the intended audience is not a reasonable person seeking the truth, but those who already deny the holocaust and are searching for arguments.

In a narrow sense, the death-toll of 78,000 is more truthful than the 1946 Soviet estimate of 1.5 million, but the overall message of the video is extremely dishonest.

Because Zyklon B was a life-saving measure. Even the non-Revisionist Jean-Claude Pressac estimated that 97% of all Zyklon B at Auschwitz was used for delousing clothing to prevent the spread of epidemic typhus. Of course Revisionists contest the idea that 3% of that supply was used to murder millions of people inside gas chambers disguised as shower rooms, but the point is that even non-revisionists accept that the vast majority of the use of Zyklon B was for the purpose of disinfestation to prevent the spread of epidemic typhus. Zyklon B was used across the entire Reich at nearly all concentration camps, not just the 4 "extermination camps."

The Soviets investigators, Nuremberg reports submitted as evidence in trials, and Majdanek museum all identified the Bath and Disinfestation building as the center of gas chamber extermination, but after the Revisionist technical study they admit that the rooms in question were used to delouse clothing with Zyklon B, not gas prisoners, indeed as a lifesaving measure.