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Culture War Roundup for the week of January 15, 2024

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Liberalism made an alliance with Communism to make that happen. Something which both liberals and communists like to gloss over.

Liberalism made an alliance with Communism to make that happen.

Remind me, Who were the Nazis allied with when they invaded Poland again?

The communists needed the liberals much more than the other way around. If the western allies had refused to help the Soviets at all and the Germans beat them, Berlin and Hamburg and Frankfurt are still piles of radioactive ash come September 1945.

If the Western Allies had refused to ally with the Soviet Union, there would have been no war between Germany and Western Europe. Instead, Europe was destroyed and Great Britain lost its empire. Liberalism's greatest victory entailed the destruction of Europe, the collapse of the British Empire, and the Communist conquest of half of Europe. All to "save Poland" by the way.

You are aware that war broke out between Britain and Germany before the USSR’s formal alliance with Germany was broken?

"War broke out", you mean Great Britain declared war on Germany right?

The second in command of Germany, Rudolf Hess, actually boarded a plane, flew to Great Britain, strapped on a parachute for the first time in his life and bailed out of the plane to try to go around Churchill and make contact with Britain's peace factions:

... Hess was tasked to "use all means at his disposal to achieve, if not a German military alliance with England against Russia, at least the neutralization of England."

So how does war between Britain and Germany "break out" if Britain and France don't declare war on Germany, or if they make peace with Germany and remain neutral during the Soviet war?

So how does war between Britain and Germany "break out".

By Germany allying with the Soviets to invade a country (Poland) that both the French and British had security agreements with after they were already on thin-ice for continuing their territorial expansion post Munich, rebuking the Anglo German Naval Agreement, and harassing neutral shipping in the North Sea wich the British regarded as their back yard.

The Nazis diplomatic position in August of 1939 was essentially that of a belligerent drunk at the bar who keeps getting in people's faces and asking "Oh Yah? Watch'ou gonna do about bro?" right until someone does something about it.

Britain and France declared war on Germany because they had previously declared the territorial integrity of Poland a red line, yes. This was due to longstanding foreign policy concerns on the parts of Britain and France; anti-Nazi sentiment and liberalism had little to do with it.

anti-Nazi sentiment and liberalism had little to do with it.

It had at least a little bit to do with it, but that was arguably more a product of "Pax Britannica" and the older Brit's conception of themselves as the stewards/vanguard of Western Civilization than anything specific to liberalism. "What Price Churchill?" Indeed.

If the Western Allies had refused to ally with the Soviet Union, there would have been no war between Germany and Western Europe.

I get that this is difficult for you as a Liberal who has named himself after the SS to comprehend but history says otherwise

I'm really curious as to how you think this happens. All evidence points to the fact that Hitler regarded the Anglos as natural racial allies. There were no plans at all for war against Western Europe. Hitler was genuinely surprised that Great Britain and France declared war over Poland.

So please explain to me why history suggests a war between Germany and Western Europe if Western Europe had remained neutral in the Polish and Soviet war (or joined the Soviet war on the German side as Hitler had hoped)?

It's important to remembrer that Hitler was a mid-wit socialist who's brain had been rotted away by identity politics.

That he saw the Anglos as "natural racial allies" and was surprised when they did not remain neutral shows just how poorly he understood Anglo culture and interests.

As @hydroacetylene observes, the Nazis and the Communists were still allies when Britian and France declared war.

The Anglos paid dearly and lost their empire. They slaughtered their continental brethren and destroyed Old Europe. It's a perverted inversion of reality that this war is seen through the lens it is today, as a grand triumph.

They didn't lose their empire so much as hand it off (along with their Navy's role as the world's police force) to the eldest son. Pax Britannica becoming Pax Americana.

Like I said, that anyone in the Nazi regime thought the British might remain neutral is a testament to just how poorly they had read the room. If anything, the Nazis had been going out of their way to provoke a British response.

If the Western Allies had refused to ally with the Soviet Union, there would have been no war between Germany and Western Europe.

I cannot fathom what you mean by this. Like I cannot tell if you are being deliberately dishonest or if you have a perplexing, gigantic gap of knowledge. Who was the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed by? Who made a deal split Poland, and all Eastern Europe? Who was allied right up until the point tanks began crossing the border on June 22 1941? Because it sure as shit wasn't the western allies and the Soviets.

Hitler genuinely lobbied for the Western Allies to join him in his war against the Soviet Union, or at least to remain neutral. If they had remained neutral then Germany would not have gone to war against Western Europe.

Germany and Britain were already at war when Germany attacked the USSR. Like there’s delusional and then there’s that idea.

Not even to regain Alsace Lorraine?