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Culture War Roundup for the week of January 22, 2024

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You need to remember that most of the posters here are not Republicans, they're Gilfoyle-style Silicon Valley satanists. They like Trump for accelerationist reasons and because they find him entertaining, but if there were a serious threat of a Republican president actually enacting a socially conservative agenda most of them would swing so hard into the Democrats' camp that they'd make you look like the second coming of Ronald Reagan in comparison.

Describing the negative attributes of "most" posters here is fraught, given that it's a one-way ticket to an argument about the thread meta, with attendant accusations of consensus-building. If you have a disagreement with specific posters, why not take it up with those posters? If you don't want to take it up with them directly, why not just go with "some"? Do you think "most" people here are going to look at this description and think "yeah, that's an accurate description of me, fair play"? If not, what sort of response are you expecting? The point you're making can be entirely legitimate, but the way you're making it seems like you're looking to start a fight.

You've been wracking up a lot of reports lately, and while most of them haven't been slam-dunk objections, a lot of your comments have been pretty marginal. "low effort" and "antagonistic" are a spectrum, and there has to be a line somewhere, but you've seemed inclined to ride the line lately. Your recent record is a string of warnings and temp-bans, and while you did make an effort-post recently reported for AAQC, the slack that buys is not infinite. The ban is going to be three days this time, and it will escalate if you continue making a habit of low-effort potshots. Please find a better way to channel your insights when you return.

From the outside, that was maybe more true under this place's prior home, but I think there are far more just out and out right-wingers or more accurately, people who have become more right-wing over time. Sure, there are some Grey Tribe or whatever people still here, but many of the comments here, policy-wise, when American politics come up, are just a more erudite version of the comments under any National Review or Federalist article.

Color me skeptical.

I believe that our more vocal wignats would all flip on a dime if a real threat to the gay agenda or the H1B visa regime were to present itself because as much as they might hate black people and the establishment, I imagine that they would hate their own ox getting gored even more.

In what possible way are H-1B visas a wignat's ox? In your fervor to put 'everyone who isn't a conservative who won't do anything but retreat until they can retreat no more and then wait for the eschaton' into the same box, you've come up with a lot of ideas that don't make any sense at all.

Ha ha no. I consider the obligatory parts of the Republican conservative agenda somewhat like the obligatory parts of the Islamic conservative agenda, only much less so. Instead of growing a beard, giving up alcohol, and mouthing some prayers 5 times a day, I just have to go to church once a week, beard optional. Oh, and abstain from drugs (wait, I already do that), infidelity (ditto), abortion (not equipped), stealing and murdering (again, already accomplished), etc. I suppose I'd have to cut down some on swearing, at least in polite company, but I'm rarely in such company anyway. I am, or perhaps was, a libertarian, but I'm not a libertine and most of the restrictions Republicans would impose would sit rather lightly, unless they went full Amish or police-state or something.

You say that but per your own words it is also "better to hold your nose and vote democrat than be mistaken for a faux news watching drumpf supporter".

Like I've said the last 3 times we've had this conversation, Kolmogorov Complicity is just Complicity.

You say that but per your own words it is also "better to hold your nose and vote democrat than be mistaken for a faux news watching drumpf supporter".

I said that (though I can't find it now) but I wasn't speaking about myself.

Like I've said the last 3 times we've had this conversation, Kolmogorov Complicity is just Complicity.

And I still haven't disagreed with you about that.

I can’t speak for the Silicon Valley comparison, but you are wrong on the second part. I’d prefer nearly anyone over Dems or neocons, and actual social conservatives of non-Islamic flavor are nowhere near the bottom of these preferences.

Eh, while most posters here aren't exactly fundamentalist Christians, they mostly know they'd adapt well enough to spending an hour or two a week in church.