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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 4, 2024

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Yes. As a practical matter we can't just accept "self executing". That means a state attorney general could strike Trump or Biden from the ballot, announce that they gave aid or comfort to our enemies and say the 14th Ammendment self executes their removal.

There'd be spiteful retaliation with red and purple-red states kicking Biden off of ballots. Not to be too dramatic, but this 9-0 ruling was to hold the Repulic together and avoid the obviously disastrous alternative.

The thing about this argument that gets me is... states absolutely can do this without going through the charade of invoking the 14th amendment. Elections are not constitutionally required, a state could choose to give it's electoral votes to whoever the Governor chooses, or whatever other method they want.

It seems weird to me that a state has the power to block their electors from going to a candidate because they don't like his face, but not because he's an insurrectionist.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Emphasis mine.

State LEGISLATURES can choose to give their electoral votes to whoever the Governor chooses. That does not mean that state COURTS get to strike candidates from the ballot for arbitrary reasons.

States have the power to decide how their electors are allocated, but they don't have the powee to determine who is elligible for federal office. It's not that haphazard. It hardly ranks among other contradictions caused by court rulings on the Constitution, or even on just the 14th amendment.

Besides, the idea that the states are independent sovereigns convening their federal government by an electoral college is by now a polite fiction, especially as the 14th amendment has made the states subordinate to that federal government.

especially as the 14th amendment has made the states subordinate to that federal government.

The 14th has made the states subordinate to the Bill of Rights, but I wouldn't say that's the biggest step in state subordination. It was several decades earlier when the Supremacy Clause made states subordinate to the federal government in matters covered by the Constitution's short allowlist, and it wasn't until several decades later that cases like Wickard v. Filburn expanded federal powers from "short allowlist" to "do anything you feel like".

I would argue that the Supremacy Clause made state laws subordinate, but it didn't make the state governments themselves subordinate. At some level they were still treated at sovereign entities, bound together as a Constitutional Union. The laws of the Union necessarily superceded the laws of its member states, but the Union was created by those member states. After the Civil War the federal government really became an entity unto itself, with legitimacy explicitly beyond and above that of the states (deriving ultimately from "the people"). The 14th then re-codified this understanding (through, among other principles, incorporation) such that the state governments effectively exist in forms dictated by the federal government.

I think it's a minor irony of the Civil War: The North declared that the Southern States could not secede from the Union, and then, immediately after the war, amended the constitution such that secession becomes conceptually impossible. I suppose my argument here is non-obvious and not widespread, but I would suggest: the 14th amendment, by altering the relationship of the federal government to the states, contains an implicit recognition that the states had hitherto not been bound by the Constitution, and thus probably had the right to secede.

Well I am taking it farther as self-executing seems bonkers to me but the Amendment feels as though that’s how it’s written.

I don’t even think it would be limited to States Attorney Generals getting the power to decide the matter. If it’s self-executing the Mayor of Houston or even a poll worker could just throw out a politician they don’t likes ballot.

I think you're misunderstanding the terms here. Self-executing, in this context, means merely that congressional action isn't required. For example, the 16th Amendment gives the Federal government the power to levy an income tax, but requires a tax code to actually implement it. By contrast, the amendment limiting the president to two terms isn't reliant on a congressional determination. No one is arguing that the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause requires Congress to delineate what equal protection specifically means to be valid. There's certainly civil rights legislation, but none of it is enabling legislation for rights already held. Since this is a 14th Amendment case, it's illogical to assume that a congressional determination would be needed for disqualification. The concurrence doesn't argue for a specific mechanism (as that would directly undercut their criticism of the majority), but one could presumably rely on a judicial determination.