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Feral Aryan Femininity: Blonde Women as Bioweapons

10,000 word long-take I wrote on the history of female warriors, North European human Sacrifice rituals, Girardian mimetic selection, and the incompatibility of the west's current conceptions of Freedom and women's liberation.

What occured in the forests of Germany and on the Eurasian steppe for 1000s of years was one of the most extreme experiments in selective breeding and selective killing practised anywhere on earth. The Aztec and Maya were the only ones with a ritual breeding/killing program so extreme

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I'll echo 2rafa and say that this post, while interesting, seems to contain a lot of "big if true" assertions. Many of these cultures eventually gave way to one empire or another, and for reasons likely unrelated to women selecting and being selected against beauty and femininity. Burn your boats, slay your babes, say "not a step back" all you want, if you can't win a fight, then you can't win a fight. Nowadays, warfare is much more complex than "get a bunch of guys to march and kick ass," and is so mechanized that women can probably still participate in some combat function, even if they can't quite be PBI like the men.

I am, however, not equipped with the knowledge to challenge your historical analysis, but I know enough pop culture to interject on a few things:

1: Re: nuns, I'm not aware of nuns being given spiritual aspects outside of literally like 2 or 3 horror movies. The demon nun trope does exist, but I think that's kind of about it. If anything, Catholic nuns are probably the most disapproving of any notion of assigning supernatural powers to them. I guess some Japanese media has nun-looking warrior women and spellcasters?

2: On the subject of Kyrgyz bride capture, I have to wonder if the horseback girl-chasing was what inspired Red Sonja, given her whole shtick of not being allowed to lay with a man unless he defeated her in a fight.

3: Speaking of women who fight in media, I'm somewhat surprised at the lack of mention of anime; plenty of Japanese media have women characters fighting directly and holding their own against big, beefy men. Outside of martial-arts-inflected shonen or fantasy-based isekai, you have sci-fi mecha shows where women can drive a robot just as well as a man (unless you're in a Tomino show; then it's more 50-50 as to how good you are).

4: If the VTuber Ironmouse has taught me anything, I would say that laughing at the 4'10" Latina D.I. would probably end badly--that's a can of Latina temper you do not want to open. Would she be able to choke you out, Gunney Hartman-style? Maybe not. Would she reduce you to tears with her mouth? Quite possibly.

5: I am very unfamiliar with the conception of the E-girl as the adventure travel influencer; the latter definition you give is by far the dominant image. If anything, e-girls are stereotyped as not going outside and living in some measure of filth.

See the real account of a great granddaughter of the great Khan