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I thought you were going to advocate for UBI instead of school spending so that poor people get a better life instead of highly funded education etc that does nothing for them.

I find your talk about genetic engineering for intelligence to be basically a form of genocide. Genetic engineering like this wouldn’t be much different than sterilizing them and giving them a smarter baby. Their child I assume would still look like them but their child’s mind would be completely different than themselves. Granted survival of the fittest is basically natures way of genociding the less fit.

In a lot of ways I feel like being mentally different from ones children would far less be like them than if they were physically different. If you changed my child’s dna so they were physically Lebron James but everything that goes into the mind was me then I think I would connect with them more than if they looked like me but were mentally different. They would have some different experiences. Like I had 2 years where I was bullied heavily and I am going to guess that wouldn’t happen to them. Or getting cut from the basketball team.

I find your talk about genetic engineering for intelligence to be basically a form of genocide.

By that definition evolution by natural selection is genocide. Anything that caused differential reproduction of genotypes could be considered genocide even.

It probably is. The difference here is it would be people deciding to do it to themselves. It’s the Gattaca endgame

A world without natural selection would lead to an accumulation of deleterious variants that would quickly lead to the extinction of any species. If I was given a choice between health or sickness, intelligence or ignorance, and life or death, I'd choose life every time.

You're not being very clear. Would you prefer to be sick, ignorant yet alive rather than die for the sake of the "health of the species"?

The question is over what kinds of people we are going to make in the future, not over who to cull now. I don't think all beings have an equal right to life.