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Culture War Roundup for the week of April 29, 2024

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Joe Biden is not going to send the troops in to escort male athletes into the high school girl's locker room in an election year.

Are you sure about this? A huge portion of the dem activist base would cream their pants at the thought of doing this, and the white house is run by that base.
The fact that this administration already pulled out a title IX rewrite that enforces an extremist doctrine no liberal would have endorsed until a few months ago should be a sign that they are not motivated by what wins votes.

The transsexual issue is the ultimate expression of pure power dragging the party by the hair behind it, down to the fleshing table in the basement.

they are not motivated by what wins votes.

Well, why should they be? Per the past post of mine that @magic9mushroom linked, have you considered that maybe the reason they appear to care so little about elections is because they know elections don't matter? That they'll remain in power no matter how the masses vote?

I mean, I don't see how anyone, having seen both the Trump and Biden presidencies, can believe POTUS is anything more than a figurehead position, as much in charge of the Executive branch of DC as King Charles III is in charge of the UK. Nor how they can have lived through government "shutdowns" where nothing that mattered actually shut down and trillions of dollars continued to be (unconstitutionally) spent, and still think that the House of Representative's "power of the purse" still exists.

The reason the administration enforces extremist doctrines "no liberal would have endorsed until a few months ago" is because they know they won't suffer any meaningful consequences, because they have all the power, and there's nothing and nobody that can stop them.

I’ll take that bet.

Also, this revision has (apparently) been in the works for more than a few months. This mess has been brewing since Bostock at least.

I would... not be so sure the administration can avoid it if Biden wanted. See the Kincaid v. Williams denial of cert (starts at page 39) from last year as an example of what's going to start coming down the pike in earnest: a very broad law with expansive reads of standing, on a matter extremely sympathetic to progressive-leaning and left-leaning judges, and where individual private actors can bring a private right of action with staggeringly high penalties, and a ton of opportunity to forum shop.

Philosophically, there's a fun question about the difference between sending in the troops and charging 150k for each violation, but there's a point where the practical difference gets pretty small, and it happens pretty quick when the target's main assets will also be the tools necessary to not comply.

If Biden wants to ensure he loses in 2024 trying to have a Little Rock movement, he can shoot his shot.

The transsexual issue is the ultimate expression of pure power dragging the party by the hair behind it, down to the fleshing table in the basement.

Paging @Capital_Room; I know you have an alternate explanation for this sort of behaviour, and SteveKirkland wasn't around back then (plus the situation has evolved somewhat), so I figure I might learn something from a discussion between you two.