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It bears mentioning that the French people are currently on their 5th attempt at creating a healthily running republic.

Here's the official release by the NPA which they are being investigated over. It includes the following phrase:

Le NPA ne se joint pas à la litanie des appels à la prétendue “désescalade”. En effet, la guerre contre les PalestinienNEs dure depuis 75 ans, et la gauche devrait se rappeler de la nécessaire solidarité avec les luttes de résistances contre l'oppression et l’occupation. Le NPA rappelle son soutien aux PalestinienNEs et aux moyens de luttes qu’ils et elles ont choisi pour résister.

I think it's pretty straightforward. They are literally supporting "palestinians and the means of struggle they chose to resist" and end with "Intifada!".

I wouldn't expect any less from revolutionary trotskyists, and I think they should be allowed to say that, but as the law stands in France right now, that opinion is illegal.

Now it merits to be said that this party, despite a long history on the left, is extremely marginal.

A lot more important is the position of LFI, the now most influential left wing pary, and while it isn't anywhere near as inflamatory, they are still aligned to a specific side. Mathilde Panot got raked over the coals for refusing to call Hamas a terrorist organization and Mélenchon himself is constantly denouncing Israel and its appartheid state whilst being a lot more evasive about any questions involving Palestinians.

Anyway. The center left has fought LFI on the Gaza question and I interpret Glücksmann's success as a rejection of "antisemitism" from center left voters given the testimonies of the many such people I know. Though to be fair, I don't have hard numbers to back this interpretation.

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  1. The Germans were so uniquely evil trope is used to justify all sorts of Soviet and Anglo-American imperialism. The Germans weren't uniquely evil or brutal.

  2. The Germans wanting to exterminate everyone who isn't German trope simply isn't true either. Germans wanted to restore Germany and have a more isolationist policy than most other countries at the time.

This guy gained so much street cred by telling his party to pound sand until he had a judge tell his party that they couldn't do squat. Not knowing anything else about the guy I'd say he's well placed for a very senior leadership role if the right alliance wins (up to supplanting the 28yo from RN).

Is there any merit?

None whatsoever. They are lying or obfuscating things as usual. Third Reich was busy murdering, colonizing and fucking things up. And if they claim that it affected only Jews, then they are lying liars. (see also other section)

(and yes, higher quality materials exist)

whether he lives in his native country

Has he missed that Germany invaded together with Russia and split Poland between them?

Or maybe the claim here is that "in native country" is not applying and therefore murdering them is fine.

To be more specific: if someone was eager collaborator then they could get "Volksdeutsche" classification. See'Volksdeutsche'_in_German-occupied_western_Poland

What quite obviously proves that others were, in fact, considered as worse. (and given that it was Nazi Germany: worse were supposed to be exterminated or at least enslaved)

How that changes anything in terms of "has Germany was anti-slav during nazi times?"