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A genuine question I have for the people who don't like immigrants here: In your ideal world what would you have the immigrants who come to the west do when they get here?

I've heard people complain about immigrants drawing welfare when they don't work; I've noted all the complaints about immigrants driving down pay and making the job market more competitive when they work normal people jobs and I've sure as hell seen all the attacks launched upon them when they come and take over the very top of society to rule the natives beneath them.

So my question very simply is: given that immigrants aren't going to stop coming any time soon, what should they be doing that will make them acceptable in your eyes?

Buying mansions in the DFW suburbs is now considered ethnic cleansing? Also, there are tons of white people walking around Manhattan. The whites seemed to have rebounded well from the genocide.

Honestly I was just fired up about the phrase “ethnic cleansing”. Felt like such an insane phrase to use for people moving to the suburbs.

"What it would look like" in Europe would probably be the forced population swaps

These aren't going to happen and if they were going to happen it's far more likely it would be whites getting booted off to Madagascar or someplace instead of non-whites being the ones kicked out.

In addition, I happen to be a pretty strong proponent of genetic engineering anyway.

I too very strongly support genetic engineering. However I expect that even if we did this the low grade whites left wouldn't be partcularly happy about the enhanced negro who is now better than them and starts taking his new rightful place in society. I expect they will still complain just as much about that state of affairs as they do about the current one (much like how they complain today about black Nigerian Elites).

And even if you raised these whites to the same level as the upgraded blacks the complaining still wouldn't stop. What were litanies against people sucking on the welfare teat will become jeremiads against the minorities driving wages down.

Sorry, your comment is not right enough. Automatic downvotes! Only running down protesters is approved behavior.

Not having your demented mother-in-law around the house: Priceless

A simple question then: Why would you marry your wife then if you can't stand your mother in law? Sounds like the western courtship and mate selection process has some issues if mother in law problems are so common. Remember when you marry someone you're not just choosing your spouse but rather you're choosing your inlaws too. We also have lots of mother in law issues in our cultures to the point that the wife/mother in law tussle is one of the staples soap writers use for their dramas, but it's never seen as OK to throw out your elders and generally eventually people find a compromise all the parties are happy with.

Plus your children will get 25% of their DNA from your mother in law, which means they'll probably be somewhat like her. Choosing a mother in law you dislike is indirectly choosing your children to be more predisposed towards traits you dislike compared to a mother in law you like.

Also you do realise that some day you will be the parent in law getting booted out of the family home to be "cared for" by strangers, yes?

All this reminds me of the opining lines to Gertrude Stein's "The Making of Americans":

Once an angry man dragged his father along the ground through his own orchard. “Stop!” cried the groaning old man at last, “Stop!” I did not drag my father beyond this tree.”

How was it unpunished? If you mean not every criminal was caught by the police, sure, but there were thousands of arrests made and prison sentences handed down.

I mean you do have the extreme folks burning themselves alive still...or have we already forgotten that airforce guy? I agree that a lot of the protests are performative, or not relevant to the culture that the protesters occupy. I disagree that it is an illegitimated form of expression. It has been here from the start and even if it is a poor copy at least they are out there doing it. More than I can say for most of us.

Tiered citizenship would be my preference

Agreed. It would be nice if the dude I saw throwing trash out of his car this morning were a second-tier citizen to the Colombian guy who runs a dealership in my town.

Do we need the physicians to know the Latin for every small part of the body?

the left has devalued American citizenship

What does that even mean (aside from the obvious white supremacist angle)? Citizenship is not a scarce resource.

I mean a Venezuelan gang member who's here illegally is every bit as American as you, who was born in Western Michigan, so yes, I'm quite aware of that.

What does this mean?

Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, all of that must go.

Opposing birthright citizenship is contrary to the ancient traditions of our people and thus unAmerican. But then, Erik Prince is a Dutch fifth columnist and not to be trusted.

With 2 comments you say this?

Sure, it definitely seems like there's been an increase in failure rates, but why are the charts inconsistent about failure rates in the same year? It also seems weird to blame black doctors specifically. According to the chart on racial admission data in the article black enrollment over the 2019-2022 time period (the article doesn't have 2023 or 2024) was essentially flat (2212% to 2413%). Unless there is some huge un-shown spike in black enrollment in the last two years it seems hard to see how having a more-black student body is responsible for the increase in failure rates.


After reading the article a bit more closely I realized I was interpreting the demographic change chart incorrectly in the context of the tests. Medical school takes four years and the shelf exam test scores in the charts are coming in the third of that four years. So the 22-23 class that has the horrible scores is actually the 2021 demographics and the 23-24 class with the improved scores is the 2022 demographics. We don't have test scores for the last two bars on the demographic chart because they haven't taken the tests in question yet. So the improved 23-24 test scores were achieved with a demographic makeup that is less Asian and more black than the worse 22-23 test scores.

ETA 2:

As Joyful points out below they removed a year of coursework, so this is happening in their second year, so the 2022 demographics are the 2023-2024 test year.

ETA 3:

Confusing numbers for percentages. Updated.

Americans are the descendants of the 13 colonies.

Hilariously, this standard would exclude Mr. Prince himself (descendant of Dutch immigrants).

Could there be a bigger "consensus building" attack than this? Jesus dude, they should ban you just for this. The mods are not even corruptible, I tried about a month ago when I was stuck at home with a knee injury.

Some certainly imagine that they want to.

Personally if I was told a family was ethnicity cleansed I wouldn’t assume they moved to a nicer area of town, but to each his own.

Zero value huh?

You just pick people you take a dislike to and twist the rules to go after them. You're the worst mod on the site, and the downvotes on every one of your mod actions proves I'm not the only one who thinks so.

If you think "How dare you" is an accurate summary of why you got banned, nothing is going to disabuse you of this. Nor am I going to be disabused of the conclusion that you provide zero value here when all you post is rage and then want to come back over and over to continue bitching about being banned for it. You're lucky your "Fuck you" didn't get you a longer ban. Read the rules (including the part about accepting temp bans with some grace and maturity) and comport yourself accordingly if you want to keep participating here

Very few people think that way. John Adams was exceptional. Also, I doubt you are defending people that are fighting for the "enemy" here. Do your sympathies actually lie with the protesters blocking the road and are you defending the driver out of a principled stance for representation and fair play?

As far as I can tell, the primary beneficiaries of "disproportionate impact" policies and hiring of "marginalized people" are black people. The people advocating and voting for these policies are white people.

How and when did this come about? Well, affirmative action dates back to the sixties, and was well underway in the nineties. As for where all these black people came from, if I remember your family history correctly, I am afraid you will have to blame your ancestors.

Maybe a normal dating life in college involving nothing even close to any of that.

It was great propaganda! The troops and all of England lost in the court of public opinion and the propaganda helped inspire the revolution. The protesters of today are also, often if not almost always, legally in the wrong, but they are hoping for the same result.

How about stopping welfare full stop? It fixes so many things...