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The beef lobby claim

7% of total corn produced in the U.S. is fed to feedlot cattle

Corn acreage used to feed feedlot cattle is 0.2% of total U.S. land area, 1.4% of total U.S. cropland acres, and 7% of total U.S. harvested corn acres.

The problem is the 7% of corn acres?

Does the bacteria in the cow that releases methane, release more methane than would be released by the natural decomposition of the forage material?

'years of education' .. is also one of the things most strongly associated with infertility, no ?

It isn’t merely which degrees but which schools, how to get into schools, etc etc.

If Fuentes was smart, he would say he opposes the secular Jew but loves the Orthodox Jew. It renders the claim of anti semitism hollow while allowing him to say he appreciates the ethnic enclaves created by the ultra orthodox and wants something like that for white people.

With that said, for the first time in a long time Jewish support is up for grabs. The republicans would be silly to not dismiss Fuentes quickly. The one thing they should say though is “welcome to be hated — just like whites have been for awhile.”

One thing that is interesting (at least to me) is whether even if the diagnostic tests were useful once upon a time do you run into an observer effect rendering the diagnostic useless?

Really? Sure, there's lots of male respect for the cute twenty/thirtysomething new mom with a baby or two on her hip. Let's even be charitable and assume this does show genuine value for the Life-Nurturing Feminine, not just that hot moms are hot. But whatever that value is, it localizes pretty strictly around the 5-10 years of baby-toddler momhood. In mass culture, middle-aged moms of tweens and teens are bad cops and out-of-touch laughingstocks, older moms of grown-up kids are the ones who get vented about in therapy, accused of narcissism/busybodyness and subjected to aggressive "boundary-setting" if they're even tolerated in the kids' lives at all. Is it a wise choice for a woman to opt into an identity with a mandatory retirement policy that's at most decade out? What's she supposed to envision doing for the rest of the time?

They are certainly powerful enough to get America to send billions in aid to a country that seems far more brutal in their war than Russia, as part of the same package that is meant to punish Russia for being brutal.

Edit: just remembered that American evangelicals have weird beliefs about Israel + geopolitical concerns. That might be a better explanation for the blatant hypocrisy of supporting Israel's actions in Gaza than Jewish power.

There are startups working on synthetic milk. Seems like it would be easier to make than synthetic meat. At least nobody should complain about texture.

If that were true, we would expect traditional societies to be more willing to allow women to suffer and die in place of men, because they have less value.

Except we don't. Every human society treats men as disposable relative to women.

However human psychology shakes out in any particular society, I think 'high status vs low status' is simply an inappropriate measure to use when comparing the stations of men and women. Men and women are not competing ethnic or religious groups, where power and status differentials can be clear, deliberate and explicit. The relationship is more complicated than that.

Nick Fuentes is back on Twitter/X after a personal intervention from Elon Musk, and Musk says he'll remain there "if he does not violate the law". The Hateful Conduct policy is the closest thing I've found to a list of prohibited types of speech, but several of the examples provided would not prohibited under the First Amendment, so it remains unclear exactly what can get a person banned. For instance, this seems like it falls within the scope of the Hateful Conduct policy, but Fuentes is not going to be criminally prosecuted for it.

In any event, I anticipate that Fuentes is going to be a lot smarter when it comes to what he says. He and the rest of the far right have noticed a perceptible vibe shift among the right and this is not an opportunity to be wasted. While I have serious doubts that most of their talking points will enter the mainstream, it's undeniable that some of their ideas, mostly the antisemitism, have gained traction in the Musk era. What's more, Fuentes and other dissident right personalities have shown a willingness to team up with unexpected allies (maybe not completely unexpected if one knows the history of black nationalism) if it it means "redpilling" the masses on the Jews. The internet was treated to some really weird crossovers in the aftermath. The recent spat between Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro is another example, and it's no coincidence that Tate was one of the first people that Fuentes interacted with after his unban.

For their part, the media is eager to continue profiling Fuentes. At the time I'm writing this, there are stories in Forbes, Axios, Business Insider and a bunch of other outlets about his return to Twitter. Owing to a combination of luck and his own unique brand of showmanship, Fuentes has transformed himself into probably the most prominent genuinely far right figure in America. What will be most interesting (and frightening) to see is just how much people like Fuentes can continue breaking into the mainstream.

Arrival is worth watching. Don't look anything up about it before watching, assuming that's one you haven't seen.

That 12% gap seems pretty large to me (presumably it's mostly driven by motherhood). But OP was talking about working in a particular field, not employment more generally. We should expect college graduates (who are smarter than average) to mostly be gainfully employed. That's different from studying Psychology and actually getting a job as a therapist or whatever.

Thanks a lot for this. Do you have a pointer to your code, or could you put it up on Github/Codeberg?

How does that work if they can't make rent? Are they getting kicked out? Are they fat?

Yes, like @hydroacetylene said, when the yeshivot were in Eastern Europe back in the day a family might send only their most intellectually gifted son (out of many) to them. Adult study in a full time kollel (for married men) was even more rare, it’s largely an invention of the last 75 years. Previously yeshiva students would graduate, become rabbis, and then marry and have children and become the religious figures in their communities. The idea of a large population of married men who were not community rabbis but who studied all day and were paid for it is modern.

Modern abundance, not just welfare but even the ease with which, say, one very rich Hasid can fund a thousand students indefinitely is a failure state of modernity. Most people don’t want to live off welfare because it provides a much lower quality of life than working, especially if you’re an intelligent people. But if you think Torah study is the highest calling in life then you can override that impulse.

Yes it is a cycle, but if you replace a cycle where the carbon exists 500 years as a tree and 70 years as CO2 by a cycle where it exists 1 year as corn, 14 years as a cow and 70 years as CO2 it has a huge impact on the quantity of CO2 in the air.

Anyway oil is also natural, it did not magically appear under the ground. It's just a very long cycle.

And by the way I don't care about vegans, anyone thinking bees should consent to give you their honey is dumb

That’s largely for determining the circumstances of your birth, though. For conversion you just need to find an orthodox rabbi who is widely accepted by other orthodox rabbis (the vast majority of them; easily discerned by visiting even English-language orthodox messageboards) and then convert under him. Not that I particularly recommend becoming Jewish, but still.

I meant CH4, and the problem is not the ranching it's the cereal production to feed cows.

Yeah. 'Pass' is a valid selection.

LMAO (yes yes I know, Rockthrow plays Yahtzee).

On the individual level, absolutely.

I think we’ve by and large started yaslighting because of mistaken notions like being nonjudgmental and being supportive. In short, being polite, thus defaulting to whatever media and friends put out in the culture. Telling a kid that his art sucks hurts him and makes you feel like a mean person. Telling him how few people make it in professional art feels mean. And especially in the USA, being nice and polite no matter what harm may come from it is the norm, no matter what the consequences are. I don’t see this as true kindness because it’s often a lie that will eventually come to hurt that person as they make very expensive mistakes or otherwise give up on things they might want. Truth is freeing, and knows that the hobby isn’t going to feed them on the outset is going to allow them to make better choices.

Regarding the hobby-as-career thing, the culture is pushing it in large measure because the older contract isn’t true anymore. Any old job doesn’t give you even a working class life, raises are pitiful, and the cost of living is climbing. One way to keep people from rebelling is to subtly change the contract in the mind of the public. Don’t think about your job in terms of money, think about your job as a calling something that you were born to do. Then you won’t ask for the money or at least not as much.

Inflation adjusted housing costs in Stockholm have risen +500% in the last 30 years, and its not like it was some thirdie shithole before.

I've always thought of this as a class issue. The educated class imparts the knowledge of which degrees are ok to their kids while the working class gets taken for a ride by the education industrial complex, ending up with useless or unfinished degrees, a bunch of debt, a sense of failure and missed earnings.

I mean, you could probably make a similarly complicated chart for Christianity to be fair. Make branching paths for Arianism, Nestorianism, Filoque, Transubstantian, Marian and Saintly devotions, Apostolic Succession, Mormonism, etc.