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joined 2022 September 04 19:23:51 UTC


User ID: 104



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User ID: 104

I’d like to suggest that for historical explanations we use their pronouns at the time, then change after the transition comes in the story.

You have passed my test young grasshopper, very wise

Yes after his most recent response to me(not in in this comment branch ) I am sufficiently convinced he’s not being forthright

However westereners have made sex completely and utterly profane to the point of total ignominy. I want them to experience the logical consequences of their professed belief system, and I want them to expeirence these consequences good and hard.

Seems strange that you are siding with Aella in this, considering she is not the one experiencing the lesson learning for the sin she is committing worse than her audience.

Ok, was that you though?

You’re not that Indian guy who moved to London and then had a lengthy post about noblesse oblige are you?

Humans don’t typically have moral systems(and the ones that do do not operate on that system 99% of the time), and applying Philosophy-as-a-sport doesn’t make them suddenly bad people. Humans have a huge number of values which become inconsistent in specific scenarios, and Aella’s question is all heat and no light. Professional and dignified philosophers have demonstrated the same much more tactfully in the past, why did she not do the same? It’s molesting neurotypical people’s brains, and she is smart enough to know that(I recognize she says she doesn’t “get” why people don’t like these questions, I think she’s lying). This appears to me as an egoistic and irresponsible display of her social position. The normies are smart to know when they are being fucked with.

What if you were executed at gitmo that would be so crazy

Is actually a good response, what is she actually getting at with this question? It’s just a hard question and no clear lesson at the end of it. Shit, can my disgust reaction of child sex come into conflict with my desire for a child to be happy before death? woah dude that’s wild.

I really don’t see what moral discovery she’s made. How about you ask me what I would do if this story happened to someone else and how I would react to hearing about it? The answer is “I would feel sad for their difficult situation in which I am epistemically paralyzed to help or judge”. That’s my answer, Aella, this isn’t philosophy, this is “would you rather fuck your dad or your mom”, and casually throwing this on twitter is probably inspiring a bunch of similar behaviour amongst impressionable young adults.

My shoulder/delt has been fucked for 6 months this year, and I’ve waited and waited, and done PT and more PT, and gone to the gym and worked out around it… and I’m slowly but anxiously moving towards the conclusion that no one seems to know what’s going on mechanically and I may as well just lift the weights and push through the pain. So it’s nice to read your experience with this

The most charitable read here is that Musk thinks Wikipedia deserves less money, not no money, and, like, ok Elon, I think you deserve less money and if you don't care about that opinion, why should they?

Musk isn’t running a charity. If Redditors want to convince companies that launching satellites on SpaceX rockets into space is a bad deal financially, they can make that argument.

Doesn’t feel like that on the ground. Polish people are Shreks, their support for LGBT can be understood as “do whatever you want out of my swamp”, have all the negative rights you want, such that Im not expected to grant you positive freedom. Polish people react to rumours of LGBT flags in Western courthouses, schools, and libraries with a shock that chooses between “this is terrible” and “this is so terrible it must be PIS Stalinist propaganda to scare me away from the west”.

Im playing CP2077 and loving it

Preventative purges of foreign nationals began in 1940.

1930’s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD

A person for whom having political opinions and “being informed” are the same thing, when they come across novel opinions, their primary emotional reaction is one of a tattle tale in a classroom “but that’s not what the rules say”

It sounds like you’re throwing on some spin there but apart from that, I agree, in fact I thought that’s what I said

But what about the dumbasses who didn’t line up, lost balance, and fell into the water, do I rescue them?

I should have been clearer, I don’t think the game-theoretical minutiae are all that important. I’m trying to explain that the hero reflex is hard to get over, and yes, I’m picking red pill over blue, but the blue has an allure that shouldn’t leave Roko scratching his head.

Edit: reading over your exploration of the titanic example again though I am wondering if “boats have a better chance of survival with a man on board” would be an interesting twist on this question.

Do I follow “Women and Children first” or do I rush the life raft? Some people need to save the idiots/unfortunate before they save themselves and the have built in blinders to not take the selfish option. Explain the math to me and I can overcome this strange scenario where greed helps others. Otherwise, I’m rushing into that burning building.

It is confusing because between the options of “three guys at once” and “lifetime body count of 3” one can easily imagine someone saying that having a gay body count of 3 is not sufficient to be really gay

What is that website greaterwrong? I liked that post

I like Guerlain Bois Mysterieux, but as it’s the summer I’m wearing Dior Homme Cologne(2022) and Guerlain Neroli Outrenoir more often.

Very fancy upper shelf taste

In an interview with the New York Times, Nolan admitted he wrote the film with Murphy specifically in mind. In other words, no Jewish actors were considered for the role.

The CHEEK, she openly doesn’t care that no Chinese, nor Kurds, nor Poles, nor Englishman were considered for the role!! Now we know who is truly oppressed!

Ah gotcha, no disagreements, good point

Page doesn’t get to choose his height, unless you count shoes, and in that case he has been seen wearing clownishly large kingdom-heartsesque shoes.

Considering the look he IS going for otherwise I bet he would love to scale up his whole body.

I recommend you put a little more effort into your writing. It’s a little too dense, you could pepper in some examples of what the words you are taking for granted mean for clarity.

Currently it comes across as more of a cocky hot take declaration with a mic drop, (in my opinion)