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User ID: 1919


Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 23 20:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 1919

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Can you say more of how you experienced the other end of the class war?

With rate increases will FIRE people get burned? -On a more serious note, I think the current inflation is doing serious harm to income inequality. Either through education or skills you are either in a dynamic industry where you get rewarded with pay increases so you maintain or increase your purchasing power or you're in a stagnating uncompetitive industry where your real income is eroded by inflation. This advantages only increases as you go through life, buying a house instead of renting and adequately saving for retirement vs renting and not being able to save.

I've wondered about the future of this heightened thought and sensitivity on gender as well. The comparison that jumps to mind is the Class Consciousness of nascent and early communism and what that lead to. Class consciousness was a revolutionary lenses you in which to view of history but it was incomplete because it fails to adequately explain how the world works. I think of how schools topics like dialectic materialism were at one time taught the world over and how little bearing they have on the world in 2022; such wasted effort and resources. I think the current gender centered views and thinking is a similarly reductionist social view which offers a novel view of society but is also incomplete. In the future I see gender being more important than it was in the past but I perhaps optimistically don't see the enthusiasm to carry its continued primacy in social thought.

Incel isn't really the word I was thinking of, I'd edit to "romantic relationship matching" if you hadn't already replied to the post.

I don't have anything to add, but love the post and the math. Makes me think of a Fermi paradox equation for incels!

What has helped me the most in changing past behaviors and to avoid slipping back into previous patterns is to view those old behaviors as something I did in the past but not something I do anymore. So acknowledging that at one time I would acted one way, but instead charting a different future and convincing myself all of the reasons I know for changing. Not fool proof, but this way of thinking has helped me the most.

I agree characterizing it as an inter-elite struggle I think is incorrect. But I think even for the hoi polloi, I think the violence while on the surface religious, was mainly executed politically. The differences in dogma providing a patina to cover what really can be seen as later as grasping for political control even for the common rabble. I don't have a good quote but I found this source interesting on the period: https://archive.org/details/voraciousidolsvi0000wand

Which might be a salient message for the conflicts in our own age.

I'm interested in learning more about the program. Sounds similar to a Hungarian program. https://www.euronews.com/2019/07/29/hungary-offers-30-000-to-married-couples-who-can-produce-three-children

However I do not think I would be able to relocate, but good luck on your (re)searching!

My thinking was both legal and factual, if I understand you correctly. I do not think a 14 year-old is mature enough and understands the social consequences to consent to sexual activity with an adult, simply because of their inexperience. Even if the adult they is a billionaire in exchange for payment. This is not to say younger person could not agree to partake in the activity, but the difference in age and social stature on the part of the child renders any of their agreement to be coerced and manipulated.

We don't do introductions, while this is the Friday Fun thread, saying hello doesn't offer any room for discussion or anything constructive. For the downvotes (or upvotes) I think they can be ignored, its strangers on the internet.

Game theory in action? Trade-off of wait times based on evolving expectations? I've seen similar phenomena with a pizza places but usually the dinner hour is consistently busy, but shifting an hour early or late only sometimes makes the pickup wait time less.

Reading what you've wrote what a tough couple months. The worst tragedies I've heard from friends and acquaintances are someone living in NYC during 9/11 and remembering going to funerals for three weeks straight, and someone who's family lost everything in hurricane Katrina.

I got my Dad Bloomberg Businessweek and he sends me the old issues. I thinks its good on economic issues, has decent politics and world events; the captions and summaries after articles make it easy to read. But I get overrun with issues and there's many I don't read, I'm not sure I would buy it for myself. One of my favorite things of print magazines is to bring them to places where you know you'll have to wait (picking up food at a restaurant, meeting a chronically late friend at a bar) and you can feel superior to people staring at their phones! Like bringing a book on a plane!

Can you explain more of what you mean in this section? [We always fight against its cold cruelty and every victory of ours leaves us weaker and worse off. Few seem to understand this at the meta level, so in modernity we go from blunder to blunder and become ever more cringe with each generation.]

Are you talking about a 'fight' against evolution? Can you explain what you mean by 'cringe'? I understand this word to mean social awkwardness but it is always viewed relatively.

If its just one paragraph out of a letter doesn't to an ex, doesn't look like evidence for 'dabbling.'

Best of luck! From middle America I knew an acquaintance who moved there after graduate school (all but dissertation) but by all appearances seems to really enjoy it.

Excellent post! Minor quibble but for tradfem I agree on the Conservative Christian Americans part, but the part on WASPs my first thoughts is always on Catholics contributions to this movement (Phyllis Shafly). We're each biased by our experiences so maybe I'm wrong here!

Winters I'll use less shampoo (like half of what I use in summer). And on days where I know I won't particularly need to, I'll just rinse and won't use shampoo at all. I'm just a guy with not long hair, but other advice I've heard but not followed is using conditioner and taking warm but not hot showers.

The way I see it, a non-negligible segment of the population has the decided preference to live in a manner that is less efficient in regards to city services and space accommodations, but affords them with other benefits. Given that we live in a free society with freedom of movement, forcing city-living on suburbanites would not be ideal for anyone. Your characterization of the middle class in America does not match my experience.

Makes me think too of the Rich Dad Poor Dad philosophy (take on debt, buy assets) vs Dave Ramsey (save and budget; highly debt averse). In a high inflation environment makes more sense to take one debt and buy assets.

Rebel Wilson has had recent weightloss and is no longer an example of what you're writing about. She might even be too thin for comedy now. Plus-sized people in comedy has existed for a while (Fatty Arbuckle, 1/2 of the duo Laurel and Hardy) and in woman more recently but I would say predates the fat acceptance movement (Roseanne Barr, Melissa McCarthy).

Forcing people into studies and randomly assigning major behavioral actions sounds hellish in actual procedure and implementation.

Interesting analysis! Brings up some counterpoints to the usual narrative.

From my own friend group the whiniest of my millennial circle who disparage the boomers the most also seem to be the worst with money. They persist in lower paying jobs and havent tried changing careers as readily as they perhaps should, or sometimes aren't even investing for retirement (instead of the oft-blamed avocado toast what is the opportunity cost of habitual marijuana consumption?).

With the recent stock market rallies its easy to see the gaping maw of future millennial wealth inequality.

So you are of the sincere belief that parents pimping out their children is only a negative when the money isn't managed correctly?

It could turn you straight! Bad outcomes abound.