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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 23 20:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 1919

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Portmanteau of Grant Woods painting and a royal dynasty.

So you are of the sincere belief that parents pimping out their children is only a negative when the money isn't managed correctly?

The stigma of online dating seems to have evaporated as the fraud in it has increased. No comment on the quality of the dates generated for the users.

So standing here in 2023, how is Cook county Illinois going to utilize these resources. Do you want suburban housing demolished and larger capacity units built instead? For the effort component while 'centralization' of lawn service toward a community green space could free up resources such as man-hours I don't see how an extra hour of free time per week per household would change anything in the grand calculus of life.

I would like a clarification on how resources utilized on lawns could be repurposed toward something you think is useful.

I agree a lot is left unsaid in the original post. But I suspect what the OP is reaching toward is that a child has should have a right to a biological mother and father (a reasoning that I think could only rely on ideas of Natural Law) and technological or legal advances have blown past that bench mark without any reflection.

I'll take the discussion in a different direction: 'planned orphanhood.' There was a news story where an Israeli mother's only child son was killed in army and she made the decision to have his sperm harvested in order to one day have grandchildren. If people have a 'right' to children, do people also have a 'right' to grandchildren? I don't have anything concrete to say about the original topic of surrogacy or the planned orphanhood, but I believe the advances of technology in this area have come without pauses for legal implications, and seeing ethics on other topics change so much in person's lifetime (not my own I'm not that old!) I think in the future the ethics of this area will probably be changed.

One scene that stuck with me is from the book 'A Death in Holy Orders' by P.D. James where the end confession letter has the lines:" ...In this senseless age where we witness the death of culture, beauty what are we to do? ... Like a child building sand castles to stem the tide we are doomed and powerless against the rot tearing the system down... In the end I joined the barbarians...." My words and paraphrasing do not do her words justice.

The full phrase is to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

When I was younger I had a low opinion of my appearance. But then as I got older and looked back at my younger photos I realized I actually looked good (not great but much better than I had thought). The thinking then became if my earlier opinion was wrong then my current self- opinion of my appearance could also be wrong. People much uglier and less fit than me had much higher self-esteem; and I truly think anyone working toward self-improvement is eminently positive.

Right now is the youngest you'll ever be from this point forward. As I've gotten older and advanced more in my career I've cared less what other people think and gained much more self-confidence, part of that is having the self-confidence to go out to events alone (art galleries, concerts etc.), and recognizing that I want to be around people even though I don't want to necessarily befriend them.

I sometimes also view other with their own families or in relationships and can feel quite low when I feel that avenue is inaccessible to me; what has helped me is to 'accept the things I cannot change' and also to support those friends and family who have their own families.

Replace 'billionaire' or 'Taylor Swift' with gym coach, music teacher or religious leader, I still think the age and status difference between a child and an adult makes such an agreement coercive.

I just started Pale Fire by Nabokov. Just finished Vagabounds by Hao Jingfang, translated by Ken Liu.

Can you say more of how you experienced the other end of the class war?

With rate increases will FIRE people get burned? -On a more serious note, I think the current inflation is doing serious harm to income inequality. Either through education or skills you are either in a dynamic industry where you get rewarded with pay increases so you maintain or increase your purchasing power or you're in a stagnating uncompetitive industry where your real income is eroded by inflation. This advantages only increases as you go through life, buying a house instead of renting and adequately saving for retirement vs renting and not being able to save.

I've wondered about the future of this heightened thought and sensitivity on gender as well. The comparison that jumps to mind is the Class Consciousness of nascent and early communism and what that lead to. Class consciousness was a revolutionary lenses you in which to view of history but it was incomplete because it fails to adequately explain how the world works. I think of how schools topics like dialectic materialism were at one time taught the world over and how little bearing they have on the world in 2022; such wasted effort and resources. I think the current gender centered views and thinking is a similarly reductionist social view which offers a novel view of society but is also incomplete. In the future I see gender being more important than it was in the past but I perhaps optimistically don't see the enthusiasm to carry its continued primacy in social thought.

You can become the change you want to see!

The forum also might have seasonal effects, after Thanksgiving to New Years is a busy time for many.

I never said there would less conflict, only different conflict. If you don't want to raise your children religious then why get them baptized? I understand changing ones mind but still I think as a parent in a free-confessional state you have the absolute free choice. Your decision will have consequences and this may lead to conflict, but I think taking a firm stance at initiation would certainly have made their stance public and the future conflict would not have occurred. To stand up in public and pantomime these words, while you might have them not hold weight, I don't think its fair to discredit those who took your pantomime at face value.

Incel isn't really the word I was thinking of, I'd edit to "romantic relationship matching" if you hadn't already replied to the post.

What has helped me the most in changing past behaviors and to avoid slipping back into previous patterns is to view those old behaviors as something I did in the past but not something I do anymore. So acknowledging that at one time I would acted one way, but instead charting a different future and convincing myself all of the reasons I know for changing. Not fool proof, but this way of thinking has helped me the most.

I'm interested in learning more about the program. Sounds similar to a Hungarian program. https://www.euronews.com/2019/07/29/hungary-offers-30-000-to-married-couples-who-can-produce-three-children

However I do not think I would be able to relocate, but good luck on your (re)searching!

We don't do introductions, while this is the Friday Fun thread, saying hello doesn't offer any room for discussion or anything constructive. For the downvotes (or upvotes) I think they can be ignored, its strangers on the internet.

Game theory in action? Trade-off of wait times based on evolving expectations? I've seen similar phenomena with a pizza places but usually the dinner hour is consistently busy, but shifting an hour early or late only sometimes makes the pickup wait time less.

I got my Dad Bloomberg Businessweek and he sends me the old issues. I thinks its good on economic issues, has decent politics and world events; the captions and summaries after articles make it easy to read. But I get overrun with issues and there's many I don't read, I'm not sure I would buy it for myself. One of my favorite things of print magazines is to bring them to places where you know you'll have to wait (picking up food at a restaurant, meeting a chronically late friend at a bar) and you can feel superior to people staring at their phones! Like bringing a book on a plane!

Can you explain more of what you mean in this section? [We always fight against its cold cruelty and every victory of ours leaves us weaker and worse off. Few seem to understand this at the meta level, so in modernity we go from blunder to blunder and become ever more cringe with each generation.]

Are you talking about a 'fight' against evolution? Can you explain what you mean by 'cringe'? I understand this word to mean social awkwardness but it is always viewed relatively.

If its just one paragraph out of a letter doesn't to an ex, doesn't look like evidence for 'dabbling.'