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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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Conservatives don't hold a monopoly on supporting "our greatest ally" this is the Uniparty at work.

At my day job as a very small cog in the military industrial complex machine we're not permitted to use hardware or software from our greatest ally for security reasons.

Expunge bad culture teach good culture.

We used to that. Do you have children in school? We're homeschooling, now.

The view now is that previous attempts to inculcate native peoples with the mindset and skills necessary for survival in western civilization is genocide.

I don't know what definition of genocide was available to them at the time.

I suspect the alternative was a more immediate form of genocide.

What about memes? Can they project all the memes I've saved onto a screen next to a youthful happy picture me at my funeral?

Are we still apply the sorts of social and governmental pressure to new immigrants that was applied to Irish and Italians? White nativists unable to distinguish between may have never seen them in their native habitats.

Once you're sufficiently familiar with the peoples of Europe in their native lands it's easier to distinguish among them.

Poor women, forced to strip for internet strangers by... who?

Not forced, probably. Though there are examples of women working where they have to pay a house fee to rent their internet connected performance stage / bedroom while their travel documents are held for 'safe keeping' by their landlord / manager / pimp. I'll happily concede this is not the majority.

There's been some coverage on Andrew Tate who we are told is lots of -ists, it remains to be seen what the outcome of his legal difficulties will be.

Leonid Radvinsky is the man behind onlyfans, though not it's founder, he made it much pornier than it had been initially. Arguably onlyfans has one of the more transparent ownership structures.

young women that are sufficiently attractive should seize the day and sell pictures of their hoo-ha for $10 per viewer per month while it's still pretty

It may not be 'men' promulgating this message, but it's a message that is being heard by a cohort of women. Along with the message that this isn't a degenerate choice and anyone shaming you for choosing totally non-degenerate 'sex work' is misogynist, culturally backwards, insufficiently sex-positive, controlling, etc.

they've "won" almost everything their entire lives

Musk was bullied in school in SA

blows himself up in a mall

Except in this instance there's no claim he had actually communicated with actual terrorists, only FBI pretending to be terrorist recruiters.

Isn't the expectation that the FBI should be disrupting terrorist networks? There's no network here only the FBI communicating with a young man described by his father to The Intercept as;

“He was born prematurely, he had brain development issues. I had the school do a neurosurgery evaluation on him and they said his brain was underdeveloped,” Ventura said. “He was suffering endless bullying at school with other kids taking food off his plate, tripping him in the hallway, humiliating him, laughing at him.”

If technology is that sufficiently advanced we could presume there'd be a 'cure' for this population to allow them to be happy with their natal bodies.

Mobs blocking streets and harassing motorists is civil? If they were more civil he'd probably still be alive.

NIH issued a release on their study last month.

Compared to healthy volunteers, affected U.S. government personnel did not exhibit differences that would explain symptoms.


The researchers note that if the symptoms were caused by some external phenomenon, they are without persistent or detectable patho-physiologic changes. Additionally, it is possible that the physiologic markers of an external phenomenon are no longer detectable or cannot be identified with the current methodologies and sample size.


right wing government

Perhaps to the right of Labor or the LibDems (are they still a thing) A right wing government would probably not have passed gay marriage.

Many free-market Republicans talk openly about a compromise position on abortion, typically accepting upto viability.

I've seen the TERF distance themselves from the T, the LGB still seem to invite them to all their events and platforms.


If your coalitions purpose was bank robbery and another member of the coalition shoots and kills a guard, your still up for felony murder even if your part of the coalition only wanted the money.

I understand your claim that gay marriage didn't lead to trans. People will judge you by the company you keep.

'trans people being .2% of the population' is simply 50x less of an issue than many people not settling down into families

The degree that this and other culture war issues are inserted into public schools increases the burden on conservative families with children that now feel they need to homeschool to avoid the indoctrination.

Is the complaint about throwing blame or understanding the nature of the problem?

The 'honest men' losing in post-modern societies are frequently losing because they listen to what women say, rather than watching what women do, as @The_Nybbler suggests.

The current regime of sexual promiscuity was demanded by women a generation ago. Blaming 'society' for the predictably poor outcomes removes the agency of all the people who fought for the current regime. I understand that many may be unhappy with the result, but something something about a fence.

@CanIHaveASong does not address the cohorts in our post modern societies that still marry and reproduce despite men being mean to women on the internet. Many of these cohorts rejected most of the sexual / cultural revolution at least in aspiration if not practice. Many of the most fertile women in America have rejected telephones.

Many of the women who are most unhappy about 'men these days' seem to be the least likely to advocate for a return to traditional marriage and religiosity.

Does school suck now? Why does it suck? Has it always sucked? Is it like this everywhere?

In 4th grade in the '80's at a public school in Sacramento, CA we had a divided start, homework 4 days a week, tilt top desks with integrated swivel chairs in rows. Good posture was encouraged by being mandatory. In classroom work was handwritten, questions were copied from the book. Math was half the problems in class half at home, any incorrect answers were expected to be corrected and resubmitted. In class there were many opportunities for reading aloud. We're were expected to have memorized multiplication tables to 12 x 12. We read 'Brighty of the Grand Canyon', I had reading in the afternoon, I don't know what the kids in the morning read. Lynne Reid Banks came to the school for Author Day, there was an assembly in the MP room.

I had poor penmenship and failed to apply myself, but there seemed to be more rigor. I wouldn't have guessed 4th grade was so different now. 4th grade was also the year you could work in the cafeteria, I liked working milk sales.

I've found with my children I have to demand they supply more effort and often apply considerable pressure to see improvement in the production of their work, especially in a non-preferred subject. Many of the traditional pressures of written corrections, writing lines, poor grades, deficiency notices, summer school, repeating the year have been eschewed in favor of what? The expected standard seems low, the quality of work produced by my recent 4th grader is below the quality of 4th grade @AvocadoPanic, but the school isn't really demanding excellence.

I've 5th, 3rd, 1st and pre-k. Our district is in the top 10% in Massachusetts.

Are there any old teachers here, did you complain in the 80's about children in the 40's having better penmenship?

Suburbs were a terrible mistake in the US as it allowed cities to deteriorate without in impacting the elite.

And then for no reason at all, all the 'elite' moved to the suburbs.

I fundamentally believe that immigration policy would have been completely different if people who voted for diversity had the diversity in their neighbourhood.

This is why suburbs exist. The federal government and courts moved to address equity, the desires or votes of the majority mattered little. The resulting diversity motivated those that could, to move to the suburbs.

I understand your experience in Scandinavia is only recently enabling some to understand a reality that many in the US have known all their lives.

Do you geophys professionally?

I like to imagine someone geophysing my back yard 2000 years from now finding indications of high heat and excavating my burn pile pit. While interpreting it as some sort of 'ceremonial', offering location.

I've watched too much 'Time Team'.

When I bought my house, I was buying the whole community


Except as a town of only around ~4000 we don't have many tracts, and the duplexs that were built are selling for $670k.

The surrounding farmland and greenspace contribute significantly to the rural character, the historic buildings, church and common provides a canvas for the town events and a gathering space for the residents. That town leadership is responsive to residents in protecting the character is an example of democracy in action.

Perhaps if you joined us at church service or patronized our local businesses you'd have a more charitable view of the stewardship many feel for their communities.

Have you seen "Boys Beware"? The stereotype of the sinister predatory homosexual was for a time the only depiction of male homosexuals in popular media.

I was more concerned with the exclusion of adult homosexuals from spaces traditionally for men and boys.

100% of businesses that go bankrupt were started

100% of successful businesses were also started

I'm not sure this a a very descriptive or useful corralation.

population wanting stupid stuff I think is price controls- the idea of keeping rent or gasoline below a certain hard cap

I'm not sure what people want are price caps. People want affordable abundant housing and energy. Price caps don't typically achieve this. Politicians promising price caps are frequently popular which is why they persist.

Weren't there more pharmaceutical options for this use case available as lobotomies declined?

Social pressure to speak English, be more "american", anglicize, their name, be productive, follow the existing mores, etc.

Government pressure to detect, infiltrate and disrupt their criminal networks, ensure the state is not losing revenue to tax fraud, welfare fraud, etc. Inspection prior to admission for signs of contagious disease, poor physique, feeblemindedness or insanity, criminal records or signs of low moral character.

Absent intermarriage or other dilution of their ethnic heritage, why wouldn't you be able to distinguish Italians, Poles and Germans? It's something that many people in Europe are able to do routinely with better than chance outcomes.

Native in the place of origin sense.

Who would the Biden administration put in charge to signal they're fully invested in a positive outcome?

Is there a deep bench of competent capable people they've kept concealed or are busy work on all of their success like the war in The Ukraine, relations with China, or inflation?

Thoreau, yes. Gandhi and MLK also. All examples of peaceful civil disobedience. Equating their work and the the BLM lawlessness is grotesque.

Blocking roads and harassing motorists is not spinning cotton or mining salt. There's no nexus between the 'demands' and the disobedience.

Much of the effect of civil disobedience is forcing the state to arrest and prosecute you for your violations. The greater the nexus of the violation to your complaint the better. Frequently leading them to appear petty and vindictive, rallying others to your cause.

Not to answer for @VinoVeritas I suspect he's referring to Romans 11.

What are branches? Some are broken off, others grafted on.

Christ denying jews being outside the covenant is news to you?