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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Now that we're off-reddit it may be safer to tell you my much cheaper plan to get quite a long ad published in the Washington Post?

Kulak might have to take one for the team to pull it off though.

To be fair, the guy he was asking invited a guy to come bite a bit off of said penis (unless SF's more modern mohels use scissors or something), so "if you can take the tip of a dick you can take a question" seems like a reasonable assumption.

It's one of those things where there are both generations and quality tiers. A Mitsubishi hyperheat that supposedly works down to -17F will cost 5x as much as a Midea which performs as well as the last (-5F) gen of Mitsubishis.

I'm keeping my wood stove for when it gets down to the teens, but I'm lucky to live in a mild climate where that's as low as it gets.

Don't know why anyone who has gas as an option in places that get below 0F would want one, unless it's mostly for summer AC and they have a long shoulder season.

Oh, thanks, I'd forgotten about that little cheese knife. In my defense I've got zero knowledge of or experience with circumcision, other than a lurking suspicion of gentiles doing it. Because that didn't work out so well last time.

Hobbies. People who want to socialize for the sake of socializing are usually messed up (and holy fuck /soc/ is a parody of that, I thought you must be exaggerating).

Find forums (not subreddits) for things you like, get involved, and make a group of friends you can start meeting up with. Twitter is surprisingly good for generalist hobbies, because discovery is so easy and people will notice you through reputation networks rather than the spastic twitching of reddit voting mobs.

Just do interesting things that attract other people who do interesting things. All my lasting friendships came from niche hobby communities, even in cases where we both ended up dropping the hobby.

And they are most definitely having a jolly good time being surrounded by people of their own tribe.

Even when I went to school the majority were on some sort of psychiatric medication, and that was before they started having to train themselves to suffer Climate Anxiety on demand. The "social justice focused community dorm" had the highest rate of students going hikko or leaving for a mental ward, despite them having appropriated the most modern and comfortable building on campus.

I don't think an ideology so well adapted to super spreading and institutional capture through performative displays of emotional dysfunction necessarily has the well-being of its hosts in mind.

I don't want to overstate it, because my girlfriend gave me all the math department gossip and some of those people were nuts (and they paled in comparison to the Harvey Mudd lads, who were legendarily on the brink of insanity/alcohol poisoning at all times).

But it never had the same edge of constant backstabbing and ritual emotional abuse as the proto-wokeist departments and social groups did.

Don't feel bad, I have no idea either.

Oh, of course. Noah Smith is the paragon of that. Is that a robot avatar? I always thought it was some Tron helmet or something.

I keep wanting to write something about this kind of blatant procedural outcome manipulation (but I'd be better off searching for someone who already has).

Utopians constantly say things like "we shall have a System to ensure X and prevent Y", and then spend zero time designing a system that isn't trivially exploitable by baseline sociopaths who, shockingly, are agents with goals that don't necessarily align with The System. See the current "communism with magic robots has never been tried" thread for a typical example.

Is there any way to get this across to people who don't want to understand it? In my experience the same people who were just complaining about the nomenklatura betraying the last revolution will stubbornly refuse to entertain the idea that the same thing could happen to their revolution.

Anyway, I'm willing to bet this particular event will get officially recorded on wikipedia as "extremist MAGA election fraud conspiracy theory derails effort to save Queer and Brown school children." Because a coalition of Facebook boomers just found out that the secretary of state lied about ballot counting on a massive scale, and the media has spent two years enforcing the consensus that this can't happen:

A shortfall of that size, about 37% less than the number of signatures supporters said they gathered, is not a "rounding error," said Christine Sawhill Accurso. She organized school-choice proponents to monitor petition signing stations — sometimes pushing back against the petition drive — and report their findings. Either Save Our Schools lied about its support, or was negligent in checking the petitions as they came in, Accurso said.

I think the most predictable outcome here is a huge effort to make this kind of organization impossible in future; bank accounts shut down mysteriously, all online accounts banned, and the phones of every participant added to spam blocking lists. The censorship framework is already there and rapidly growing more sophisticated, but some groups can still slip through the gaps for now.

Looks like they're uploading all the tracks now, starting right after you posted https://youtube.com/watch?v=n4isUbJwPeo

Going to try to listen to a few. My thousandaire kingdom for auto-transcripts.

Well yeah, but in this case nobody had to do any of that for the official overseeing the process to celebrate tens of thousands of nonexistent sigs.

If they had written down "Mickey Mouse" an extra 50000 times, the process was for the SoS to verify the sigs to her satisfaction, then send a "randomly selected" 5% sample back to individual counties to do their own verification. Lots of opportunities to sneak things through there, kinda surprised it didn't happen; the last big one only failed after it went to the courts for review for fraudulent sigs the SoS "missed" (iou a source that isn't Salon)

That's the sort of thing I was talking about with people designing a System that on the surface looks secure, but in practice totally depends on one person playing by the rules.

That's great. I opened this thread to ask for either that or reducing the default to context=2. Loading the whole thread every time you open a comment in a new tab sucks, for my shitty phone and probably for the server.

You might have drifted into a new circle? It and the New Class concept have been popular in the dissident right for a long time (was it Sam Francis who introduced it from the New Left clique?)

I've been totally offline for a few weeks now, so it's probably not a current trend.

These days many people use it as a synonym for PMC, sadly.

Oh God, I have some sort of sneezy cough cold thing. Never really get sick, so can anyone give advice?

So far I've just been chugging honey and apple cider vinegar (conveniently extracted the honey the day before), taking cough drops, and stuffing nasal spray in every available orifice. Is there anything else that helps?

Yhanks. Ha, I've gotta get this window put in, that'll be a good distraction.

Edit: woo, put the last nails in right as the rain came. Time to collapse

Nurse friend came over for tea, says it's wu flu, but she'll come back with a test tomorrow. Seems likely, because it's the same feverish chills I got from the clot booster. At least I don't have COVID and an empty window frame.

Having not seen a single episode of Joe Rogan, what industrial solvents does the motte recommended inhaling/injecting? Don't say ivermectin, because I used the last of it for deworming everyone after a wet spring.

I would pay a bounty to anyone who managed to get Trannyporn0 here. His effort posts were amazing, and I'm sad I missed when they were originally happening.

That sounds vaguely familiar, do you have a link for it?

Is there anyone who could provide, arrange, or just recommend hosting for Bean's Navalgazing blog? It's currently provided by "nearlyfreespeech", which is pretty awful.

For anyone who doesn't remember, it started in the latter days of the old SSC open threads before launching as a separate site (older posts still have a separate SSC comments section). There's been a consistent bug where loading the front page takes up to a minute, but recently the captcha system has started breaking as well, and the whole site is currently down.

Independent blogging is hard enough these days, and it's doubly hard to drive traffic to a buggy site.

A Google guy told me a story a few years ago about going on a conference road trip. Stopping at Chick-fil-A was their "what happens in Vegas" moment .

What a crazy and stifling environment.

Some of the most profitable small businesses in the country are "minority-owned" ones that exist only to act as a paper intermediary between suppliers and government departments and contractors (or these days any company chasing "ESG" scores) that are required to source everything from minority-owned businesses.

"Ivan, this cover story can't possibly work"

"You do not know the Americans like I do, comrade. Is bulletproof. Now hand me that tutu"

That really is a weird sting op. I guess they've been running these since the start of the war on anyone with Russian family or friends, but why? Inter-agency status games? Did he get thrown under the bus? Wrapping the whole thing up in less than a month is pretty amazing too; if you've gone to all that work, why not entrap a bit harder to get better charges to stick?

Edit: oh for fuck's sake she just called up the most heavily tapped phone line in the country to offer her and her husband's services lmao

(John Hopkins already memory-holed her bio page, btw. That was quick)

Ok, this a weird request, but maybe someone will know. I read this bit in a deadpan newscaster voice and cracked up laughing:

she told the agent her husband was a "coward" to be concerned about violating HIPAA, but she broke the law "all the time"

It gave me a really strong feeling of deja vu. Was it just the cough syrup, or has there been some other case where the accused pled not guilty but was recorded saying something like "doing <crime> isn't a big deal. I do <crime> all the time"?

What are they training it on? Only a few hundred k, so presumably they're not throwing the entire e621 catalog at it yet.