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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Yeah, it's easy to forget the only bombs dropped in action were, what, 10-20 kilotons? The destructiveness of bigger bombs doesn't scale linearly with yield (at least against civilian targets rather than mountain bunkers and missile silos) so number of warheads accurately delivered is going to be the best measure of damage potential.

So it's relatively easy to grab sets and train a model, to the point that groups of amateurs can do it? That's good news: I had a vision of all art production being censored by the kind of political commissars who inevitably take over large projects.

The idea of being able to restrict artists at the canvas level must be making some of them drool.

Does watching a lot of "China's Funniest Demolition Accidents" count? I can usually tell it's not going to plan before the engineers even start running.

Use YouTube Vanced for android. No ads, skips over sponsored content and "ring that bell" spiels for any decently sized channel. Can also skip intro music.

The only downside is being the last person in the world to hear important news about RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS!!

I noticed he also skipped over explaining how his dream city wouldn't be a techno-panopticon hellscape. Except unlike the Chinese one with the totalitarian AI censorship presumably focused entirely against people who complain about all the used needles and shit in the streets, or who ask each other in hushed voices why their children's kindergarten Diversity lessons have to involve so many penises.

Post in your town's sub and organize a bunch of your friends to brigade it. They win on- and off-line by enforcing the appearance of consensus and conformity.

This coy "woah, what do you have against antifa graffiti, I honestly don't understand bro, just asking questions" trolling is a really obnoxious habit. And it doesn't even accomplish anything except reinforce people's suspicions.

Is it just a reflex?

Working fine for me. Until Google changes the API to fuck it up I guess.

It's not in Google's app store, you have to install the APK. Hilariously there are YouTube videos explaining how that haven't been banned.

Can't you still just DL the APK file? Nothing's changed about how it works, it's just no longer getting updates when Google periodically changes stuff to fuck with people's quality of life extensions.

Something really fascinating, at least to me: I was walking in front of a bee hive doing evening orientation flights, where workers take their first flights outside the hive to learn navigation landmarks. Even to my stuffed-up nose there was a strong lemony smell of the Nasonov beacon pheromone they use when swarming or when you've housed or moved the hive, with a few bees standing in the entrance fanning it out to guide returning trainees who might have gotten lost.

Been working with them for years, but I keep being amazed by how coordinated everything they do is. I've never smelled them using it except when swarming, but in retrospect of course they'd use it like this too.

Apparently people can only detect a few of the stronger pheromones, and some can't even smell those. It's nice to be able to smell them getting angry just before they all pour out and attack (tangy banana peel means "check your suit seals"), but it would be amazing to experience the subtler ones too.

I think they decided the tide pod diet was "fitness-enhancing at the population level" or something, which sounds pretty healthy to me!

I only found out transsexuals existed 18 months ago

Sir I will buy the rock you've been hiding under for ten million dollars. You don't even have to move out, just let me live there.

Nobody uses that word, you're imagining things.

Stock. The easy way is roast bones with plenty of meat on them at high heat in a pan, then drop in a pressure cooker with some veg. Useful for everything. If it's a jelly once it's cooled down, it's good stock.

Just make sure you've sawn through the major bones to let the marrow out, especially femurs. Probably one of the first things man used tools for.

I can't believe autistic booru taggers became the heralds of an artistic revolution. Has anyone seen Gwern lately, or is he filling up a 500tb RAID with Asuka pics?

/hdg/: Is there an as109 embedding up yet?

Finally people asking the important questions

Yeah, check out how few people view art streams vs viewing the same artist's art. Even very popular artists usually have less viewers than some no-name twitch game streamer or 2view v-tuber.

People into the process are mostly other artists trying to crib notes.

I'm honestly very sorry for the kid who hurt himself, but it's a good thing it didn't happen last year when he probably would have gotten yelled at for trying to appropriate the pain of indigenous children or something

  • -16

So my mistake was not linking examples of this exact thing happening? Because you know I can, however much people here try to ignore the mass insanity of '20-'21 and pretend it never happened.

Damn it, I need to write the follow-up that was going to come "tomorrow".

My greatest fear for AI content generation is it being dominated by woke megacorps, with independent creators permanently locked out of contributing to culture. It looks like Google is investing heavily in that dystopia.

Novelai and stable diffusion being mostly uncensored has been a big white pill so far, but it feels like the shoe is about to drop.

Do you really never notice any of the things people are pointing out to you in this thread? I've always assumed anyone saying they've never seen it is blatantly gaslighting, but is it actually possible to just have impervious blinders for it?

CP is my bet for the excuse. Which is going to come organically as soon as any of those remaining guys with big collections start training models on identifiable girls. Assuming there are any of those guys left who weren't rounded up when tor was torpedoed (... Tor-depedoed?)

I don't really understand. The images that started coming out this week are often indistinguishable from human made ones. I expected that would take years from where it was, not months.

No matter what happens next, AI gen is going to be at least as important for content generation as, say, Photoshop. And of course restricting an important tool to megacorps is going to silence people.

I'll just work on the assumption you're in the furry inflation vore fetish community, since he hasn't reviewed many other indie games lately and it'd fit for the gay thing https://youtube.com/watch?v=VqasJcCUAA8