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User ID: 473



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User ID: 473

That's not how any culture has ever worked.

To illustrate the difference, the Halychynan/Galician people indeed have a distinct national character different from the Russian. But Galicia does not equal the entire Ukrainian state, the very name of which simply denotes ‘borderland’, a geographical region, and not a nation. Any argument I’ve encountered from Ukrainian nationalists put forth as evidence of their authentic nationhood strikes me as retconning, LARPing or just fantasy. I cannot take seriously the notion that Ukrainians are the true descendants of Vikings / ancient Slavs / noble Cossacks warriors /whatever, also devoted supporters of LMBTQ rights, liberal democracy and White European unity, whereas the Moskal are a tartarized/turkized Ingrian horde. This is as fantastical as Pakistanis posturing as true Muslims and thus claiming to be a real nation as a result.

The current Western propaganda war regarding the Ukraine would sort of make sense if NATO and the EU were composed of white nationalist ethnostates. But the opposite is true, which makes the whole thing a gigantic farce.

To identify the strongest evidence there is, I suggest going back to the comment that started this all: "There is an unstated (on the progressive side) premise among all people that casual sex is a bad deal for women and devalues or dishonors them in some way". The fact - and I think it's safe to treat this as fact at this point - that average, mainstream liberal women, and I imagine many of their male hangers-on as well share this view and are willing to voice it, although mostly anonymously - again, we're talking about average normies, not incels - says a lot.

O9A is very obviously a CIA honey trap.

a lot of the hospitality industry laid off staff

But why would they do that? Genuine question.

I'm going to argue that it was celebrating the military victory on Latvian soil over, you know, literal Nazis ("garbage humans", "deplorables" etc.), alien occupiers, aggressors, oppressors etc. It's not a monument, as far as I can tell, to the reannexation of Latvia, or to the establishing of Soviet military bases in Latvia i.e. "occupation", or to Russianness, a Russian empire, or to Stalin.

That may very well be true. I'm talking about the national rate of violent crime.

Did progs always have that premise, or did it appear at one point? And why?

The normalization of prescription drug use/overuse/abuse, and widespread addiction to anti-depressants.

Yes, but that's not my point. See the edit.

My observation isn't about hybristophilia per se. It's broadly that a demographic largely secluded from the daily reality of societal violence and brutality is prone to consuming media content in general (not just true crime related stuff) that is exceedingly violent and pathological.

If Germany had not attacked the USSR, chances of the Red Army taking even half of Europe (let alone all of it) are basically zero.

Considering that the Soviets built up an armored force and a bomber force larger than that of the rest of the world combined, plus trained and fielded more paratroopers than the rest of the world combined as well, I wouldn't be so confident in this view.

the wrong people

i.e. the people it's objectively meant to catch

Does that "wrong choice" include eugenics and the Nazi "merciful death" program, in your view?

At what point do you think supervision decreased?

At the point, I assume, when it became normal to leave children to pacify themselves by watching TV, playing video games, hanging out in arcades and attending house parties. Them being driven everywhere, as I'm certain you'll agree, is largely a consequence of suburban white flight, and hardly a case of parental supervision.

I doubt the problems with elderly care are that much different between the US or South Korea / Japan.

Oh well. It seems there's indeed something new to learn everyday. But as a caveat, I'll say that the Prague monument appears to be so huge that explosives were the only suitable means of removal, and in the case of the Berlin monument, state secrecy appears to have been the most important consideration when deciding the means of removal i.e. the primary goal was simple removal, not destruction as such.

Not enough cash-crop/resource value in the land?


Well, ok. Not territorial concessions to invaders, strictly speaking, but such concessions nevertheless.

Streetcar suburbs are the opposite of a car-dependent development and are not a problem.

I'll nitpick a bit because why not. Even if streetcar suburbs still existed and functioned, their popularity would still mean White flight, or middle-class flight, from the urban core, resulting in the long-term decay of the latter.

It's still not advisable though. Getting lost or suffering an injury can have grave consequences in such a situation, especially if there's no cell phone signal.

I assure you that this will be followed by another act of teabagging, namely that some bougie black avantgarde artist will be paid big bucks by the city to use the melted-down iron to construct some hideous-looking crappy statue of some mythologized slave rebellion leader or some other black "hero".

I'm glad that some posters mentioned Romney in all of this. The unbelievable leftist smear campaign against him in the 2012 campaign season, which was clearly motivated by nothing else but the sense of urgency to prevent the nation's first glorious African-American leader from going down in history as a one-term disappointment, was an obvious wake-up call to many otherwise moderate rightists, and convinced them that, unlike in 2008 and 2012, the GOP should actually try running a candidate who stands a chance and isn't a cuck. This had an obvious galvanizing effect on dissident right-wing politics, I think.

Backlash was so big that Pope was cancelled and forced to apologize for his "faulty comments".

'Pope Francis acknowledged on Monday that his recent comments on Russia, seen by Ukraine as praise for imperialism, were badly phrased and said his intention was to remind young Russians of a great cultural heritage and not a political one.[...]

"Maybe it wasn't the best way of putting it, but in speaking of the great Russia, I was thinking not so much geographically but culturally," Francis said, mentioning Russian literary icon Fyodor Dostoevsky, one of his favorite authors.'

It'd have been a great act of trolling on his part had the mentioned Solzhenitsyn instead, although I doubt Dostoevsky believed in the legitimacy of Ukrainian nationhood either. Either way, I doubt the Pope's qualified remarks will make a shred of difference in the eyes of the Atlanticists who voiced their outrage. After all, I doubt there's an interpretation of Russian cultural heritage being great anywhere in the world that includes the existence of an ethnic nationalist Ukrainian polity that is a satellite state of NATO.