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🟦 All human beings are equal, **even when they aren't.**

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joined 2022 September 05 00:16:31 UTC


User ID: 290


🟦 All human beings are equal, **even when they aren't.**

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:16:31 UTC


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User ID: 290

The philosophical work underpinning extant views on gender goes back over a century, to Nikolay Chernyshevsky's declaration that

people will be happy when there will be neither women nor men

I think it goes back a bit further than that....

If "discussing bigfoot or high fantasy novels as if they were true with a capital T" prevented a continent from being bled dry for three decades....

Yes, we need more people saying that Americans' rights come from Congress and the Supreme Court (except when they overturn Roe or keep Trump on the ballot), and anyone who says otherwise (such as Thomas Jefferson, or the rest of the Founding Fathers, or pretty much any American statesman up until maybe half a century ago) is a dangerous, fanatical “Christian Nationalist” theocrat.

There is a big difference between

Our rights were written into the fabric of existence by the Divine Watch-maker/Great Architect of the Universe at the beginning of time. They apply to everyone, even when it is inconvenient to the State.


Our rights exist at the pleasure of a glowing biped in the sky. The dis-obedient/heretics/infidels/Northern Conservative Fundamental Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 have no rights which we are bound to respect.

I suspect people are more worried are more about the latter than the former.

this was a generally Protestant Christian framework, with freedom of religion primarily being a truce between denominations not to use the state to settle matters of doctrinal differences

Thomas Jefferson would dis-agree.

We respect each others' beliefs regarding the supernatural (including the beliefs "It exists" and "It doesn't exist"), even when we know Our Beliefs are Objectively Correct and Their Beliefs are Objectively Wrong, because when we don't, Bad Things tend to happen.

Missing from this paradigm:

  1. We try to instantiate raceblind meritocracy.
  2. We see racial disparities, because they'll continue to exist (and get worse, after the loss of affirmative action) and we're in a society that's going to track that kind of thing.
  3. Progressives say, "See, people are racist, we can't have a meritocracy, we need to fix this with some law mandating equality."
  4. Others point out, "Those are due to nature being racist, not discrimination by humans; we need to fix this with gene editing or something of that sort."
  5. We get to keep our raceblind meritocracy and close the racial gaps.

Fewer than if they were openly discriminated against, I suspect.

Universalisability principle! If everyone did that, members of certain groups, finding themselves unable to put a roof over their heads, might be less inclined to co-operate with society.

from what I can tell from them, the concept of a society that isn't patriarchal might exist in fiction or fantasy

I was thinking of the society postulated in the pre-Indo-European--matriarchal-society hypotheses....

but one hasn't existed yet.

...and the radical feminists' ideal future.

"Assuming the ancient-European Mother-Goddess worship hypothesis to be true, would someone born with female parts in such a society be a woman?"

"If you succeed in your goals and remove the patriarchy, would your great-great-granddaughters be women?"

"Thou calledst me dog before thou hadst a cause. But since I am a dog, beware my fangs."

The house-elves could have been an interesting discussion; what obligation do we have to beings that are as sapient as humans, but aren't human, and have very different preferences to humans?

the implications of this tech would suggest we can ALSO psychologically tweak people to be completely content with their current identity.

What if we could engineer people to feel 100% straight, have no doubt about their biological gender, and no curiosity about experiencing what the other genders were like, and they were about as non-dysphoric as you could get?

The problem with opening that can of worms is that one then invites "What if we could engineer people to not need work-life balance?"/"What if we could engineer people to not find it degrading to 小便 in bottles rather than needing bathroom breaks?"/"What if we could engineer people to be content eating bugs/living in a pod/owning nothing?"/insert whatever you fear your outgroup imposing on people.

That's why I oppose it.

important shared experience that connects all women for having been oppressed by the patriarchy as girls

I think this proves too much: would radical feminists consider someone born with female parts in a non-patriarchal society to be a woman?

It would have been the rational thing to do, give Trump something to make him go away.

Once you pay the Dane-geld, you'll never be rid of the Dane.

and he would have won.

I certainly don't dispute that part.

Not sure Barack would want to run, even if he could. His hair looked a lot græyer in 2016 than 2008....

That the appraised and assessed values of Trump properties are not the same thing?

For those of us who are unfamiliar with real-estate finance, can you explain the difference between them and how it applies to this case? They both sound like they mean 'How much is this building/land worth?', but if there is a legitimate difference between them....

The size of the Supreme Court shall be permanently fixed at 9 members.

I think 13 would be better. Not for political reasons, but because 13 original colonies.

The House of Representatives must conduct its business in a way that allows members to participate without being present in the chamber.

They should've done this after 9/11.

Congress may designate property within the current district to remain federal enclaves

If that were extended to the original district, the Pentagon would be eligible....

I think Scott has written before something like "if you want to understand conservatives, pretend that there's going to be a zombie apocalypse tomorrow. If you want to understand leftists, pretend everything is going to be stable for the rest of time".

A Thrive/Survive Theory Of The Political Spectrum

That worked well enough in 1789, pre-telegraphs/railroads/steamships. A 20th/21st century economy is far wider in geographical scope, thus companies can more easily threaten to take jobs/tax revenue elsewhere. In order for a state government to have the option of 'factory that cleans up after itself even if that is less profitable', rather than having only the options of 'horrendously polluting factory' and 'no factory', a method of coördination is needed across state lines.

why is it such a big deal for trans people to use the "gender I identify with" bathroom, then?

One concern is the ability of people to use bathrooms without announcing what genitals they were born with.

State marriage only exists to manage procreative couplings.

But infertile opposite-sex couples could always get married...?

Also the state has other strong interests in deterring homosexuality.

Such as...?

"First they came for the _____, but I was not _____, so I stayed silent."

"I never thought the leopard would eat my face!"

"Do not call up that which you can not put down."

Nothing new under the sun....

How could the Court determine whether a tax crosses the constitutional line without deciding where the line is?

Same way Potter Stewart could determine that The Lovers wasn't pornographic.

2.) I'm old enough to remember when the macho Russian military with their un-woke ways were going to roll over anybody put in front of them, especially the SJW military that'd been feminized, etc., etc., In reality, what happened was those macho Russian soldiers got nailed with missiles by Ukranian's who were given targeting information by some trans furries working at an army base in Nevada.

God made men, and God made women, but Lockheed Martin made them equal.

Utilitarianism is based on false premises and is a terrible basis for a system of morality.

Utilitarianism is the worst form of moral system, except for all the others that have been tried.