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Dedicated Pessimist

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

Modern risk theory holds that Risk = Likelihood (probability) x Consequence.

Probability is already factored into risk.

Ironically enough, its also the chance of good happening with a subset of risk theory called positive (opportunity) risk.

In my experience if a girl doesn't get back to you, it is a better to invest your time and energy in the next girl.

If she liked you enough (to sustain a relationship) she would have gotten back to you. If there were bad circumstances, she would have eventually gotten back to you. If you didn't leave enough of an impression on her for her to do this, you're better off investing in a better match.

I bet a movie is already in the works. Reminds me of Rogue Trader, or War Dogs or similar films.

Young dodgy maverick gets into $industry and makes bank by not playing by the rules until things spiral out of control. The hedonistic lifestyle and law eventually catch up to him. Audience feels good that Icarus is punished for his audacity. The End.

Edit: Just saw Tanista beat me to it. You just know Hollywood is already on this.

Its no longer about waiting in line. Its about running custom scripts and having multiple tabs open on multiple computers. I say this because thats why my friend had to do to buy UFC tickets yesterday where all tickets were sold out online in minutes.

Of the 15 tabs he had open, only one got through to seat selection. He was lucky, but the average consumer won't have the technical skills to compete against bots in online ticket purchase release.

a lot of people (probably half the country) will be enraged by this

There are a lot of things that half the country was enraged by that happened over the last five years. A precedent has been set. This is not enough to stop any sort of political action any more.

The amount of articles about 'How to have conversations with your conservative relatives this Thanksgiving', makes me think some of the hostility to these holidays is based around wanting to avoid familial obligations.

This is a slow motion trainwreck. I found it interesting that Gab's Anthony Torba said that he found it useful in his goal of shifting the overton window to the right, but really I think this would just drain Trump of his MAGA base, leaving him weakened for a DeSantis run.

You know, unless its a classic Kanye stunt for publicity, which I rate is the most likely motivation here (70%).

I just took Torba's 'quote' from that article. I know I might as well be quoting NYT or Jezebel here.

Milo is definitely done. Fuentes is much too young as you say.

I could see the Kanye as new VP to galvanize and rally MAGA back to Trump, but the 'you be my VP Trump' angle just ruins everything.

I agree with what you've said. Further to this, I think the 'satanic' labeling is playing itself out.

I get it, I'm right-wingish, but the 'literal satan' memes in the right social media sphere aren't bringing people to their side. They reek of 1980's dungeons and dragons moral panic.

It could be just rhetoric vs rhetoric on twitter, but it feels like a bridge too far.

Edited: making sure I wasn't directing at comment above who I agree with.

You do you, but if Kanye is 100% all in on this rather than his usual 50% in testing and then pull out, I'd be amazed.

Hyperagency for men and Hypoagency for women were terms originally developed in the feminist sphere. They were then broadly co-opted by the Men's Rights sphere where they were applied in new and creative ways such as pointing out gender differences in prison sentencing for similar crimes.

Edit: Some quick definitions of these terms can be found here. Feminists complaining that the term was 'misappropriated' here. Further exploration from a MRA is here.

Might be more 'Absent Minded Professor' where their mind is busy processing what they wish to say rather than looking at whether open tab #37 is at the top of the page.

At least that's how I've done it.

I'm pretty ignorant about this whole sphere, but would a crypto crash/saturation reduce demand for GPU's?

Does this guy remind anyone else of Dave Lister from the Red Dwarf TV show?

A well regarded amateur analyst of the war in Ukraine (Perun) posted a video talking about the Russian concept of 'Vranyo' (враньё). This is a pattern of lying where various parties are aware that the lying is taking place and for what purpose. He basically cites it as a major reason for the lack of effectiveness of the special operation. The video is worth a watch if you have time (1 hour).

I think the incel movement is just a 'canary down the coal mine' for society in general with regards to how modern culture and technology is hampering people from getting their basic needs met.

While there is an argument that there were always socially inept young men who were unable to find romantic partners, I think that the modern western world has created unique challenges that didn't exist in prior generations (such as social media and downstream expectations on what a male partner should be).

It's pretty straightforward to me that the mainstream progressive view is that less empathy should be accorded to the outgroup (western incels) than fargroups (ethnic immigrants) with the same issue (finding female partners in the West).

I don't have any real solutions to this issue, but I hope society affords more empathy to incels moving forward and has the foresight to address the root societal, cultural and technological causes preventing those men (and women) from finding happiness. Touch, empathy, acceptance and love are basic human needs. Society would be much better off if incels had those needs met in terms of productivity via enfranchisement, less culture warring and societal friction and that's before you get to basic human kindness and decency in helping and accepting the unloved.

Instead we get people treating them like atomised terrorists and a threat that needs to be crushed. My time observing the culture war makes me think that their treatment will get worse before it gets better.

I did a course on terrorism - the teacher was practically scrambling to put right-wing terrorism up with Islamic terrorism despite obviously being puny in comparison.

I'm tempted to do an effort post on this as its somewhat related to my subject matter expertise. The short version is that western security services are (open source) reporting a rise in 'right wing' extremism, even as Islamism and foreign interference/espionage from enemies of the west remain larger threats. Past (brief) exposure to the employees of such services makes me think that unlike most of the rest of government (who are left leaning in their politics), they are highly professional and centrist in their political views. Basically the type of people you would want in those roles.

But there are people outside of the services themselves who wish to emphasise the rise of 'right wing extremism' for ideological reasons. I think there is a venn diagram overlap between incels/white nationalists/'right wing' extremists that some are trying to exploit by equivocating between the groups and then 'chinese robber'ing them when mass shootings and the like occur.

I also think the root causes growing those groups are similar; namely increased competition due to immigration to prop up falling birth rates in the West (and downstream ethnic tension and decay of social trust), Social media and the domination of mainstream media by left-wing political advocacy (and downstream alienation of young men who can't meet the ideal, or those with right wing political views).

It would be really great to see some sort of government level examination in the west (and in my wildest dreams actual treatment) of the root causes above, but I haven't seen any real political will to do so. I think in general its just full steam ahead on importing fungible economic units and demonization of anyone that questions the consequences.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs which has wide recognition in psychological circles has love & belonging as a need. Maslow is not without criticism though and basic physiological and safety needs rank higher.

I would also argue that its kind of a trope that incels only want sex from attractive women, are therefore voluntarily choosing celibacy, and thus deserve to be maligned.

I agree. I'm just against the idea that incels on average are against hooking up with average or mildly cute girls and are holding out for 7+/10's because they deserve it.

To meet the needs of an incel, a woman must throw herself on the sword and date a man who she doesn't want to (because if she did want to date him, he wouldn't be an incel). You can't meet the needs of incels

There are other options, such as platonic acceptance and friendship of incels, as well as encouragement of incels to use traditional techniques of physical fitness, grooming, fashion improvement and socialisation via meetups and the like. Not all can be saved, but I'm pretty sure a significant percentage can be. It probably starts with outreach and acknowledgement of the structural difficulties of dating in the modern world, rather than hyperagentic victim blaming.

I just finished Moonfleet by J. Meade Falkner.

I was randomly downloading books that I thought were from the golden age of sci-fi off the gutenburg project, and accidentally downloaded a Treasure Island contemporary.

It was pretty good. Young adult caught up with smugglers, pirate treasure, the law, jail, and final return to his home after completing his Hero's Journey. Not bad. I like this sort of escapism when I'm dealing with the stress of the modern world.

Based on the above findings, we suggest cultivating individuals’ media literacy in terms of distinguishing malicious social bots as a potential solution to deal with social bot skeptics disguised as humans, as well as making use of benign social bots for science popularization.

Clear proponents of using bots for information and cultural warfare.

As an aside, the psy-op groups within military and intelligence organisations must already be exploiting the advanced chatbots. How much of the Ukraine war propaganda is already using this praxis?

I was just thinking of that too.

Pfizer patents a pill that can make someone homosexual. It must be taken before puberty.

The real big deal is if you can apply it in-vitro for surrogate mothers carrying the children of gay couples. Ethical crossovers with things like screening for Downs Syndrome and the like?

"I want my kids to be like me. There is nothing wrong with being gay."