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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

To be fair, at least in the case of Japan, disputes over how much influence foreigners should have in Japan was a major part of both the Sengoku Jidai and the Meiji Restoration. And Japan enjoyed relative internal peace in the ~250 years in between.

But the punchline to the Google's funding of various FOSS (or not-quite-F-or-O, like RaspberryPi) groups is that even the best-funded groups aren't doing that hot, for even the most trivial problem. Canonical is one of the better-funded groups, and it's gotten them into a variety of places (default for WSL!) and they can't bother to maintain manual review for new Snaps despite years of hilariously bad malware.

This (combined with my experience as a professional dev) are why I'm sure similar crap is common in closed source code as well, even if the attack vectors are different. In recent years I've come to the conclusion that there is simply greater need/demand for code in the world than there are competent devs able to write it (and/or companies willing to fund development of it).

Median salary for a gen-Zer is about $38,000: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-age/

Assuming they have $40k for a down payment lying around, and ZERO debt, they can afford a $200,000 house. Townhomes in my semi-rural town in Utah are $250,000+. The numbers just straight up just don't pass the smell test.

Edit: Just checked Zillow, the cheapest listing I can find in my town (that isn't a trailer in a trailer park) is $265k, that's for a townhome.

It'd be complicated, since women not having disposable income independent of their husbands would lower demand on the consumer side.

Arguably if women left the workforce en masse it would lead to an increase in men's wages due to lower job competition. You'd have to put in some protectionist regulations to keep companies from just outsourcing for cheaper labor, but part (and definitely only part) of the reason it's so difficult to raise a family on a single income is precisely because women entered into the workforce en masse to begin with.

Women's rights are not a suicide pact, but feminism and leftism generally seem deadset on making them such.

Indian devs are actually worse on average, it's not just that the bad ones get stuck in India:


Offshoring already basically accomplished this. The big issue with offshoring is that 99% of Indian software devs are utter dogshit and produce utter dogshit code and don't even have the competence to understand what's dogshit about this. I write this as I sift through a pile of dogshit shat out by my offshore Indian coworkers. Any time I show basic competency at my job and do things I would expect any US CS fresh out of college grad to be able to do I come across as a miracle worker to my Indian coworkers because they're really genuinely just that incompetent.

Seeing as it's been an open dispute in philosophy for at least 2,500 years I'd say no?

No, chain of cause and effect doesn't stop at the neck, 45% of your fellow citizens becoming obese in a century can't be explained by their bad moral character.

Nonsense. Widespread availability of pornography may make it considerably more difficult to not become a degenerate coomer than it was a century ago, but it is still a choice to consume pornography or not. I'm more sympathetic to modern coomers than I would be to ones 100 years ago because it's much easier to access and fall into, but it still doesn't change the fact that it is physically possible to go without masturbating, or at least to not consume all kinds of degenerate porn to do so, and ultimately it is a choice to do so or not.

The same applies to obesity, there may be all sorts of factors like more easily available food, more fattening food, and even genetic disposition to pig out or to retain fat. But it's still ultimately a choice to consume too many calories.

Once again, only if you discount free will/individual choices/agency/whatever you want to call it. You're assuming that the same person in the exact same circumstances would always make the exact same choice.

Only if you assume first that free will doesn't exist (and if it doesn't then this discussion doesn't even matter but it's not like I could stop us from having it).

At least in the case of Waco it seems like the ATF and FBI wanted to generate publicity. Koresh made regular trips into town and they could have easily arrested him then, thry chose not to.

Akhshually that's just the mechanism of triggering the nuclear detonation, it's still a bomb. Though directional nuclear weapons are a cool idea

Just some useful legal context to add to this:

In the 90's the Clinton administration cracked down on so-called "kitchen table" FFLs. A lot of gun enthusiasts became FFLs in the 80's because it allowed them to bypass a lot of the onerous gun control regulations that had been passed in previous decades, at the small small cost of a fee, record keeping requirements, and allowing the ATF to search your home without a warrant or prior notice. But hey at least you can own post-1986 machine guns!

The Clinton administration changed this by requiring that FFLs be "in the business" of manufacturing and/or selling firearms, eliminating the ability of these smaller gun enthusiasts to become FFLs. Even though my state can set clear limits for automobile sales to determine who needs a car dealer license, the ATF seemes unable to set clear limits/amounts for what determines whether or not someone is "in the business" of selling firearms.

They've intentionally left it vague for decades because it creates fear amongst gunowners who never know if the ATF might arbitrarily and capriciously decide to go after them for even a small number of sales. And in cases like OP's story where they seem to be intentionally flirting with that line it gives all the more power and justification to the ATF for overreach.

Source on the Clinton admin FFL changes:


Also for your consideration, my state's rules on who needs a car dealership license vs. the ATF's guidance on what counts as being "in the business" of selling firearms:



The far, far simpler option than either of these is, of course, to go through the caucuses or central asia, or just hide in rural russia for awhile.

Yeah but a lot of those countries are on pretty good terms with Russia and would actively aid in a manhunt if pressured. I imagine Finland would if they knew you were in their country, but I picked Finland because if you keep your head down and avoid notice you can easily slip away to anywhere else in the EU.

Finland? If we're limited to countries sharing land borders with Russia

The Silmarillion is my favorite book of all time (though I haven't read it in years now). I'm just kind of baffled now at what you just told me, I knew Rings of Power was bad but not that bad. Why did they have to bring the Silmarils into them at all? Their target audience obviously wasn't Tolkien nerds so what were they hoping to gain by bringing them up at all? The median Rings of Power fan has no idea what the two trees were, or who Feanor and Morgoth were. Meanwhile the median Silmarillion enjoyer avoids the entire series like the plague.

Exactly, the "dead tired" line to the flight attendant, the "I'll kill you last" line to Benny along with the later follow-up of "I lied" right before he drops Benny off a cliff, and I think he says "cool off" or something like that after impaling the final bad guy with a refrigeration pipe or something like that.

Former spec ops guys become (rightwing?) terrorists and are trying to put a Latin American dictator back in power but they kidnapped Arnold's daughter for some reason so he has to kill them all is heavy subject matter?

Oscar Isaac (Leto) was probably the most "Middle Eastern" looking cast member, but he's Guatemalan

It doesn't help that Rust is actually a good language (though I won't pretend it's perfect) while still enabling C/C++ levels of performance. Wokes got in on the ground floor of what is likely the future of systems programming. I mean it's possible something like Zig could win in the long run but given the Linux kernel adopting Rust and Microsoft beginning to use it for important parts of Windows it's hard to see it losing with that kind of momentum.

But even alternatives like Zig are going to attract plenty of weirdos. Interest in low level computing and being a weirdo seem to go hand in hand, just look at how 90% or more of prominent emulator developers seem to be trans and/or furries. Even the more normal ones are still massive weebs.

And the baron specifically wanted to rape 15-year-old Paul, and even had a drugged up slave boy who looked similar to Paul. They definitely toned down how truly terrible the Harkonnens were in the movies (both 80's and new).


Had to do it twice, in fact, IIRC. You can check Lex Friedman's interview with Musk for a source.

At least in regards to the White House statement on using memory safe languages, I don't see any sort if conspiracy there. The reality is that massive hacks have been pulled off again, and again, and again, and again, and again due to buffer overflows and other memory safety errors. This includes in software written by people with significant experience with C/C++ and who are aware of common exploits.

Metro 2033 by Dmitriy Glukhovsky. Basically in 2013 there was a global nuclear war, 20 years later the survivors who holed up in the Moscow metro system have formed their own new society, creepy mutants rule the surface. Despite sounding like "Fallout but in Russia" (and the fact that there was a video game adaptation of the book doesn't help) it's actually very well written, but there are a lot of translation issues with the English version that somewhat mar the overall experience.

The main character, Artyom, is very relatable. And other than his ability to power through certain supernatural events in the metro tunnels that completely debilitate others, he doesn't seem like a Mary Sue at all, he's very normal but quite a bit naive.

Also it's thanks to this book that I learned Russia does criminal convictions in absentia. The author was sentenced to 7 years for spreading false information about the Ukraine invasion supposedly (I can't find any Western news sources that state the exact details of what he was charged with) and is currently living in exile in the EU.