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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

Metro 2033 by Dmitriy Glukhovsky. Basically in 2013 there was a global nuclear war, 20 years later the survivors who holed up in the Moscow metro system have formed their own new society, creepy mutants rule the surface. Despite sounding like "Fallout but in Russia" (and the fact that there was a video game adaptation of the book doesn't help) it's actually very well written, but there are a lot of translation issues with the English version that somewhat mar the overall experience.

The main character, Artyom, is very relatable. And other than his ability to power through certain supernatural events in the metro tunnels that completely debilitate others, he doesn't seem like a Mary Sue at all, he's very normal but quite a bit naive.

Also it's thanks to this book that I learned Russia does criminal convictions in absentia. The author was sentenced to 7 years for spreading false information about the Ukraine invasion supposedly (I can't find any Western news sources that state the exact details of what he was charged with) and is currently living in exile in the EU.

For the 10th year running I've kept all three of my resolutions-

  1. Don't die
  2. Don't go to jail
  3. Don't walk on the moon

I fully expect to keep them again this year, or be in such a state as to not care if I didor not

High fat with lots of fiber too, if only for cleansing your intestines and making bathroom trips better. I can't speak to the overall health benefits of one vs. the other though.

Portuguese position: Thank God everyone forgets about Salazar

And Heinlein messed with readers until the last page or two of the book, making you think Rico was Hispanic the whole time only to reveal that he's Filipino.

Fascism is considered reactionary by academics because it is. In the Nazi case, it was also revolutionary,

I refer you to George Orwell's essay, "What is Fascism?" The point being that the word had already been diluted beyond any sort of agreed upon meaning before WW2 had even finished. No one can agree on what fascism actually is:


STRICT tables might interest you:


that didn't automatically imply religious.

To be honest, I don't really think such a thing exists. Non-religious conservatives are a thing, absolutely, but the most prominent and famous ones seems to have, uh, colorful personal lives at best. I love Clint Eastwood and his movies, but I definitely would not want to emulate his personal life.

If you need a SQL database and don't need multiple concurrent writers nothing beats SQLite in terms of performance and simplicity. But yeah if your usecase falls outside of that it's not really a good fit. Though the SQLite docs explicitly acknowledge that.

Eh Carmack probably isn't a super good role model of conservative values outside of a role model for the value of hard work and education, I agree. Though he is anti-woke to some extent (good friends with Musk, guest speaker at an explicitly anti-woke sci fi convention, etc.).

Richard Hipp on the other hand would probably be a good conservative role model. Devout Catholic, family man, hard worker and successful. Also massively impactful worldwide (you probably have a few dozen instances of SQLite running on your phone or desktop as we speak). And appears to be very humble in spite of that.

You can say that black people are stupid and trans people are deluded pedophiles every day for years, as long as you maintain decorum.

But if someones recognizes that what you're saying there is 'fuck everyone not like me' and responds with 'hey, fuck you too', that person is not being polite and must be eliminated.

Do you consider there to be any possible explanation for those views other than "fuck everyone not like me?" I don't believe that black people are "stupid," though I do believe that there will be fewer high IQ blacks per capita than whites and Asians. I don't hate them, I just want to stop giving them handouts and discriminating in their favor. And I don't believe that all trans people are deluded pedophiles, just the overwhelming majority of the MtF ones.

Knowing that I hold these views, do you believe that I personally think "fuck everyone not like me?" If so, why?

Local scout leaders, church leaders, etc. Two of my bishops growing up (I'm LDS) were huge role models for me.

My biggest secular role models as an adult are probably John Carmack and Richard Hipp, but that's because I work in software development.

I'd much rather engage with a Buchananite than a Reaganite if I'm going to get '80s right-wing politics brought forward.

I have a feeling that I'm the closest thing we have to a Buchananite here, and even I have a decent number of views that an 80's-90's era Buchananite would see as beyond the pale. Mostly because I've got a bit of a crypto-anarchist streak. At least when I'm not channeling Uncle Ted.

I am a registered member of the Constitution Party though.

Hlynka's was unique in that he reported marrying the girl he accidentally knocked up. It was simply a very different vibe.

FWIW I married the first girl I ever kissed. And the first I ever went on more than 3 dates with, for that matter.

I liked Hlynka well enough, but my biggest issue him was the near constant question dodging whenever he got challenged with something difficult. Now mind you in a lot of those cases there are wats he could have responded/answered from his own viewpoint (even if I think the arguments would have been wrong) but he didn't even do that. But he would continue responding to other people's posts that didn't contain hardball questions in the meantime.

following the same rules as us yet exploiting the parts of them that we haven't discovered yet

Relativity and the speed of light put a pretty hard limit on things

Supernatural entities would presumably operates by rules separate from those of the physical universe. Aliens have to follow the same rules as us.

I'd love for the idea of (peaceful) interstellar contact to be a reality, but the problem is that it just really isn't feasible unless several major widely accepted parts of physics are actually false. The time and energy requirements needed for interstellar travel so high that any non-supernatural (i.e. angels or demons etc. instead of aliens) explanation for UFOs is prima facia false.

I can't find anything about a specific player like you're talking about it (all the top search results are about how the NFL is racist but unsurprisingly light on specifics). Do you recall which player this was?

The basic idea is that black players that had not taken the Wonderlic when joining the league had their post-career Wonderlic score compared to a lower default/baseline than white players that had not taken the Wonderlic prior to joining the league. The reason for this being that the median black Wonderlic score is lower than the median white Wonderlic score. There was no manipulation/lowering of actual test scores based on race, it was applying a baseline for players that hadn't taken the test before.

Hlynka's characterization of the incident is... uncharitable to say the least.

Western US, US waking hours, and experience with Visual Studio and C++ don't really narrow it down. Get all the tech workers from Seattle, the Bay Area, and LA together in a stadium or two and you can't throw a stone without hitting multiple people who meet those criteria.

As others have pointed out: it is definitely causing some /priors updating/ that anybody takes this data even remotely seriously. This would be like polling a bunch of redditors about religion and then reporting on it as if this was a meaningful sample.

I can't remember if it was here or back when we were still on plebbit but someone posted one of Aella's polls about sexual satisfaction in marriage and the number of people here defending it with all sorts of weird rationales ("Of course representative, sexually well adjusted men follow prostitutes on Twitter and participate in their polls!") was baffling to say the least, and made me lower my already low estimation of much of the rationalist movement.

As a huge fan of JCVD I can say that 50% of his movies are trash (but enjoyable trash), 45% are mediocre but entertaining, and 5% are good. I don't think I've ever seen anyone unironically argue that any significant amount of his movies are actually good in the critical sense.

I think it's a problem with period pieces in general. Robert Eggers's work (The Vvitch, The Northman) is one of the few examples I can think of where someone in mass media attempted to have the characters' concerns match what people of that period's actual concerns would have been. And while I'm not sure what Eggers's feelings about religion are, I can tell from his films that he actually gets religious people, something that makes him better than 99% of people in tv and film. The hardcore Puritans in The Vvitch and the norse pagans in The Northman make sense on their own terms, which actually makes them more relatable to me in a strange way even if I find several of the specifics of their beliefs repugnant.

Normies will never do a thing to help actual autists (as opposed to trendy "autists" that act quirky for internet clout). The single most sympathetic place on earth to autists is 4chan, the idea of actually caring about autists and their struggles is completely beyond the notice, let alone the concern, of any normie individuals and organizations that could do something about it.

And to channel Ayn Rand for a moment, the least powerful, most oppressed minority is the individual.