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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

I don't feel anything from lifting or running or swimming, but I do from high intensity whole body activity shit.

Like, running just makes me tired and grumpy but doing heavy bag sprints or rock climbing at high intensity does give me a tingle.

I saw those; they have shifted my view not at all beyond just knowing that GOF research was conducted in wuhan, which is already enough to move lab leak hypotheses from lizard person to rational but unlikely.

Re. Porn: Time yourself.

Decide what sounds reasonable when you are clear headed, and set a timer when you decide it's time to blow out the pipes; including search time.

If you spend an hour polishing your hog before your hog is fully polished; you might be polishing too much. Give that hog a break!

Eg; if you can't finish your manual override in 25 mins; you probably didn't need to do a little controlled hormone rebalancing and were just doing it to kill time.

Man, this would be really bad if there was any evidence at all whatsoever other than one paper about statistics that makes no specific testable claims, and also didn't require the reader to ignore 200 years of history.

There are arguments to be made re. drug getting soft-pedaled in trials vis. effectiveness; believing they are soft-pedaled re. harm requires a level of alternate reality living that is frankly impressive.

Novelty and variety increasing consumption is pretty well established.

it's not going to happen.

I could see some harsh limitations and sin taxes being imposed ala tabaco and alcohol , but a ban?

Check in again after they ban cigarettes, then you might have to start worrying.

Boris is your usual populist idiot political toad. He is dumb as hell and has a mile long trail of stupid decisions, blatant lies, obvious hypocrisies and general ineptitude, but gets elected and even does pretty well sometimes because the opposition has swung so far away from populism their ivory tower is about to hit the moon.

Doesn't matter in the face of being a total fuckup though, which his handling of Brexit really showed. Shit or get off the pot, my dude.

That includes setting the scene, selecting material, and cleanup/shame recovery time. The whole sesh, if you will.

He's a dude who guessed right three times and who's early/mid/late career fuckups were either prevented by his partners or bailed out by the government, and now he thinks every one of his ideas is gold.

Dude looks at his track record of having the biggest social credit score and thinks he is jobs/gates/ford/carnegie; not realizing that he really, really isn't.

SpaceX has never and probably will never make a profit without government contracts; and it is also the thing I love most that musk has ever spearheaded. It is a frankly stupid business idea though, and if he stopped making decisions about his fucking moronic dick extension heavy lifters the company would probably be much more functional. Him being in charge of space X instead of just writing the checks almost certainly has made the company worse, not better.

Basically, I really really REALLY hope that crewed starship only exists in rendering software and isn't eating up attention and capital.

He (IMO) has three meaningful contributions to human progress; with every other action he has taken of neutral or negative value: He has succefully marketed EVs as sexy instead of lame, he has plowed a big pile of money into decreasing dollars/ozs to orbit, and he has made some long bets on innovative manufacturing techniques re. casting large structural members that I think will pay off long term.

Everything else he has done ranges from boondogle ->scam -> half-baked->purely exists to siphon public money.

As a leftist who believes in IQ heritability; ya'll need to clean up your argumentation so I can come at it from the other side.

The leftist debate bro rat types who actually engage with HBD topics have all debated HBD types, and complete, utterly smashed them on the rhetoric and the facts when it comes to racial IQ gaps, but have all retreated on the heritability of IQ.

The thing is, the (! MAJORITY OF !)argumentation by the right HBD crowed is so rickety and echo-chamber adapted that it instantly falls apart under any amount of hostile attention and also looks really bad, so it drags down my beloved IQ heritability by making dumb unsupportable racialized arguments instead of sticking to easy population arguments.

  • -18

I have worked in at many companies in many trades, and this has never happened once ever to me or to anyone I know or anyone they know.

It is just kindof a silly thing to believe?

Like, have you ever worked retail, or construction, or tech?

If you will pardon some hysterical left wring political doomerism:

I think I'm having an AI risk moment, and you guys are doing it to me!

I was always kinda skeptical of leftist claims re. right wing fascism in the US.

Yes, claiming the election was stolen is a little ehhhhh, but it is also just more traditional right wing signaling about corrupt institutions and blah blah blah.

Yes, circling the wagons around Trump and friends when they were doing clearly sketchy/criminal shit was a little fucked, but could I honestly say the left or the libs wouldn't do the same thing in exchange for the presidency? Of course not.

Yes, conservative justices are openly political and have only enough respect for precedent to secure the fig leaf with blue tack, but come on now. Roe v Wade, anyone?

The reaction of right wing populists, elected officials, intellectuals, and media regarding our lovable insane maga hammerbro doing a little trolling are making me wig out. People I thought were wrong but serious passing around clear bullshit about gay escorts, pretending the dude wasn't Q radicalized, and laughing it off. It's one thing for the lunatic fringe to do that shit, it's another entirely when the largest single conservative news network and most popular intellectuals are doing it.

Then I come here for a dose of sanity, and I have to dig DEEP into the replies before I find anyone positing the plainly obvious: that if you say your political opponents are child rapist election stealing perverts, some section of the population will actually believe the literal words you are saying and "take action".

Maybe I'm just having a little moment and will regress to mean in a couple weeks, but this particular incident has shifted me from "no" to "They would if they could" regarding conservatives in this country, at least temporarily.

I was already armed because I think guns are fun and cool and are never gonna be banned regardless of how many schools get shot up so I might as well have fun, now I'm shopping around for my local John Brown chapter.

(also, if you are apolitical or don't mind some leftism from time to time and are looking for a gun club, the John Brown Gun Club and SRA are actually really chill and safe, so far. Much better than the local non-denominational clubs. I haven't been flagged once by a dude shoulder carrying his AR with closed bolt and magazine loaded yet, which is a damn sight better than the public ranges in SC.)

One last thing while I'm thinking about it: Dude once showed up to the range with the sickest Springfield armory 1911 I've ever seen, all nickel and smooth as glass and beautiful as fuck, one of their 2000$ fancy jobs. Predictably everyone gathered around and asked to see it like a bunch of 7 year olds for a foil pokemon card, then dude turns around and fucking holds me up with it practically. Scary as fuck. He let me shoot it afterwards though, so that was something.

Apropos of cook books:

If you haven't already, all the Kimball produced books and magazines are excellent. Not full of room for expression, but reliable recipes that don't ask you to do a bunch of silly horse shit for no reason, and also don't talk down to you like a child vis. making idiot substitutions or lazy technical choices.

Dude is equally not afraid to say "You must get this weird expensive fungus or don't even bother" and "This sacred cow is dumb, slaughter it".


old Cooks illustrated and current Milk Street recommended highly.

You have to understand, it's more of a vibes based religion these days.

The best answer I can give:

They want to know that you are a good target for a relationship, and that you won't rape and murder them.

It is basically impossible to know these things about someone without already being in a relationship for a while/ getting within muderin' range.

The only way to figure it out is to ask the dude "Hey, are you put together and not fucking c r a z y?", which has some obvious problems with it.

So, what they do instead is poll the target using lizard brain bullshit viz. their position on the relationship/murder compass, which amounts to looking for high confidence and high sociability.

The red pill dudes are right about Chad, but disqualify themselves from Chadhood by being very poorly socialized.

You do it subconsciously all the time, unless you are an autist like me and had to train yourself to notice that style of bullshit.

It's why scamming is the real oldest profession; if you have high confidence and high sociability while also being an asshole (but secret!), you can go far.

Lotta bad answers here. Fucking disgraceful.

  1. Is clearly a Horned Yak that has been shot with a comical 155mm gun; which have that sort orange shaggy fur, straited horns, and large hole through the middle.

  2. Is some sort of disgusting mutated rodent. It doesn't matter what it is, judging by the spots on it's ears it's got the plague. Destroy it immediately and purify your house with burning pitch.

  3. You got it right, that there is a Cusuco. Get rid of the varmint before it breaks all your livestock's legs by digging holes and then gives you leprosy, which they are a reservoir for because Texas and the southwest in general are blighted lands, cursed by god.

  4. A tortured creature, imprisoned in a log by some sort of sadist. Have you dog fulfill his traditional duty and put that fox out of it's misery.

Also: Just stop posting!

This is not the only site on the internet where you can discuss things with people; there is nobody here that is actually worth sticking around for if the community in general seems toxic.

If you, eg, post about some political topic you consider obvious and everyone calls you insane, this community probably won't support the type of engagement you want.

There is such a thing as strikes.

The apologia for the richest guy who started rich and picked right twice is funny to me, as always. Dude really is the modern day Timothy Dexter.

YOU are smarter than Elon Musk, he just had money and the blind self confidence to parley his way into a leadership position where his staff carefully wrangles him to making correct decisions sometimes. Testimonials from everyone who has ever touched his technical work are universally negative, strip it down and build it again right style shit.

But! That doesn't matter. HIS JOB ISN'T ENGINEERING, he is the fucking CEO. He can hire 99th percentile STEMlords to do STEM stuff, he needs to do CEO stuff.

The place you can say he is actually a genius: He is a fucking sublime marketing machine. He never turns off, he is 25/8 looking for ways to promote himself and his sources of revenue, both directly and indirectly, both positively and negatively.

He managed to fill the Steve Jobs shaped hole in the zeitgeist, and that is enough to make up for 95% of all boneheaded financial decisions.

Honestly, FPTP is inherently non democratic, and voting for politicians is likewise kinda stupid.

Ideally, we would have some sort of de-personalized voting for policy slates instead of an idiot popularity contest where being good looking or tall has a greater statistical effect on a given candidates victory than anything else.

High IQ is associated with high educational achievement is associated with high income is associated with living in coastal metropolitan areas is associated with liberalism; and corporations go where the money is.

Cest La Vie.

A set angle knife sharpener and honing rod for your friend who refuses to learn how to use a set of stones.

Good enough results for government work, and cheap.

A gyokucho ryoba for someone who does handyman stuff or carpentry. crosscuts and rips hardwood like butter and softwood like water, leaves a decent finish if your cut is straight, flush cuts pretty good, and costs 35ish bucks? Gimmie dat.

EDIT: MILWAUKEE!? SNAP ON!?, he cried as he retreated into the shadows.


I judged based on how plastic they looked in the photo; the more fixed in a horrified rictus they were the more Right I assumed they were; based on US political memes.

Lord of the Rings is actually really good; IF you don't mind them playing fast and loose with cannon dates and some GoT style bloody titillation that doesn't quite fit with the movies or books (it's not too gratuitous, but it is there. It's the only place you could really feel the heavy hand of the executive).

I wasn't sure on my feelings while I was watching it vis. some pacing issues and where the camera was looking, but the last couple episodes made me really appreciate the whole thing.

To take your analogy at face value:

There is no norm re. drinking hydrofluoric acid. You are free to purchase, free to imbibe, and free to die stupidly.

Likewise gender rolls. Even if they provide some sort of benefit along the lines of not drinking deadly acid, that still doesn't mean they should be enforced. People should be allowed to make idiot decisions as long as they only kill them selves, and let Darwin sort it out on the back end.