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BANNED USER: /comment/174290




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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

Both of you, for you both labor so that your betters can live off you like a tick.

But for real, it is both of you. Even from a non-socialist perspective, you have given up on 'niceness' in exchange for convenience and cheapness; you live the TV dinner equivalent of a life wherever you choose to do this.

Sometimes that is what it is, you don't have the time or spare attention to not live the takeout McDonalds experience, but you should always be mindful on what exactly you are doing and why. From time to time get yourself some craft instead of some kraft. You would not believe how pleased I am with myself for that last line

By all means, institutionalize mentally ill vagrants.

Also by all means, punish extrajudicial killings. We can do both, NYC police got 10.3 BILLION this year.

I don't consider myself an SJW because that's a boomer ass term from 10 years ago, but conservatives do.

I am a gender abolitionist philosophically, and pro everything on that cringe liberal yard sign more practically. Also, I am more equality of outcome than I am equality of opportunity (with limits, ofc).

I can't imagine the future planes of shit I don't like that will eventually get normalized; but when it comes I will know it. Or maybe I will be the cool old guy who remains both "hip" and "with it", who nows.

To extend and confirm your logic, this is why all papists should be tied into a sack with a rock, a snake, and a badger and thrown into the river outside town, what with the prevalence of pedophiliacs in the church springing from it's policies and traditions.

Why though? Why not attraction as identity, instead of race as identity or job as identity or cult as identity or gender as identity?

They are all equally valid and equally worthless way to construct yourself; I don't see why we should say "This cultural hallucination is good but this one is bad" without reference to either outcomes or principles. Those can be argued, at least.

Yes, because the majority of people in the country want abortion enshrined as a right. The fact that the system as it is enforces minority rule is not a dunk on progressives; it's a condemnation of the system.

I mean, I only whipped out the phrase in question because people here keep calling pro-choice people baby killers, so I thought some nice harmless hyperbole would be fun.

And you can really argue with it either. The woman in question wishes to abort the fetus; anti abortionists wish she would not. She is a baby killer, they want to force her to give birth. It is what it is.

I appreciate the pun, but there is no flex in living that prol mdf furniture life.

When you pay IKEA 100 for 10 worth of material and labor, you are getting fleeced. Better to pay 1000 for 500 worth of materials and labor.

Because Trump was the president. He defacto represents the R's, just like Bidden represents the D's.

Him being gross means that the R's are also gross through the transitive property, because he is king shit of R mountain.

Which heuristic serves better across all fields at all times: trusting the establishment and the experts

or: trusting contrarians and heretics?

The rational, logical thing to do is to follow the consensus and not waste your lifespan shoveling what might be sand.

Unless you one derives pleasure from their motte adjacent activities WE are the stupid ones; wasting our lives arguing about how many angels will fit on the head of a pin.

Havin done work for the real deal MIC types and utilities types: Maybe, but probably not.

The majority of the defense guys I know (under the age of 45, note) and woke as fuck, they also like missiles and think that war is bad but super cool.

Those Lockheed pride socks are real. This is because they are all highly educated gradates on the high side of the bell curve.

Likewise utility people. The lower IQ shovel swingers and tradespeople are 45/45 milqtoast neolib/neocon, the radical fringe are 5/5.

The people with college degrees are woke exactly in proportion to the defense guys, because again: they are highly educated graduates on the high side of the bell curve.

It's the same old research: IQ==educational attainment==openness==liberal views.

You have to understand, it's more of a vibes based religion these days.

If you actually do that shit I will be BTFO for real. I will never recover from this thing that hasn't happened but might.

This but unironically.

If a low iq dude with a fucked up spine wants a middle class lifestyle and gets told "sucks to suck", why shouldn't that attitude extended to all of human existence? This is capitalist realism land, my dudes.

If you don't have something you want, by the dictates of the efficient market it can only be because you don't deserve to have it.

Dude has good pipes, mediocre fingers, and no songwriting talent. Politics aside, if you are a dedicated listener to this style of music it sounds extremally trite and standard and played out, style of thing.

The genre is going through a bit of a Renaissance right now with Billy Strings and friends tearing it up, down and sideways; but most new talented artists in the field are either hard left or socially conservative but sympathetic to the homeless/criminal/welfare crowd (because they come from there; half the time. 90% of the population of Appalachia receives welfare of some sort, the vast majority of traditional bluegrass areas eat the government cheese. ) this dude wouldn't get any oxygen if it wasn't for the politics IMO.

Let's reframe it again!

I have a gun. You have a wallet. I do not have a wallet. You do not have a gun.

Would you rather we lived in blue pill world or a red pill world?

That is why people pick blue. Because after everyone selects their pills, they go back to work where other people get 100000 choices a day to pick red or blue for you.

Your solution to this prisoners dilemma is the state of nature.

I'm hawkish on covid, and I think about it occasionally. EG, during covid I realized I fucking hated eating inside restaurants/going to indoor concerts where the music is amplified purely for noise related reasons so I still do as much as a can outdoors (I pay extra to live in socal, might as well enjoy the weather).

Omicron and further variants has pushed it firmly into the endemic phase and various vaccines are working at various levels of good enough; no point in closing the barn door after the horse is out and I've bought a new horse. I'll take a booster if I see a bunch of people near me get it bad enough to get put on their ass or in the ground, otherwise It's out of my mind like the flue.

My main concern is post viral symptoms associated with covid, because I have some bets on it. I got one payed out for heart damage from Covid Original flavor (one cool bottle of Makers 46 FO cask), but the data for Covid Zero and Chery Vanilla Covid re-heart damage isn't in yet/doesn't look too good for me unless a bunch of studies come out by the end of the year; meaning I might be out a bottle of Del Maguey. I'm still waiting on anything re. kidney damage, but that one has no end date; only when we can agree it is/ isn't happening.

There are no good utilitarian argument (IMO) against SOME wealth redistribution. History, science, and economics all support it; at least until basic needs are filled and everyone reaches a consumption equilibrium/ inequality falls bellow the level that historically causes social unrest.

People like me who want way more than some have a tough row to hoe, given how it's gone in this past BUT THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT! This time we'll keep the market, come on, it'll be fun!

I will say that there is such a thing as a 'good teacher', it's just that it is determined per student and not per teacher.

For me, an autistic type 1 nerd that hates sitting still for more than 15 min, I need a teacher that goes lighting fast and makes as many jokes per minute as possible, then spends the back 3/4's of the class doing examples and taking questions so the loose information settles into the correct pattern. I actually REALLY benefited from zoom classes when I did my emergency covid degree; cause if the lecture was too slow I could play video games and keep my brain in the peak power zone RPMs wise, instead of falling asleep/into a fugue.

Someone else who takes careful notes and thinks things through might want very slow, thorough lecture to construct the pattern in their brain and then just moves to the next one.

A third person might not benefit from lecture at all; they need to read and reread the text until their brain synthesizes a world model out of it.

It's the full flower of human individuality, what a fucking pain!


That's why I'm strongly in favor of almost all forms of education other than home schooling: Where else are you gonna get your norms? If your dad comes home and whips you every day, where else are you gonna catch a break, or get a meal?

My analogy was more on the fact that the fictional school in question clearly spends +-a zillion per student.

Your causal arrows are backwards. Watching Obama get cucked over and over by the legislature (even when he had a majority!) managed to finally penetrate the thick ridge of bone the average congress critter uses to protect the part of their brain that turns sense data into long term memory.

I think the trauma of loosing two seats on the unelected unaccountable high priest council finally traumatized regular dems into realizing that the reps aren't playing the same game as them.

Yes and no; it's super localized and age gated.

Where I am: Allyship isn't expressed; but it is 100% presumed. Eg, if someone made a rainbow themed credenza and people started complaining about it being political; the response wouldn't have been understanding lets say.

Back east: Probably not the case.

Where I am woodworking (especially hand tool woodworking; which is my bag) is a very expensive involved hobby for upper-class people, thus lower class beliefs re. lgbtq+ai^2 are cast out into the darkness along with watching nascar and listening to country music. That's prole shit! For the fucking poors!

In other places it's probably totally different, I bet.

No, I mean that a choke physiologically CANNOT last longer than about 5-15 seconds. If you have a choke on someone and they are still struggling after that long, it is either autonomic flailing and their brain is about to die or you are actually strangling them.

Basically, there are two levels here. One is there is no safe way to squeeze someone's throat; which is fine. It's not supposed to be safe, it's supposed to be effective.

Two is if you squeeze someone's throat for more than the x amount of time (which is quite short actually), it is +/- equivalent to shooting them in the chest or stabbing them.

This is actually why I think that if anyone puts their hands on you in the street you are fully justified in killing them instantly: the human animal can live through ridiculous punishment then die because throat squeeze ouch.

All this is going waaaaaaaaaaaaay off track from what I started reeeeeing about though; that being that manslaughter charges are appropriate for someone that does something that commonly results in death without premediating or intending to kill the other dude.

Again: no.

If we did preventatives as required and acted with 15+- optimal efficiency (instead of 85% --) re. big works projects, we couldn't even employ all the people we have now on a permanent basis. We can put them to work digging holes and filling them in again (which is our current system), but that's it kinda.

There is tones of replication, grift and fat in the private contracting ecosystem. I'd go so far as to say it's MAJORITY fat. The exception to this is Rail: Our rail network is shit 'cause the companies that own it do stock buy backs instead of anything at all whatsoever, but I've never worked on the railroad part of the railroad, so I can't say for sure what's up there.

My gut says: you can appreciate all the deepfake porn you like as a consumer, but MAKING deepfake porn should be treated exactly like libel.

The problem isn't coomers doing their thing, it's someone searching your name and getting convincing video of you getting blasted that is three reposts deep in a chain and no longer has any implication towards fakeness.

This is not likely to happen to a pleb and won't be a huge problem for eg somone already famous, because our theoretical background checker would see that @questionasker is big on the internet so it's probably fake; but even so.