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User ID: 572



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User ID: 572

Those are really good arguments that Jones should have made in court.

I do not think Gibson bakery suffered $36 million worth of damages. The NPV of their entire future line of business to the end of time could not possibly be that. But I am glad the jury made sure to stick it in Oberlin's eye.

Esp for the emotional damage part. I don't think people should be entitled to damages because they feel hurt by what you say

IIED is not just "my feelings got hurt." There are four elements and that is just one of them.

That does not explain the discrepancy he raised at all. It is an entirely separate issue.

I thought literally everyone at the time said that the purpose was to reduce severity in most patients

The scientists said that they were only testing for proving making individuals less likely to die, which they were very good at in the pre-Omicron days.

A bunch of other people, particularly in the media, showed up and said "well, that must mean it reduces transmission, right?" and then said "it obviously reduces transmission" even though the scientists said they never tested proved that.

This is some alternate kind of motte-and-bailey, where the useful idiots say wrong things that you can claim credit for in case they turn out to be right, but disavow if they are wrong.

I have heard "this President is an empty suit controlled by the real people in charge" for literally every President of my life.

Biden is the first one I actually believe it. Not completely, because he definitely did the Afghanistan withdrawal over his staff's objections.

I like automatic trash cans, but the inside of a trash can lid tends to get coated with the most disgusting crud, since it is a trash can after all, and since it is electronic I cannot just hose it off. Are there models that are explicitly designed to guard against this?

It was over too fast for people to do anything about it.

The audience has to know which things to suspend disbelief on.

If I am watching Star Trek and they visit some new planet and the people are all of made up of different Earth-like races but with pointy noses, that is perfectly okay because they have not told me any reason to think otherwise. But if a dragon just shows up in the climax if the episode, the show has broken its contract with me, and no "lol but you believe in spaceships" gets around that.

Appearances have been established as extremely important in the GoT universe. People get beheaded for them.

This is an ahistorical post-war whale-fall consensus idea. U.S. history shows that, outside of times of monopolar ideological hegemony, intolerance of other's ideas and opinions to the point of storming newspaper offices and tarring-and-feathering people is incredibly common.

Scott summed it up as:

Popular historical strategies for dealing with differences have included

  • brutally enforced conformity
  • brutally efficient genocide
  • making sure to keep the alien machine tuned really really carefully.

The people commit suicide sticking to their values, and thread OP is mad that they did not commit suicide sticking to his values.

Because of loss of the endowment, which was the explicit goal of the person that sliders was responding to.

The size of the Oberlin penalty looks about right to me. Slightly different facts would mean no penalty at all for Oberlin, and the jury wanted to make sure that the lesson got learned this time.

it could have been a frame job

To be a frame job we have to actually pin it on someone first. We are not even to that point.

It used to be much harder to get any kind of decent nerd content. We had to love whatever shit they gave us, it was the only hope of getting any more.

We have the luxury these days of being able to say that it sucks and can just go consume different nerd content.

There is something about the original material that makes it good, some special sauce.

The die-hard fans are not necessarily right about what that is. But it is something. With a book series, there is solid world-building that took place completely out-of-sight and you can just feel as you watch, never being taken out of the experience. That is probably sufficient for the secret sauce but it is usually a necessary for it.

But there is still work for the person doing the adapting! The first Harry Potter movie sucked because it was mostly just reading out the book. By the third the people making the movies learned how to adapt the very strong source material, leaving things out and changing things as needed. By the sixth Rowling had taken back control because who is going to tell her no, and it started to wear again.

IMHO the big reason the Fantastic Beasts movies are so clumsy is that Rowling is writing them directly. She is very good at writing books but not good at writing movies, but again no one can say no. If she wrote source material and then someone else made it into a movie we would get something better, but there would still be too much Dumbledore and too little Fantastic Beasts.

Sometimes I can watch Scarlett Johannsenn beat up men and it works, because she takes them by surprise or fights smarter than them.

But often she just punches them out and I am just jarred out of the experience. "Why can she do this? Did I miss her getting super-powers?" I stop watching the movie and get lost in my thoughts.

Daredevil's hallway scene is really good for many reasons, but I just want to focus on the obvious fight. You have a guy who has no physical powers like strength or speed or agility. He does have super-senses, and he has to use them because any straight-on fight is too likely to end up with him injured. He keeps an advantage but the tension is still high because if he loses that advantage at all he stands a good chance of dying.

These days it is just assumed he can take on a couple henchmen goons at once without a problem.

This is bad, but it is not woke.

A mainline MCU movie has a budget north of $100,000,000. How much do they save by going economy-size on the writers and directors?

Sometimes the repairman really does not want to do the job and gives a "fuck you" quote. (edit they show the full quote in another thread)

An FBI plant.

They may or may not exist, but getting rid of people who might-just-as-well-be-glowies is an important skill for any group.

I too was very surprised to hear Squid Game actors called attractive. The lead has traditional leading man qualities, but most of the rest border on or are downright ugly.

Which was not bad! They were all very distinctive and as a white dude watching wall-to-wall Koreans I was happy to be able to tell them all apart easily. The ugliness even lent itself to the desperation of the characters and fit the mood.

they literally staked the future of their whole studio on this show

Do you think Amazon Studio will actually close? There are many more billions of dollars left to flush down the toilet.

If you are saying that the reason ResetEra or RPGNet became totally insane is that evaporative cooling drove away everyone not-insane, I agree.

But I do not think you are saying that. I think you are saying "right-wing people really really want to say nigger and then when people get banned for saying that the whole left-wing march starts."

Any place useful, regardless of polarity, needs to keep out

  • fed posters

  • glowies

  • fucking idiots who are genuinely "on our side"

and barrels of ink will be spilled saying, in way more words, "our side has no bad people, they are all plants from the other side, and, man, speaking of the other side, let me tell you about them, did you see their claim that the only people posting hate on their forums are outside wreckers?"

Anyway. All that ink is irrelevant because as far as the place is concerned all three of those groups are identical and the antibodies to keep out one keeps out the others.

These days people are dredging drama from normies who have absolutely no power over anything.

more than the average online player .

When you are regularly winning prize money you should expect higher scrutiny than that.

IF chess. com ran such a detailed audit on dozens of other players, would there also be suspicious activity?

Yes, and they do. You say you read the report so I do not know how you missed this.

And if chess. com knew he cheated 100 times, why wouldn't they ban him on the 5th time or something

Because it was found on looking back. Also, when your job is "catching cheaters" you absolutely do not tell someone the instant they trip an alarm.

So far there's no evidence


There is absolutely evidence. Chess.com even cites some it, while saying that they say, in their own opinion, it is not enough to ban him from OTB chess (which they do not moderate anyway).