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Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

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joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC

I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.

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User ID: 873


Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC


I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.


User ID: 873

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I really hope calling women the "meme sex" doesn't become a thing here... It doesn't feel like the sort of thing you would do if you were trying to "write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion."

Any attempt to project the current political-cultural divide further back than maybe like 1950 at the very earliest always seems like a tortured version of Whig history to me. The idea that the Protestant Reformation was somehow the same movement as the modern movement that supports same-sex marriage and gender theory as core values is so absurd that I'm not even sure how to respond.

I’m really not convinced anyone is consciously deciding to fake tourette’s to get out of schoolwork.

  1. Tourette’s doesn’t really get you out of schoolwork. It’s not contagious so you don’t need to be kept away from other people and it’s not a condition that goes away after a day or two of rest so there’s no reason to allow that time.

  2. Tourette’s is a permanent condition, which means deciding to fake it credibly is a lifelong commitment.

  3. It’s a difficult condition to fake. If you tell your parents you have a stomachache or a headache, they just have to take your word for it, but someone faking tourette’s has to remember to tic regularly.

Anyone who thought about it for a minute would realize, as you did, that it makes way more sense to fake an infection.

here's a link to my repost on /r/Medicine, since Reddit's abominable search function makes it impossible to dredge up the original, which had one of the few comments Scott makes in these parts on it, still a highlight of my Reddit career:

I found the TheMotte comment. This website is good for searching Reddit comments.

The analogous case to art being used to train a model is code being used to train a model, and that's what GitHub Copilot and OpenAI Codex are. Most software engineers like the idea.

Either I’m misreading you or you’re misreading me. The numbers I shared are for people under 30.

I agree that there are some people who treated it this way, but then why would Pai/Trump bother repealing it, if that's all it was? Why spend their political capital on this, if it doesn't make a difference?

Is there any technical constraint making us stick to 10k characters for comments like on Reddit? I think the way we use this community means that long comments are really common and are actually the sort of thing we want to encourage. I think 15k or 20k might be better if it's just a config change. Especially since I don't think we have the functionality to lock the top-level comment so people can only reply to the full comment the way we used to.

(I just ran up against the 10k limit for a comment I posted in the CWR and had to trim it.)

Has anyone brought up the banner image yet? It just looks some weird stock photograph unrelated the Motte and makes the site feel incomplete. I would rather not have it at all.

Thanks for your reply. For what it’s worth, my experience is not consistent with the theory that “tier 2” social events have higher ratios of women than “tier 1” social events. I’ve been to private parties that are almost entirely men.

Thanks for the feedback. Re: The first bullet, those sorts of “dates that aren’t dates” are how I used to approach things and my experience was that it’s a good way to make friends. So I started trying to be more direct.

The Republican party is not the same thing as conservatism. In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, there were lots of conservative Democrats in elected office; now there are basically none. I agree that conservatives were in a better position in 2017 than they are in 2023 or were in 2009, but it’s certainly not an all-time high watermark for conservatism.

I do well with older men and young(ish) women, most younger men do better with young men and older women


If you lose the advertisers, you lose the site, and then there's no free speech at all for anyone on Twitter... I think he's trying to do the most pro-speech things that are practically possible.

Mods, can we have an election mega thread please? It seems likely to dominate discussion for this week.

We do have data about comments per day etc. See www.themotte.org/stats, www.themotte.org/daily_chart, and www.themotte.org/weekly_chart.

Actually the daily and weekly charts aren't working right now for some reason but they normally do.

It's kind of hilarious reading all the Mottizens in this thread explain their interpretations of the term that are way more intelligent and charitable than the truth. It just means "women are a meme, lol".

Use Sci-Hub. (Note: not legal)

I went ahead and created an issue for this: https://github.com/themotte/rDrama/issues/360

"Rape is about power, not sex" is not an attempt at a definition of rape, it's just a statement about rape.

I wouldn’t watch any of these media franchises even if they were good and nonwoke. But even though their casting decisions don’t matter at all per se, they aren’t happening in a vacuum. The media considers it racist minority erasure if a white actor is cast for a nonwhite character. But if a nonwhite actor is cast for a white role and you complain about it, you’re a horrible racist too. This is a racist double standard. We are being conditioned to accept a racist double standard. I refuse to accept that, even for something that doesn’t matter per se. Because a society that embraces racist double standards in ways that don’t really matter will embrace them in ways that do matter, too.

My opinion is that at some point it becomes kind of silly to keep using terms coined in blog posts that are almost a decade old now and which have never gained widespread usage elsewhere without ever explaining what they mean or where they came from. At this point you have to expect that many of the people here were not aware of Slate Star Codex or LessWrong circa 2013. Part of my hope is that providing explanations and links to the LW/SSC origins of this community it will encourage newcomers to read more of the "foundational texts" and assimilate better rather than causing a culture shift over time away from the things that made this community great.

I agree with the problem of enabling trolls but this is a tradeoff and honestly I'm confident in our ability to identify someone namedropping shibboleths while trolling.

Although it didn't occur to me when I posted this that it would likely be one of the most visible posts on the subreddit for a while. I'm open to taking it down temporarily (or permanently if that seems to be the community consensus) or moving it to a less visible place.

I don’t think I would ever get a female roommate… Apparently for you it went very well, but it definitely has the potential to go badly, including in ways that at first appeared to be going very well.

Probably, yeah