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90 billion Biden and Obama sent to Iran

Biden’s $90 Billion Bailout to Tehran

The JCPOA infused Iran with cash. Right before the United States reimposed sanctions in 2018, Iran’s central bank controlled more than $120 billion in foreign exchange reserves. U.S. sanctions locked tens of those billions away in escrow accounts, and financial pressure forced Iran to draw down the accounts that remained open. U.S. sanctions locked tens of those billions away in escrow accounts, and financial pressure forced Iran to draw down the accounts that remained open. After only two years of the maximum pressure campaign, Iran was down to a meager $4 billion in reserves. Meanwhile, U.S. energy sanctions cut Iran’s oil exports by more than 2 million barrels per day, depriving the regime of $70 billion that typically funds its budget.

If I steal your money and then give you some back, I am sure you will be thankful for such generous handout.

What's wrong with giving creationists more power?

That we are in 2024, not 2004 and this Dubya era cause of teaching creation science/intelligent design is as defeated as any political cause can be? Read wish lists of most radical conservative wishful thinking, you will not find there any notice of this thing.

And as for BAP - he is troll and shitposter, who does not have any actual political demands and proposals here and now (what could these be? compulsory fitness training to make the nation more muscular? this would be massively unpopular, most of all among the conservative base).

Real reason why even moderate centrist people who hate wokeness and DSA types and who would appreciate less immigrants and more law and order balk at voting R is, outside of raw classist disgust of rednecks and their unsightly pickup trucks, in most of the cases, abortion. They fear giving right-to-lifers-from-conception even morsel of more power.

I've heard proposals like yours before, that you can "go through the motions" of being religious because it's good for you. I've even seen Christians argue that you should go to church and do that, even if you don't really believe, because it will lead you to belief. I don't see it. I can't make myself believe something I don't, and LARPing as a religious believer just seems like a waste of time to me.

It is sign that Great Atheist War of the noughties is over, sign of complete intellectual defeat of Christianity.

If you remember, you would remember that Christians emboldened by Bush victory went to evangelical offensive, with lots of arguments about first cause, fine tuning of the universe, intelligent design, irreducible complexity, literal truth of the Bible, literal resurrection of Jesus etc...

Since all these arguments were demolished by reason and logic, no one talks about these things any more. This greatest internet flame war in history is over.

Now it is "Just believe, bro. Just go to church."

Online Christian triumphalist message is not anymore "We will convert you" but "We will outbreed you", admitting that Christian arguments will fail to persuade any grown up person and work only on captive audience of their children.

How this has typically worked throughout history is that the lay people do believe unironically, and a more intellectually refined elite theologize quite a bit amongst themselves, come up with rationalizations, and basically act out a Noble Lie.

Throughout history, religion worked that lay people followed the rituals of their village, knew nothing about high theological claims of their religion and cared even less. The tiny intellectually refined elite was actually reading their holy books and trying to make sense of them.

Why do this at all? The most powerful people I know. The smartest, the most creative and most successful dont struggle with the kind of ideas we discuss on the motte.

Yes, powerful and succesful people are busy pursuing power and success 24/7/365 and have no time for any knowledge or ideas.

These things are for peasants. If CEO, billionaire or president finds he needs any ideas, he just tell his assistant to add some to his speech or powerpoint presentation.

Obligatory Galeev thread.

Obligatory dead bird unverified anecdote thread.

Of course, the young promising lawyer who has no idea what is atomic bomb and what is communism, has already more power and success that 90% of this forum.

Actually the scary part is that the LGBT movement has more or less flipped the stranger danger on its head.

Not the only thing that was in the current year flipped without anyone caring and even noticing.

Even more jarring is transformation of people who were preaching "violence bad! guns bad! self defense bad! human life sacred under any circumstances!" into avid flag waving patriots "glory to ukraine! glory to heroes! death to orcs! no surrender, no step back! throw the moskal to the shark!", without even bothering to justify this abrupt change of their principles.

(yes I know there were never any "principles" involved, but it is still jarring)

I am now trying to decide whether I should redouble my efforts in this area (which is tiring and demoralizing) or essentially give up, and just live my life in the way that is natural to me: avoid talking to people whenever possible, one or two close friends excepted, never leave home except for work and necessary errands, and accept that I'll miss out on the benefits of human connection.

This is sad. You are not a normie, but you want to become one.

If you succeed, if you make it work, if you learn how to convincingly "pass" as a normie and fit into their society, it would mean living like undercover agent in enemy territory for the rest of your life, and for what "benefits" exactly? Pure monetary/career advancement ones?

Smol brain: Romans were white

Big brain: Romans were black

Exploding brain: Romans never existed

Content like this is exactly what I would create and promote if I ran big worldwide conspiracy to destroy White race ;-)

Imagine if 20-30% of Americans were french people explicitly voting with the goal of making things worse for the English?

I am sure that if you asked the French, they would tell you with the same sincerity that the English are keeping them down and do not let them breathe.

This was common discourse during the end times of Soviet Union too. The Russians complained that they are feeding the non-Russians, the non-Russians cried that the Russians are sucking their blood. All were persuaded that if only they became "independent", all their problems would be solved and they would live like in Hollywood movie.

As history shows, things happened otherwise.

Living in this country has made me incredible sympathetic to everygroup that ever concluded ethnic cleansing or ethno-nationalism was the only option

Go ahead, play Yugoslavian games and win Yugoslavian prizes. The world can always enjoy some more exciting war footage and cool atrocity videos.

Ethnic Expulsions would be the best thing for birth rates.

This is the theory. Now, let us look at the example of countries that recently tried this recipe for growth.

Croatia Birth Rate

Serbia Birth Rate

Bosnia And Herzegovina Birth Rate

Civil war, ethnic cleansing and atrocities galore, but any rebound and growth is not evident.

Is pope Francis attempting to bring in gay marriage by the back door?

Welcome to absolute power unaccountable and unanswerable to anyone (on Earth at least).

The pope can do whatever he wants, and no one can do anything about it. There is no recall, no vote of no confidence, no impeachment. The pope can make any rules he wants or freely disregard his own rules with impunity, and you can just watch helplessly. Or leave and start your own church.

Well, legally at least, the popes were in the past replaced by extra legal means, but this couldn't happen in our modern age.

Charity is not about "helping your fellow man", if this was the case someone would notice it is ineffective for this purpose at best, counterproductive at worst, it would not take thousands of years to invent idea of effective altruism. It was always about impressing your fellow rich and showing how compassionate you are.

"Wealth redistribution" is not about helping your fellow man either, it is about avoiding situation where desperate starving masses have nothing to lose than their chains, it is investment in keeping your head affixed to your shoulder. Feudals like Bismarck, who always held longer term view than capitalists could understand it.

It is no accident that after some events that happened in 1917 labor regulations and social policies grew all around the world, that things like eight hour working day that were long said to be impossible suddely became possible. All the charity in the world somehow failed to provide it before.


We find that measures of revolutionary fear, the radicalization of worker parties and the formation of worker and soldier councils, substantially drove social policy expansion around the world. Importantly, the shock persists until today (even if its importance has sig. subsided)


This Element details how elites provide policy concessions when they face credible threats of revolution. Specifically, the authors discuss how the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent formation of Comintern enhanced elites' perceptions of revolutionary threat by affecting the capacity and motivation of labor movements as well as the elites' interpretation of information signals. These developments incentivized elites to provide policy concessions to urban workers, notably reduced working hours and expanded social transfer programs.

The authors assess their argument by using original qualitative and quantitative data. First, they document changes in perceptions of revolutionary threat and strategic policy concessions in early inter-war Norway by using archival and other sources. Second, they code, for example, representatives at the 1919 Comintern meeting to proxy for credibility of domestic revolutionary threat in cross-national analysis. States facing greater threats expanded various social policies to a larger extent than other countries, and some of these differences persisted for decades.

Modern HBDers, by contrast, are at best indifferent and at worst hostile to the plight of non-whites. Their approach is not one of trying to improve race relations or the human race. They're tribalists, and HBD offers a convenient narrative why Our Tribe is superior and Their Tribe is awful.

"Modern HBDers" are anything but white supremacists, modern HBDers are IQ supremacists and their "tribe", if any, are all people who can pass the IQ tests.

You will not see a shred of sympathy for poor whites of Appalachia, Latin America, Balkans, post-Soviet countries etc. in this sphere. It is similar attitude that eugenicists 100 years ago had, only even more crass.

See, for example, Anatoly Karlin's attitude to ordinary "sovok" Russians, remember how he cheered when they died of COVID or alcohol poisoning, remember his open boasts he is not going to serve in Russian army, because heroic death for the motherland is for dumb cannon meat only.

edit: spelling mistakes fixed, so I can continue to pretend to be part of high IQ elite and avoid the fate that awaits the losers ;-)

We don't have any stats.

No, but we have stories, and they show that Jews who converted were always rare, either sincere believers in Christ or totally desperate.

But there were times when labour demand was high, and I imagine a lot of boys were tempted by the idea of spending their days outdoors taking care of horses.

Yes, future of backbreaking labor outdoors for starvation wage, abuse and beatings 24/7 from your fellow Christian for killing Christ (In theory, Jewish convert was to be welcomed as beloved brother. In practice, attitude of Christians on the ground was somewhat different.) and, when the next plague comes, being burned at stake for poisoning the village well.

You might be tempted by this life, but few people would agree with you.

Should CNN et al be sued out of existence due to Sandman?

Sandmann was not interested in fighting to the bitter end and accepted undisclosed settlement and minor celebrity status. For few smirks, he is now set for life.

Want to be more Sandmannist than Sandmann himself? ;-)

All I can think is how sad it is that most everything's so lame and retarded and pointless – the war, the culture war, the zero covid war, the economy, the sacred cows. Even as the machine intelligence aims at superhuman heights, humans seem committed to degenerate to protozoa.

This is not about "humans", this is about Western degeneracy ;-(

Many very colorful, comic book worthy characters among African warlords and Latino druglords, even in our time.

This Brinston guy is the Nuclear Fuel Czar, give or take. In a more high-T world, he could've become a supervillain. He could've created a harem on a secret island. But instead he's... stealing women's luggage in airports?

Hard to be supervillain on the salary of Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of Energy (and not many opportunities for grift on this job either).

Both Marxism and Wokeism are fundamentally revolutionary, and in a very similar way. The arguments they deploy have very similar shapes, make similar mistakes, are persuasive for similar reasons, appeal to similar groups, and result in similar failure modes and, it seems likely, final outcomes. The aim of both is to secure radical social change by fomenting class conflict. Specifics of the classes and their features and grievances do not seem terribly relevant to the question of how and why the ideologies operate.

Not similar at all. Aim of Marxism is indeed radical social change, while aim of wokeism is preserving society as it is, only with more rainbow flags and transgender toilets.

When Marxists get their way, billionaires are expropriated. When wokeists get their way, billionaires are richer and more secure than ever before.

any more than an American Indian should care about the doctrinal disputes between Lutherans or Anglicans in the 1600s.

Actually existing Indians well understood differences between European colonialists and played them for their advantage as they could.

Your attitude is more like of the most hardcore and dumbest Salafist Muslims of today:

"Christianity and Hinduism? It is all idolatry, the same pagan filth."

I do not get why boomer conservatives insist on pushing "Marxist" straightjacket on everything, why they insist calling "Marxist" people who know nothing about Marx and never claimed to be Marxist.

If you asked woke activists about Marx, 90% would answer "What is Marx?" and 10% would say "Fuck this white racist colonizer".

Is it their childhood programming that taught them that Marxism is the worst thing in the world, and all bad things must be Marxist?

You do not have to be "doctrinaire Marxist" to understand it - here is what one lifelong hardcore Christian fundamentalist anti communist fighter Gary Kilgore North has to say.

Cultural Marxism Is an Oxymoron

Ignore Anyone Who Says Marxism Is a Threat

Part of having White racial consciousness is, as far as I’m concerned, wanting to safeguard the welfare even of White people who don’t want the help. Rescuing wayward, confused Whites is non-negotiably important, in my opinion - saving Whites from themselves and opening their eyes to what has been done to them with their own ostensible (if compromised) consent.

Good luck with this.

The best and brightest of Whites clearly see that "whiteness" is lost cause and are leaving the sinking ship ASAP to join the winning side.




Going to an extremely corrupt shithole country fighting an existential war as an enemy propagandist is just unbelievably stupid.

It would be stupid if GL thought it was safe, but he was well aware of the danger. You can call it foolish/self sacrificing deed if you wish, but not dumb.

This guy has all the money. He could have built pretty much any house people can build. He chose to build that. Do you think it's beautiful?

His fellow billionaires think it is beautiful, and BG wants to impress them, not you.

He cares about your approval about as much as you care whether insects find your house nice and good looking.

I don't believe there was a meaningful number of 1750s voting-reform advocates who wanted 18 year old non-landowning born-out-of-wedlock black women to vote.

But that's where we ended up by following (the coherent extrapolated volition of) their 1750s logic.

So the answer to your question is "No, but I know a slippery slope when I see one"

Yes. We do not have to extrapolate anything - we see slippery slope in practice.

As for guns and weapons in general, we all know example of UK. Were gun controllers satisfied with making Britain gun free? No, they moved forward to knives and other sharp instruments.

What is next in line? Logic says it will be martial arts and fitness training. You got rid of guns, you got rid of knives, why should you let people got to gyms and turn their hands and fists into murder machines?

If it saves only one life, it is worth it.

As for abortion and "Christian morals" in general, we see Poland. Abortion ban with small exceptions was passed, and as time moves, the law is tightened more and these minuscule exceptions are rolled out.


And so go other "moral issues".

If you really wanted to minimize murder of innocent babies you would encourage gay sex as much as possible - no danger of unwanted pregnancy here. Of course, we all know it is not about saving lives, it is all about ending sin.

Groups without the ability to inspire such mind-numbing fear are fucked. And I don't think anyone would fear a bunch of conservatives.

What group? Hasids?

If so, they have indeed an advantage that other mafias, gangs and cartels cannot even dream about.

Italian Americans once tried to learn from the best and emulate their success. Unfortunately, too little and about a century too late.

the fuck

No surprise, there is nothing big bureaucratic organizations detest more than amateurs intruding into their domain.

This guy alone was doing work of dozen FBI agents, only far better and completely for free. What would FBI do with him when they finally catch him? Obviously, prison.

For similar case, see this guy.


I'm sympathetic to the idea that my gut instincts have evolved over millions of years of pressure, and wouldn't have done so for no reason.

Check what were instinctive "gut reactions" of "the people" to wearing glasses, autopsy of the dead, vaccination, anesthesia, open body surgery, blood transfusion, organ transplants and other medical treatments we now take for granted when they were first introduced.

ANCESTOR: Grandson? Are you mad? You let a Jew to poison you till you are unconscious, cut you open with knife, and then suck blood from someone else and pump it into your body? And you even pay the Christkiller for this satanic black magic? Are you even good Christian?

Excellent article, there is always need for some unpleasant facts to remind people how big miracle was the Industrial Revolution, an how delusionary are all "trad" dreams about old times, regardless whether from "left" or "right".

And there is another fact unpleasant to OP and his ideology - fact that Industrial Revolution began, after people like OP were massacred, hanged, beheaded, burned alive in their huts and deported to West Indies to die.

Fact that industrial and technological development and life of unlimited freedoom of wild tribal rider/raider are two great tastes, that, unfortunately, do not go well together.

Russia is white and Christian

I wish.


Christian world (Latin America and Africa) has no interest in white supremacy, while White world has no interest in Christianity (and is not keen on white supremacy either).

Explicitly "White Christian" country would be more isolated and treated worse than North Corea.

Not the best way to make Russia great again.