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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

Romance of the Three Kingdoms in English. Sixty pages in, it’s a royal pain to keep track of the names. I wonder if something like Game of Thrones is equally daunting in Mandarin. Would the names be represented by some approximation of meaning or phonetically?

I can’t speak for the Silicon Valley comparison, but you are wrong on the second part. I’d prefer nearly anyone over Dems or neocons, and actual social conservatives of non-Islamic flavor are nowhere near the bottom of these preferences.

Given that there are unsupervised cattle in (some subset of?) Indian cities, what measures are people allowed to take if such a bovine behaves aggressively?

Trivial Tuesday?

Gym cardio - random Antti Martikainen album

Cardio outdoors - Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden.”

Gym lifting - Iron Maiden from 82-93, Black Sabbath, Dio, Sabaton

With your preferences, probably Boise or San Antonio. SLC is also plausible and has nicer nature within a couple hours’ drive, but might be a harder cultural fit.

It would be weird for lawyers to want to create more demand for lawyers?

Yes, but it is outweighed by the conflict of interest. I don’t think it’s an inherent indicator of competence either - iirc Biden, Harris, Pence, and Hillary needed multiple attempts to pass the bar exam.

I think that in light of the existence of the judiciary branch, which is pretty much exclusively staffed by such, lawyers holding elected office in the other two branches runs contrary to the notion of checks and balances.

Haley is the same old establishment. Ramaswamy bugs me on some level. De Santis would be preferable if he were not a lawyer.

Can you please translate your Latin?

Add a rough neighborhood, minimal natural resources, a national language virtually unused outside its borders... I was only addressing the overstatement of its human capital.

Most of said capita are either not Ashkenazi or economically unproductive Haredi.

Having read all but Whirlwind - it’s all pretty good at least, though the posthumously published Gaijin suffers from awful proofreading.

King Rat is fantastic. Btw, flight lieutenant = captain in the UK, which clarifies some of the dynamics in the story.

Where do you live?

What’s wrong with captions?


Is daily cetirizine use significantly hazardous?

Shape the patty into a calf (bonus points if it contains veal) and color it golden with turmeric, then worship it.

Lesbos, obviously.

Maximally offensive version: StarCraft-style base trade. They capture Mecca and/or Medina.

Slightly less contentious version: they plop down in a no-man’s land somewhere between the Donbas and the Dnieper to act as a buffer between two countries that both hate them less than they do each other.

Maximally lazy version: they capture a chunk of Cyprus. It’s close by, and if Turkey can do it, why not them?

By household. They commonly have households with several working adults.

Replying here only to avoid unnecessary duplication.

I'm a doctoral student in pure math. The reason I have a hard time believing it is that there was computation in the same courses described. A few that come to mind:

Ring theory: primary decomposition of ideals. Of course it's defined abstractly, but pretty much any concrete exercise would involve ideals of finitely generated polynomial rings and required computation.

Differentiable manifolds: Early on, we worked out a formula for stereographic projection and its inverse. Lots of other examples in low-dimensional spaces.

Still sounds suspect. No explicit examples worked out all semester?