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User ID: 1175



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User ID: 1175

a society gaslighting women into thinking casual sex is empowering

Nice way to pass the buck there, blaming this on "society" rather than "feminist media".


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To the tune of "I Love Rock and Roll" by Joan Jett:

I love Uncle Ted

Put another bomb in the mailbox baby

how ungainly it is to arrive at your destination sweaty

Ever heard of a shower? Most offices have them. Get up, put on your exercise gear, put your office clothes in your backpack, cycle into work, take a shower and put on your work clothes. You'll likely have cut a huge amount of time out of your commute, and the morning cycle is far more invigorating and refreshing than spending 30-60 minutes in a car or on public transport (and if you live in a warm climate, being stuck in a cramped bus or train during the morning rush hour will probably result in you getting hot and sweaty anyway).

Bikes are the perfect vehicle. A decent bike costs a few hundred bucks, max, and will last you for years. If cycling in a city, traffic won't impede your progress the way it would in a car or bus (or even a motorbike). Even an only moderately fit person can cover immense distances without exhausting themselves (I'm by no means an avid distance cyclist, but am confident I could cycle 100km tomorrow without any training and without exerting myself to any great degree). Calories are your fuel, so you aren't dependent on petrol/gas infrastructure. If so inclined, you can attach panniers or a trailer to your bike to allow you to bring possessions with you that are too big for a backpack. Certain kinds of bike can ride on effectively any terrain, so you aren't dependent on roads. Virtually all repairs and maintenance can be done by anyone after one day's training, unlike modern cars which are so complex that only specialists can repair them (at great expense to the owner). There's no additional cost in GHG emissions. Bicycles take up far less space than motor vehicles: there are bicycle parking centres in Amsterdam which can comfortably fit thousands of bicycles into a space which would accommodate a few hundred cars at most. They're vastly cheaper than cars (in addition to the smaller initial outlay noted above: almost all of the maintenance and upkeep can be done yourself with only one or two specialised tools, you don't need to buy petrol/gas, you don't need insurance). And best of all, the mere act of using one improves the health of the user along multiple metrics (heart rate, blood pressure, muscle mass, life expectancy etc.).

Your comment has inspired more contempt in me than any I've read on this site in months.

Fascinating that wokeness inspires such multi-partisan revulsion that it can create "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"-style coalitions like this.

The violence was also (sort of) real

Uh-huh. Bonus points for the top comment making the exact same GTA comparison I did.

Even Die Hard felt more grounded and believable than this. McClane is a bloody battered wreck by the end of his ordeal, while D-FENS hasn't a scratch on him until he actually gets brought down. And McClane is a cop who deals with hardened criminals every day, while D-FENS is an office drone who's never seen combat, and yet effortlessly mows down Compton gangbangers without a second's hesitation. Whatever Falling Down is, it's not "realistic". I don't even think it was really trying to be.

Have you ever seen the movie Gung Ho?

No I haven't. Does it have a similar plot?

Pity Hlynka isn't here, he'd have liked you.

Update regarding the kerfuffle surrounding Biden declaring March 31st the Trans Day of Visibility. Zero Hedge reports that Biden himself has no recollection of doing so.

As for OP, there are many women in the Philippines and Ukraine who would be happy to have you.

That's kind of a cheap shot.

Is it so completely out of the realm of possibility that a person can be slim and attractive without boring themselves half to death by doing braindead and repetitive busywork tasks constantly?

In my experience, yes. Although cycling via commuting is a good example of a form of exercise which does not fall under "busywork".

So now not only am I leaving even earlier to compensate for my MUCH slower method of transportation

Assuming you live in an urban centre, when factoring in traffic, cycling will often end up being faster than driving or taking public transport. It takes me an hour to get to my office via public transport, but only half an hour on a bike, and that's maintaining a gentle 12 km/h (not even fast enough to break a sweat, obviating the need for a shower).

I like being able to do a full week's shop in one day.

As I said, you can do this if you attach a trailer to your bike.

I like being able to just nip to IKEA and come back

Obviously there are circumstances in which cars are preferable to bikes, but seriously - how often do you go to IKEA? I can't imagine it's more than once a month.

I like being able to make phone calls if I need to.

It isn't remotely difficult to cycle a bike with one hand and operate your phone with the other. I do it all the time.

Most importantly, I like not looking like an absolute fool. Wearing ugly lycra, or flattening my hair into a helmet, and ugh, sweating -- these things are not for me. To say nothing of how woefully bottom heavy and thunder thighed habitual cyclists become! And even though as you note, attaching a trailer to a bike is an option, the problem is it looks absolutely ridiculous!

I must say, it seems very strange for a person so aggressively averse to apparently all forms of physical exercise to be so hyper image-conscious. Sure, a slim, fit dude in fluorescent Lycra looks a little silly compared to a slim, fit dude not wearing Lycra, but neither of them looks nearly as ridiculous as an obese man huffing and puffing after walking a hundred feet. And I don't own any Lycra clothing at all.

This is a roundabout way of saying: if you get as little exercise as it sounds, you probably look like an absolute fool already, even if you're in denial about it.

stop trying to normalise it

I'm not trying to normalise it. It IS normal where I live, as in most Western nations. Only in America, seemingly, is cycling seen as this weird thing that only losers do.

You seriously think he was planning to murder his wife?

Absolutely. He has a severe temper and the reason she left him was because she couldn't tolerate his emotional abuse and the implied threat of violence. The whole movie is him lashing out at the world that denied him the things he felt entitled to (good job, respect). Of course he's going to lash out at the woman who (as he sees it) denied him a stable family. The fact that he abducts the wife and daughter at gunpoint only demonstrates my point.

The movie isn't a commentary on society or anything

Its social commentary may not have succeeded, but it was certainly intended. Quote Wikipedia:

screenwriter Ebbe Roe Smith gave his interpretation of what the movie was about. "To me, even though the movie deals with complicated urban issues, it really is just about one basic thing: The main character represents the old power structure of the U.S. that has now become archaic, and hopelessly lost. For both of them, it's adjust-or-die time ..."

A joke is an attempt to be funny. This joke didn't land for you, fair enough, but there's no need to be a dick about it.

I read the full post and enjoyed it, but my understanding is that culture war posts go in the culture war thread.

Is it stupid and often counterproductive, sure.

You are doing yourself absolutely no favours by lying or misrepresenting yourself to a doctor.

So one guy in the entire world said he'd rather have emotionally abusive narcissistic parents than physically abusive parents. I presume his parents were neither physically nor emotionally abusive, so this was just idle uninformed speculation on his part and in reality he'd have no way of knowing which is worse. You're citing one random guy's idle uninformed speculation that he'd prefer to have physically abusive parents over emotionally abusive parents as a data point supporting your hypothesis that at least some women would be more miserable in romantic relationships with socially awkward autists than with boyfriends who beat them up.

Seriously dude, we're getting into "seeing Jesus on a piece of burnt toast" levels of casuistry here.

And while you're at it, you're conflating "emotionally abusive narcissistic guy" with "unattractive, socially awkward but fundamentally well-meaning autist". Well... wow. Maybe you aren't as decent and kind as you think you are.

Quick sense check: have you ever met a woman in a romantic relationship with a socially awkward man, and the woman seemed generally happy and at ease with herself? I have, dozens of times. Now, have you ever met a woman in a romantic relationship with a man who beat her up, and she seemed generally happy and at ease with herself? I have not, ever. I've met women in romantic relationships with men who were "merely" emotionally abusive, and they seemed, frankly, shadows of their former selves.

I've been coming at you with kid gloves for weeks, but at this point I have to tell you: you're revolting, but not for the reasons you think.

Fuck off and don't call me a little shit

One of the most recent videos is by Andrew Callaghan interview

I heard he was MeToo'd awhile back, did anything come of that?

And if a girl is so drunk that she's drifting in and out of consciousness, how can she consent?

In the interests of stirring the pot, I'll link to this person's attempt at a fisking of the WPATH files, pointing out examples of factual inaccuracies, things taken out of context or similar. Without having read the WPATH files I can't speak as to whether their characterisation is accurate.

Is Hanania a Red or a Blue?

Almost positive he's a Red. He unabashedly endorses HBD, he's an outspoken critic of wokeness, wants to repeal the civil rights act of 1964, he recently published an article arguing that average female intelligence is lower than average male intelligence, has little sympathy for the Palestinian cause and thinks Israel should crush any hope of Palestinian independence, was outed as having routinely used ethnic slurs before writing under his own name etc.

Whether you support Israel or not they’re patently not carrying out a genocide

Funny, when I first read this I misread it as "they're patently carrying out a genocide" and I was very surprised to see someone expressing an opinion like that here. I only noticed my mistake now.

Who the hell uses condoms for anything but one night stands? You might as well not have sex at that point.

So when you're in a monogamous relationship, your assumption is that your partner will be on the pill? (I'm assuming you're a straight man.)

and also quickly devolves into lurid hallucinations

I started reading it, and stopped when I got to that point. The basic idea seems to be sneering (in an extremely florid and ornate fashion) at people who have even the slightest amount of sympathy for the Israelis, which, okay, fine I guess, but it's not terribly interesting to read.