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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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For clarity, acting as if I think something which even the people arguing with me about it down thread agree nobody ever thinks is ironic stupidity?

I mean over the past few months. What it feels like to me, is that everyone is afraid of a) looking stupid and b) getting modded, so they pull back, and like @f3zinker said only engage with the barest surface reading of the posts. And so every second thread devolves into arguments over semantics - I'm half afraid someone's going to pull me up here and show me three threads in a row with no semantics, like that means anything. I'll get dinged for not "speaking plainly".

I don't want to go anywhere, I had hoped I could maybe wake people up to the fact that it kind of looks like we're all retreating into autism to avoid our humanity.

Edit: accidentally hit post. To continue: I have professed my love for this community many times, and I always try to encourage good writing when I see it in posts, I think there's only one or two users who encourage others more than I do in fact. I haven't been here as long as you, but it is special to me too. Like I said, I don't know how to fix the problem.

Also, some of the people who you say 'took the bait' are some of the best posters, so I don't really think it's strong evidence of anything.

I agree, like I said it brought to mind a trend in have been noticing. Pasha is very insightful and orthoxerox is one of my favourite posters. The problem isn't that the level of intelligence has dropped, or I guess it is, but it's not that motters have lower intelligence, it's that nobody thinks for three seconds about anything unless it's their hobby-horse. Like @f3zinker, @ThisIsSin and @bolido_sentimental said, the engagement has turned superficial.

I guess start getting the dox of major Bitcoin holders and acquire a bullet proof vest shotgun and a wrench. If you are morally capable of this and as a motizen you,of course, have an IQ of at least ~130 this plan robbing unguarded bitcoin rubes should be free eats. Get on it.

Lol fucking what? How did you manage to climb on another high horse when you were already chortling from the back of a shire gelding? "If I'm morally capable of this?" I straight up said neither of us is doing this, that was my point. You are busting up laughing your ass off at how unsecured crypto is and how much danger this guy is in, but terrible people like us think terrible things all the time without acting on them. This guy isn't in danger from the imagination of some nut who derives his self esteem by misunderstanding arguments on reddit satellites.

Uhh, considering a hacker has his exact address and all of his dox including his driver's license and knows he has millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin I think that safety should probably be one of his main concerns right now considering how easily this hacker could have executed the said plan already. The main obstacle to me or you robbing this guy of everything he has he 1. not knowing who he is/who has the money and 2. where he lives. The hacker has already solved both of these issues and the man is now a sitting duck.

Uh huh. I don't see how that changes someone's disposition, but I would actually be willing to put money on this if you insist.

I would also agree with the first version. Lockean/Millian liberalism is a meta-ideology built to maintain a balance between order and chaos, the left and the right, the conservative and the progressive. In doing so it ensures that the conservative doesn't make society stagnate and the progressive doesn't push so far ahead people can't keep up. It is not meant to be the dominant ideology, and as we have seen it has been coopted as a result of its rise to prominence.

I know, I've bitched about them too. I think raggedy responded beautifully, because it doesn't really matter how guess behaves, what matters is how we react, and I think it's better to recognise potential pitfalls before they occur and talk about them cordially rather than waiting for shit to fall apart and picking up the pieces.

Status is a person's placement in a social hierarchy. Most people don't think in terms of status, they simply feel shame or embarrassment when it is taken from them or pride and confidence when they take it. You don't need to think about becoming more popular by taking it from others - simply by being more popular you do so inevitably. Just because it isn't a concious effort doesn't mean you don't care about status.

Re banging your wife, we can add your peer group to the dynamic - do you think their opinion of you would change at all if I banged your wife in front of them? It might not affect their opinion of your competence, but I bet it affects their respect for you - but status is an element even between the three of us original parties - you me and your wife. If you walked in on that what would you think my opinion of you was? Would it be different from before you entered the room? What about your wife - if you saw that would you immediately assume she loved you as much as she did on your wedding day? If not, you do care about status.

Which is why they were told dumb kids need the phonics method or they will be left behind. And did we mention which races have more dumb kids? You're not a racist are you?

No, I was guessing at the reasons he wouldn't take the plea deal. I didn't think it was necessary to ensure my hypothetical thought processes favoured accuracy over rhetoric.

A button to set up a link would be a godsend here. It wouldn't have to be the fancy kind that does it all for you, just one that appends square brackets to a URL and then adds regular brackets afterwards for people to write in would make a huge difference.

What's this? You again? I said good day sir!

This post was sent to the past by FuturePost! FuturePost: Making yesterday's tomorrows yesterday's todays, tomorrow.

probably doesn't have merit.

This is such an immottest statement I almost want to report you. Not only are you being incurious, you are essentially calling your opponent a liar or an idiot, without any evidence to suggest they are wrong except an appeal to generality - which usually works the other way around (a statement being general implies it is so true as to be banal - which is definitely the case here, I doubt Unter expected any push back, when you zoom out far enough the only thing that matters is whether it helped you or hurt you). And all to avoid ceding a point! You are better than this bud.

If you truly think it's so unlikely that a single kid anywhere will tap on a worldwide poll by accident, you're not worth more time anyway.

Lol so arguing about stupid hypotheticals on twitter is worth so much of your time that you are by far the most prolific poster in this thread, but I'm not worth your time because I asked you to prove one of your assertions (proof you are entirely incapable of providing)? Funny how I might be worth your time again if I randomly slapped at buttons in twitter polls though.

Oh no sorry, I wasn't rebutting your 'people can't coordinate' argument, I am asking you to defend the multiple times you have added small children to this thought experiment to justify the blue pill.

Link me to one three year old who took the poll.

Is this a bit? I said it's not a big deal, you read that as me raging at you. I said it was an understandable error, you read me accusing you of abusing your power against anyone who sasses you. You rejected my explanation so hard you can't even read it. Why would I want any kind of dialog with you? Addressing what I say doesn't obligate you to agree with me, I agree. It kind of does obligate you to address what I say though, don't you think?

Lol I know, you don't think it does because I just defended eating babies or whatever you decide this post is saying.

You're soaking in it mon frere! The “men with crushing anxiety” club is called The Motte, I'm convinced that describes the majority of our users, even some of those who vocally disdain the neurotic.

So you banned them for a week because their post explaining how they wrote the op used language that sounded arrogant and impolite?

"You need to use your own words and speak plainly, and for doing so just now I'm banning you for a week."

Wait, which one are you?

And yet they remain the only multi platinum woman fronted arena rock band in existence. Whatever, enjoy Rumours.

Are there any books or videos you would recommend to learn more about this stuff?

Oh you sweet summer child...

Is another example of a regularly successful attempt to affect behavior by shaming people from a position of unimportance. Is that not shaming in your eyes?

What is over the top is suggesting a barber would have "no idea" how to cut hair of someone from a different race. And then going on to suggest that this is a good reason for segregation, effectively resurrecting one of the most popular reasons racists had in the past for segregating schools and restaurants.

Edit: ignore this post, I'll delete it in half a day - I thought I had dreamed posting the other reply I wrote.

Edit 2: Actually, on second thought, I'm going to leave it here. I like how it illustrates my confident ignorance, lol.

Welp, I give up.

And it's the way he tells ya stuff. Like he's sayin it all nice, but then he's really stickin it to ya - like between the lines.