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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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Yeah this is fucking torture, but firmamenti is correct, this would have been tolerated.

I wonder if listening to a bunch of Cole Porter songs might help. The sound is unmistakably early 20th century and there is plenty of sex and drugs involved - he references cocaine, morphine, cannabis and drinking to excess, all as if they are totally normal elements of life.

It's funny reading this post claiming the right has been ever-escalating their persecution complex, just two posts down from you gasping about how every republican is an insurrectionist.

Are you going to link the article this is from? It appears to be a comment on this article.

Edit: clarity

No dude, that's America nowadays, everyone trying to find a balance between being a parent and being a friend. People think back to their own childhood where dad was just this hard ass who appeared after 5 every day to whup you for whatever your mom said you did wrong and associate their parents checking out with parenting (apathy = aloofness = authority, hence the apathetic anti-authority that is everywhere these days, we hate authority because it wasn't fair to us as kids but still perform it the way we were taught to) and resolve not to do that to their own kids, so they befriend them.

But kids get an indefinite number of friends throughout their lives, they only get one dad and one mom. And those two figures shape how you see every other person you meet. Your dad becomes your model of authority and your mom becomes your model of empathy, an emotional anchor. This whole weaponised compassion thing is from a similar source imo - when dads were working 60 hours a week everyone became atheists, and when dads were taken out of the equation altogether empathy became the highest authority.

A kid needs their dad to show them who God is, what ultimate authority looks like. Ultimate authority is not your friend, can not be your friend, because friends get compromises and compromises destroy authority. If you want to be a good father you have to be willing to sacrifice everything for your kids, and the most important sacrifice you can make is to sacrifice your wants and desires - including the desire to have a good, friendly relationship with your child. It will feel like cutting a body part off, but that's how you know it's necessary - it only hurts you. Your kid won't be hurt by you deciding to be a father over a friend, only you will - it's a you thing, not a you and your kid thing. That is a much tougher sacrifice to make than any amount of time or luxury goods, and therefore a much more powerful sacrifice.

It's not that I distrust this conservative organization's study, necessarily, but at the least I wonder if they would ever have published it had it shown the opposite results. That kind of factor already introduces bias.

That kind of factor is present in literally every study ever, you can always wonder if the authors just printed self-flattering bullshit. Going off the replication crisis, it's even a safe bet.

Lol, everyone did have a common understanding of the terms - everyone knows what @heavywaternettipot meant, and what they were referring to, even you know what they are talking about. You stopped the conversation and turned it into an endless back and forth on the definition of words, like you always do when people are discussing things you don't like.

My take is that the kiss itself, not really that bad, but also something that does reflect on power dynamics, both men/women but also boss/employee. It deserved a real apology which was not given, instead the apology was not only extremely insincere, but also a result of behind the scenes pressure to sweep it under the rug and downplay. Rubiales doubling down was awful and it is kind of dystopian to see so much applause. He's the one playing a victimhood narrative, not Hermoso. Which is crazy! She didn't even talk about victimhood AT ALL until AFTER Rubiales basically lied about the kiss. I might add that Rubiales' version of events is in my opinion not supported by the video of the kiss, where they don't seem to have much of a conversation at all.

Yeah, sorry chum but I don't see anything in your post that changes this from the he said she said nonsense I thought it was in the first place. She says he lied about asking for a kiss. Why is she more credible than him? Because you empathise with her more. Anyone who feels the opposite will find Rubiales more credible. But we didn't record that exchange so we'll never know. What we did record has Rubiales mouth blocked by Hermoso's head while they hugged, which would also be a good way to say a few things in a roaring stadium.


Commentary: Note how he focuses on how he's almost forced to apologize, how he created a distraction, and how he minimizes everything that happened. He doesn't even say what he did, he just says "what happened, happened". No big deal, no big deal. It's all about the consequences of his actions and nothing about how it could have made her feel or if he truly made a mistake. No, it's an apology that he "has to" make. This is, IMO, extra clear in the original Spanish and with intact voice inflections, etc. and I've tried to render the overall "vibe" of his comments accurately, though Spain-Spanish isn't my forte.

This is how every public facing representative apologises. Minimise everything that happened. Nobody was hurt by it, it was just a mistake. And yet, he does own up to his mistakes. He calls them his mistakes, he says he is embarrassed for distracting from the team's victory. Should he have busted out a whip and struck his sin away? Obviously Rubiales desperately needs some pr person by his side to slap the side of his head every time he opens his mouth, but once again it feels like we are razing the countryside over a minor interpersonal conflict, which is what nearly every msm cancel culture crusade turns out to be.

Instead, Hermoso is only a reluctant participant in the whole debate who might have though it also wasn't a big deal and wanted to move on herself, until pressure and slander essentially forced her hand.

Say what. So you think she didn't think it was a big deal except he said she said yes and that made it a big deal, because she was ok with the non consensual kiss but not ok with him claiming it was consensual, so after days of silence she released a statement denouncing the nonconsensual kiss?

Also why did this need a new thread?

Damn chum, if this is your average level of response I would love it if you joined in more. Surreal is an excellent way of putting it, although I see it more as a reaction to the society of the spectacle, like monks retreating to their cloisters to argue about dancing angels.

I mean over the past few months. What it feels like to me, is that everyone is afraid of a) looking stupid and b) getting modded, so they pull back, and like @f3zinker said only engage with the barest surface reading of the posts. And so every second thread devolves into arguments over semantics - I'm half afraid someone's going to pull me up here and show me three threads in a row with no semantics, like that means anything. I'll get dinged for not "speaking plainly".

I don't want to go anywhere, I had hoped I could maybe wake people up to the fact that it kind of looks like we're all retreating into autism to avoid our humanity.

Edit: accidentally hit post. To continue: I have professed my love for this community many times, and I always try to encourage good writing when I see it in posts, I think there's only one or two users who encourage others more than I do in fact. I haven't been here as long as you, but it is special to me too. Like I said, I don't know how to fix the problem.

Did I touch a nerve?

  • -16

I think that's part of the problem - all of the "teachers" that interest me have been run off the internet or into some corner I don't know about. I don't even know where to look anymore.

Thanks for this, it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

For fucks sake you have catch 22 flair, how do you not understand the concept of farce?

Man, you have bitched so much about Rupi Kaur in this thread, and I had no idea who she was (although I interact with women so I've seen a dozen of her cunty poems). So I went to Wikipedia to read about her and holy shit has Wikipedia gone to absolute hell. This is from the Artistry and influences section of her page -

The writing process begins with her starting on paper and then transferring the "most promising" material to an extended Microsoft Word document.[51] Oftentimes after this process culminates, she attaches a compelling image along with her poems to complement the verses.[76] Lastly, it concludes after she has narrowed the poem to its main elements and she has received affirmation from her sister.

This not only needed inclusion in the fucking encyclopaedia of our day, but referencing?! That last line isn't referenced though, if I were Rupi I'd sue. Or at least be embarrassed.

And I was looking up quetzalcaotl the other day when I noticed it was a very tame article for an Incan God, so I went and checked out Tlaloc as well. And while it has a section on child sacrifice and rituals, it is a complete whitewash. The first mention of child sacrifice comes 4 paragraphs in. Here it is, the closest Wikipedia can come to explaining a culture of torturing the shit out of children for a good harvest -

The Atlcahualo festivals was celebrated from 12 February until 3 March. Dedicated to the Tlaloque, this veintena involved the sacrifice of children on sacred mountaintops, like Cerro Tláloc. This form of human sacrifice was not only specific, but necessary in the eyes of the Aztecs. The children were beautifully adorned, dressed in the style of Tláloc and the Tlaloque. The children were "chosen" by the community, and although this selection came with honor, being selected came with great responsibility. Furthermore, these children were not usually of high social class. The children to be sacrificed were carried to Cerro Tláloc on litters strewn with flowers and feathers, while also being surrounded by dancers. Once the children reached the peak, they would have to stay overnight with the priests at the vigil. The priests were not allowed to leave this site, or else they would be considered "mocauhque", meaning they who are abandoned. Then, at the shrine, the children's hearts would be pulled out by Aztec priests. If, on the way to the shrine, these children cried, their tears were viewed as positive signs of imminent and abundant rains. This can be viewed as fairly reverse, but also logical. The Aztecs were a very literal culture, so basing their whole year off of a child crying or not falls right in line. Every Atlcahualo festival, seven children were sacrificed in and around Lake Texcoco in the Aztec capital. The children were either slaves or the second-born children of noblepeople, or pīpiltin.[33] If the children did not cry, it meant a bad year for their whole system of living - agriculture. To signify when the rains were about to end, the Aztecs relied on the call from a bird known as the "cuitlacochin". This would also signify a switch to soft rain rolling in.

"So they'd whip and lash the children up to a week before the ceremony, and let the cuts get infected, all to ensure the children would cry as they were dragged to their gruesome deaths and the crops the entire civilisation relied on would be bountiful, but we're not going to mention that, that's probably racist! Instead we'll just kind of talk around it, and stammer out pre-emptive apologies for the tears of long dead children and then just kind of get distracted and explain that the Aztecs were a very literal culture so that falls right in line. With literalness or something. And now back to the weather!"

And now I have a question - if Wikipedia is now yet another fucking advertising platform for vapid poets and Tourism Mexico, who is dumb enough to still be donating to them? Or is that the mechanism, if I give $3 can I write my own hagiographical article? If I sent Rupi Kaur some affirmations do you think she'd write it?

Is just this guy,
You know?


I am specifically bitching about that study, it looks like a scam. I'm not disputing the idea that there is a link between dysphoria and schizophrenia, and personally I think it's guaranteed to be stronger than "everything is correlated" (although that is a brilliant piece that everyone should read) because I don't think the scientific community puts in anywhere near enough effort to determine a physical and neurological difference between dysphoria and psychosis.

Which is not to say there is no difference, or that all gid sufferers are in the throes of psychosis, but that a diagnosis of gid precludes the possibility of psychosis on political grounds (namely the stigma attached to it) and the diagnosis is too often applied without any neurological tests whatsoever.

That first study you link here is much better (I don't have time to read the second right now.)

It is prescribed by a doctor, imparting legitimacy. And in pill form you can pop a couple in a quiet moment to yourself anywhere, something you can't do with a syringe or opium pipe. And the pharmaceutical companies only figured out in the fifties and sixties how to mass produce doses that would leave people mostly functional while still taking their pain away. Before that those drugs were prohibitively expensive and so people just drank themselves to death.

Oh I see what happened - Mandarin doesn't use definite and indefinite articles. It's not supposed to be Prestige Biotech, as in high class, top quality biotech, it's supposed to be The Prestige Biotech, as in the biotech is just an illusion.

I take it you are earning more than you were three years ago?

Are you not allowed to do things of your own volition? Or do I maybe have a point?

Saving the term insurrection for the capitol shenanigans is in essence agreeing it was an insurrection. I do not and I have no respect for the idea, so I call anything Trump 2020 related an insurrection with the exact same amount of respect for the term as I would use referring to the capitol shenanigans, which is to say none.

Gamergate is definitely low status. Really though, that just makes it stranger - this is the motte. We left reddit specifically because we are incapable of not discussing low status things. We have regular discussions about the holocaust, physical differences between men and women, and whether or not rich people are just better than everyone else. They are easy enough to ignore when I don't feel like reading them, and I can't see what makes gamergate different.

When I'm confused I go back to basics. Who, in this space for discussion of controversial topics, benefits from talking about gamergate? People who want to crow about sjws, people who are interested in internet history, people who are interested in how mainstream opinions are formed. Who benefits from not talking about gamergate? More importantly, who benefits from trying to stop other people from talking about it?

In my experience, when a strict taboo isn't involved, the people who benefit from stopping others from discussing a topic instead of just minimising the thread and moving on are people who are afraid their previous position on the subject made them look foolish. Usually because they still maintain that opinion, but don't feel they can argue for it successfully within the constraints of the current environment.

I don't know that that's what's happening here though, I'm sure there are other reasons someone might do that and I just haven't encountered them, and my experiences are no doubt coloured by covid.

This is year zero thinking. You are applying your 21st century morals to a guy who lived in practically a different universe. Who do you think were the failures as human beings of covid - the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?

Do you remember the 2016 election? Were you politically active for it? My gut says no, since you mention the mid terms like they tell us anything, but I also get the impression you were just trying to be patronising so I thought I'd ask. How do you think the fact that democrats need more voters and republicans need less voters plays into the situation?

No man, that's progressive sleight. The counter culture is not a movement or a type of clothing or a button you wear, it is the culture that is counter to the mainstream. This place is counter culture (this is a pre-emptive bup-bup to the objection I hear some preparing to type, yes this place is counter culture). You are counter culture. Hell, at this stage of the game, you are a counter culture hero*.

What I think the left have done is develop the controlled opposition model into a multi tiered system, so now below the RINOS is a fake counter culture that is actually mainstream - for people who want to leave progressivism but are still saturated in it. It's a clever move, because it allows them to bridge the gap between their new upper middle class audience and the older money hating hippies, and also maintain control over people who try for the first time to exit the mainstream, like my friend Bill.

Bill is an army guy who never really paid attention to politics until recently when he started to get fed up with how pathetic he thinks the (Australian) army is and how completely unlike anything his dad or uncles or grandfather said it was, how the modern army is like a larp of what it used to be. He started paying attention recently, and when I sent him a barrage of links to read he felt a deep connection to the writing of moldbug and land, but he won't talk about them except when we are in private, and he's thinking of abstaining from the upcoming voice referendum because he knows voting yes is wrong, but doesn't want to vote no and 'embolden racists'.

He hasn't yet become counter culture, he's still just controlled opposition, because thanks to censorship 'to protect the marginalised', he doesn't even know real counter culture groups exist, and so must still reach for the mainstream culture for belonging. But they do, they might only be small and local, or hidden and secretive, but they exist. We exist.

We can't expect to immediately see Woodstock, we lost all the institutions and have to build them up again. That might mean decades even of eking out minor, almost pyrrhic victories, and it certainly means very little mainstream recognition, but so what? You haven't given up have you? And your blackpilled status is a motte meme. But giving up, even in the face of overwhelming odds, is for losers, and so you're still here reminding everyone to temper our expectations and not expect miracles.

*Sometimes in my idle daydreams I like to imagine you as the motte's Burroughs. Because you're both bitter about being Cassandras, but still capable of finding humour in it.

As a nihilist cosmic horror fan I got doubly fucked - not only did it only work as cosmic horror if you assume Rust is Deadpool or whatever the fuck Pizzolatto is on about (I can't find the interview now, but he claimed the series did embrace cosmic horror because Rust recognised that he is a character in a detective show) but then at the very end Rust apparently gives up on nihilism because he had an nde? Because stars in the sky are better than no stars?

Ah the truth is the last episode shit the bed in every way it could. Oh this creepy fuck keeps switching accents, and he does a pretty good job! Is that an indication of the emotional physical and potentially sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his father? Nope, he was self conscious about his scars. Hey, he's beckoning them to Carcosa! I wonder where that is? Oh it's a fucking spiral labyrinth he built out of sewers or something in his backyard. Alright Rust, well you now know for a fact that elite members of Louisiana society were members of a sex and murder cult for decades, time to put those skills as the deep south undercover black ops mvp to use! Nope, they got the in-bred house painter and his crack head pals. I assumed it was studio interference at the time, but who knows.