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joined 2022 September 12 12:05:58 UTC


User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156

Darwin is not a new poster on the Motte, and people have repeatedly pointed out his consistently bad behavior and bad-faith posting in the past.

Actions have consequences.

Which is a third-party prosumer item that not everyone has.

That's the point. You shouldn't need a third-party item to understand where the fuck-up is. Even if it's a hidden option in the background, cars come natively with enough computers that you should be able to pull up an error-code read-out without spending additional money.

Instead, we get new cars and trucks with 18 different cameras built in so the software can construct a to-down view when backing up and then wonder why everything is so expensive nowadays.


Given the men to women ratio in Alaska, that wouldn't have been my first choice. A better option would probably be the Pacific Trail, but what do I know.

My experience with the DKE can basically be translated as 'I am knowledgeable and skilled at one thing, therefor, I am knowledgeable and skilled at everything.'

Often with lawyers.

I'm someone who's both fairly frugal and has no issue purchasing clothing/items second hand with the plan to wear them until they fall apart. This, combined with being patient, means I've acquired some choice deals over time.

It's also lead to moments where I realize that I'm out and about for outdoor chores while wearing clothing(shirt, pants, shoes, watch) that, had I bought new, would be edging toward a thousand dollars. So... shrugs helplessly

These quotes were supposedly attributed asides to no-name ambassadors outside of the great powers of the time.

If he was trying to intimidate people, he picked the wrong targets to do so.

Mao saw combat during WW2 in China. I imagine he had a very different view of death and permissive causalities. While per capita China's deaths were not the worst, they were certainly up there. I don't think it's wise to underestimate just how this shaped his outlook.


One element I feel gets ignored and/or glossed over is the cost. IVF procedures in America cost anywhere from 10k to 30k - there seems to be a wide gap involved, and IIRC, the cost a friend of mine paid was much, much more.

There's also no guarantee the procedure will take, and the longer a woman puts it off, the longer possible existing complications can remain undiscovered(again, this is what happened to the same friend.)

Thankfully, they were able to go oversees to have the procedure done again, but staying a month in Turkey is abit beyond the means of most people.

I wish people were taught better about this, but I worry we've moved to the point where the majority just assumes medical science is basically a magic wand that automatically fixes everything.

In the same way people rate disaster recovery based on whether the local waffle house is open or no, you could probably do similar based on how the local supermarket is structured.

I always do get a twisted sort of amusement seeing how the same store chain can have a radically different structure and layout based on the local socio-economics.

You're underestimating the national divide that existed post-Civil War.

Up until World War 1, there was an honest question among those that considered such on wether or not any of the Southern states would actually fight for America, period. (Instead, they turned out in droves that carried a consistent trend... up until very recently. Funny, that.) Most statues were put up as a meager act of concession, allowing pride to a defeated foe who nevertheless gave a good fight.

It's not as if the South had anything else in the aftermath.

I'll be the one to ask the stupid question; For those of us whom haven't been exhaustively following software development, what does 'LLaMa{-7B,-13B,-30B,-65B}' actually mean?

Given the examples you provided - presumably, these were supposed to be clear-cut demonstrations thereof - you'll excuse me if I'm a little skeptical.

Ah. Good to know. Thank you for this.

It explains a lot, really.

You have an interesting circle of friends.

The question of where to find single, available women IRL is something I see repeated alot on men-focused forums, reddit included. The conversation tends to devolve down in the same way;

  1. 'Where do I find women to interact with and touch grass?'

  2. insert list of women-focused activities and hobbies

  3. 'I'm not interested in any of those; should I pretend to be invested in them just to find a girlfriend?'

  4. Cue a mixed response of 'Just give it a shot, you might like it!' and the inevitable chorus from online women of 'Ew, you shouldn't join a hobby just to meet women, that's disgusting and women can always tell!'

  5. Cue frustrated response from several men about how they've been told they shouldn't talk to women in a variety of social spaces, so what exactly are they supposed to do?

  6. No response.


So, yeah. This is something that's I feel has been happening alot as of late, and has been exacerbated by covid. Whether this is all antecedent data or indications of a larger social trendline with ominous implications for the future has yet to be determined.

getting outcompeted in a capitalist world

Are they getting outcompeted, or are they simply not giving people what they really want?

One of these days, I'm going to finish that essay in my head regarding the character of Joshua Graham and how he relates to modern religion.

I have to confess, a general philosophy of 'If the world is not fair and just, we can at least make it beautiful' is one that has a good amount of appeal.

My search and reference skills are clearly lacking at the moment, so I have to be the one to ask; 'The Hock'?

It's pretty much a stereotype for me by this point; whenever a vegen comes down from the mount for a sermon to try and convert the unbelievers, they start with a similar spiel and then immediately go into a long diatribe about all the various hoops they have to jump through to get their various dietary necessities.

None of which are easily accessible, and tend to only be accessible in their locale due to the world-wide shipping network we currently possess that makes shipping exotic food about fairly easy.

Nah. You do you, boss, but I'll stick with my meat, veggies, and dairy diet, thanks.

Is there a way?

There is not.

You can paint a picture all you want, but you can't ignore the canvas. Fiction nowadays trying to include such elements just come across as obnoxious political screeds that after a certain point makes me throw them in the trash.

Just because I can read Eclipse Phase doesn't mean I don't roll my eyes at some of the elements they include, and despite my initial interest in the webcomic 'O Human Star', once I realized the analogy they were going with some of the setting elements made me severely pull back in my interest in seeing where it was going to go.

I'm sick a tired of people trying to force obvious modern age propaganda down my throat, and it's gotten to the point with most modern fiction that I default assume they'll include it until I learn otherwise.

The only thing I take away from that essay is the overwhelming desire to do bodily harm on the person whom wrote it.

Why I would take anything in good faith from someone whom hates me and mine and gleefully spends hours of his time writing about how much he hates me and mine is baffling to consider. This doesn't belong in the friday fun thread - this is pure rage bait and culture warring.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Yes, yes, we've heard it all before. 'Just have the skills of a functioning adult and women will flock to you'. Barring all the cases we've seen of where this is... not the case, just because I can make a cheesecake and cook steak with ease doesn't mean the random spawn chance for 'eligible and interested girlfriend' is magically going to bump up in percentage.

You yourself stated that you're partially retirted(IE, have lots of money), academic(IE, likely have a large amount of social skills), likely had your own domicile, exotic factor(british accent), and probably a large number of other factors you haven't mentioned. Congrats, you were a sugar daddy! Older man, lots of money, lots of social catchet, and you're wondering in confusion as to why you were able to pull younger women compared to men thier age?

Man, take the beam out of your own eye before you try to remove the splinter from others.

Keeping in mind, I'm familiar with this second-hand due to family working for Miller at one point, which is a different company, but...

Local sales - to grocery stores, gas stations, and the like - are effectively handled by sales reps who manage them. Once stocked, the stock in question(IE, Beer) is basically one and done and can only be removed from the store in question by being sold.

So, thanks to this PR kerfuffle, you've got alot of beer that's basically sitting around in stores not doing anything that the stores in question can't get rid off and the sales reps can't replace with other things that would sell.

Plus, you've got local stores thinking to themselves 'Do I really want to deal with this?' when it comes time to see what's going to get prominence in their liquor area and who's going to get permission to do those stupid, big displays for when the game day comes along.

All these metrics are tracked by software. (And this was several years ago, keep in mind, who knows what they're doing now). If stores are under-performing, the head distribution offices know about it. Often times, what's stocked in choosen through a combination of the sales rep and what the local store manager allows. Which means this can get messed up and stores can under-perform very easily, because you've got stock sitting there no one wants to buy and you can't stock what's being sold more because you have limited shelf space you're allowed and this crap that won't move is just sitting there and you can't do anything with it...

I haven't talked to anyone in the business in a long time, but if I had to guess, there's alot of people that are very, very cranky right now.

So, to answer your question; Yes, I have a feeling they instantly saw a tank in sales and are quietly panicking, because the guys who've got skin in the game are probably screaming their heads off, from the sales reps to the distribution centers.

There is... I don't have the number, but I keep seeing them pop up in forums all over the place(and for several years), so there's at least an amount of left-aligned individuals whom are absolutely convinced that America is only One Bad Day away from getting turned into a Christian Theocracy.

AOC is presumably one of those people.

I know atleast one person in his seventies that's having to grapple with the idea that someone he grew up with is in a nursing home, while he's still up, spry, active and working.

'Use it or loose it' seems to be a good rule of thumb from what I've seen in old people and who retains their capabilities as they age.

You are very much undervaluing the importance of social skills.

People tend to ignore or gloss over that there's a horrendous amount of skills and capabilities that contributes toward being dateable. And if you're skilled enough in one area(say, social skills) this can make up for alot of deficiencies.

For example, if you're skilled in the social sciences, you can get a girlfriend while looking like a small mountain(and not in a good way). Or living with your girlfriends family while not having a home of your own, and somehow this is perfectly fine(wtf?). Or, or, or...

Yeah, no. Not everyone has this skill set. Either through lack of chance to naturally develop such a thing, or simply not gifted with the intrinsic capability. Half the time when people bring up 'I'm socially retarded yet I got a girlfriend' and when they describe their circumstance as to how that occurred, it comes across as pure, blind luck.

Still, you're correct. Social skill is very much a skill that can be learned and developed. The trick, however, is finding a safe space that they can learn these skills, with strict rule sets(because if you know the rules ahead of time, it gives you confidence of how to act within the confines of those rules). And, the arena has to atleast allow for a little forgiveness for when you inevitable screw up.

Nowadays, that's a very tall order. Moreso if you live in an area that doesn't have alot of social arenas to break into in a natural, organic fashion.

I know, I'm speaking from experience. Not that there aren't options, mind, but when alot of these options start costing money, that brings up a whole other set of issues...

Good god, it's been a while since I've cracked open my econ degree.

TLDR, M1 and M2 are basically how much free-flow, readily available cash is in the hands of the public(as opposed to Banks, the federal deposit, and other entities.)

Or, put another way, how much money do civilians and John Q Public have available at quick notice.

If it's been falling, well... that means they have less cash on-hand. Why that is could be due to... well, a long list of reasons.

Also, that redefinition of m1 annoys me to a horrendous degree for some odd reason.