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User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156

The only thing I take away from that essay is the overwhelming desire to do bodily harm on the person whom wrote it.

Why I would take anything in good faith from someone whom hates me and mine and gleefully spends hours of his time writing about how much he hates me and mine is baffling to consider. This doesn't belong in the friday fun thread - this is pure rage bait and culture warring.

Yeah. And if this had been in the main thread(or even it's own thread), I'd probably just minimize and go about my way.

Here, though? I don't mind pointing out how tone-deaf posting this comes across for where it's at.

It's pretty much a stereotype for me by this point; whenever a vegen comes down from the mount for a sermon to try and convert the unbelievers, they start with a similar spiel and then immediately go into a long diatribe about all the various hoops they have to jump through to get their various dietary necessities.

None of which are easily accessible, and tend to only be accessible in their locale due to the world-wide shipping network we currently possess that makes shipping exotic food about fairly easy.

Nah. You do you, boss, but I'll stick with my meat, veggies, and dairy diet, thanks.

Coolness only carries so far; You need an active initiative and local culture to really support it. (Which is why cajun-french lasted as long as it did, really.)

A friend of mine can understand both Cajun-french and German(due to his older relatives), but that doesn't mean he can speak it.

Well, beyond the swear words.

Contrasting that, while my grandfather could understand the language of the home country, he couldn't speak it - because his father and mother made a point not to have him speak it, and there was little benefit to knowing a second language when you were supposed to be American.

Still, recent changes in outlook has resulted in a rush to preserve the language, and Louisiana is one of the few places that has local governments having in-place bilingual laws and whatnot. But given how the older generation is slowly dying out... well. We'll see what happens.

(Though is is fun to see French tourists touring around the Acadian parishes.)

Truly, Nazi's and white supremacist are a very diverse and eclectic group.

My theory; Being hispanic means he can be racists as hell and never get called on it, hence the various online postings. With racism being keyed only to white people, everyone in the media makes the assumption that he's automatically white with no research on the matter.

The purpose of sports is to win. It is, at it's core, a competition. And the goal of competition is to be the victor.

There is no high-minded 'pushing the physical limitations' involved here. I assure you, the last thing you want is to have transhuman philosophy applied by people that, while not insane, are atleast slightly off kilter from the rest of humanity.

You have to be. Consider; These are the people that literally and metaphorically torture themselves just for... what, five minutes of glory? If that? You have the apex, the celebrities, yes, but that's some long odds to bet with chancy return on that investment.

And you don't find reasonable men at the top of mountains.

Sports and competition are the last places I'd be applying transhumanism.

Keeping in mind, I'm familiar with this second-hand due to family working for Miller at one point, which is a different company, but...

Local sales - to grocery stores, gas stations, and the like - are effectively handled by sales reps who manage them. Once stocked, the stock in question(IE, Beer) is basically one and done and can only be removed from the store in question by being sold.

So, thanks to this PR kerfuffle, you've got alot of beer that's basically sitting around in stores not doing anything that the stores in question can't get rid off and the sales reps can't replace with other things that would sell.

Plus, you've got local stores thinking to themselves 'Do I really want to deal with this?' when it comes time to see what's going to get prominence in their liquor area and who's going to get permission to do those stupid, big displays for when the game day comes along.

All these metrics are tracked by software. (And this was several years ago, keep in mind, who knows what they're doing now). If stores are under-performing, the head distribution offices know about it. Often times, what's stocked in choosen through a combination of the sales rep and what the local store manager allows. Which means this can get messed up and stores can under-perform very easily, because you've got stock sitting there no one wants to buy and you can't stock what's being sold more because you have limited shelf space you're allowed and this crap that won't move is just sitting there and you can't do anything with it...

I haven't talked to anyone in the business in a long time, but if I had to guess, there's alot of people that are very, very cranky right now.

So, to answer your question; Yes, I have a feeling they instantly saw a tank in sales and are quietly panicking, because the guys who've got skin in the game are probably screaming their heads off, from the sales reps to the distribution centers.

Getting punched does not entitle you to shoot.

Uh, no, that's exactly the point when you should start shooting(if capable) or running away(if not).

Punching someone has too much potential for a lethal outcome to be anything but attempted murder/manslaughter, which is why most people experienced with fighting, when questioned what you should do in a fight, typically reply with some varient of 'Run the fuck away'.

Conversely, this is why any serious martial art instructor is going to advise you to never get into a fight, because if you're seriously fighting someone, you best options for dealing with them are all potentially lethal.

I'm... reasonably sure that the majority of people posting on the Motte are married. Or did the poll we had way back when not cover that?

Cause men tend to be more insane than women.

I can't really find a better word to describe it. It's something I've seen in people whom are really focused on sports, from running to martial arts. The ones whom been invested in such things - for years upon years - tend to be just a little bit, uh, off.

After all, you're basically torturing yourself regularly, week after week, for seemingly no purpose whatsoever other than to, well, keep doing it?

So it seems from the outside. Mind, there's a plethora of benefits that come with said exercise and whatnot, but that doesn't get much focus, as said benefits typically come after those years of practice.

And, yes, your observations tend to run similar to mine. In martial arts, men typically outnumber the women to a vast degree.

You get to enjoy it after a while, then eventually you find you can't imagine yourself living without it.

Preaching to the choir, speaking for myself. Mind, it can be easy to fall off the bicycle for some people. There's a wide gulf between people who do this in their early twenties/thirties and the guys who are still doing this well into their twilight years.

Maybe I'm just biased, as I hang out with alot of older guys who are still fit and active.


I'm hesitant to give chemistry all the credit, but that's due to my personal experience. I've gone from 'I hate PE' in high school to 'I need to do this for my own well-being' as I've gotten older. I feel there's a critical mindset there that's more prevalent(or becomes more prevalent) in men(which isn't common to begin with, imo) that's less prevalent in woman.

A male fan who loves lasers won't be asked to recite "There is no death, there is the Force" before he's allowed in the tree house.

Honestly, yeah, that's pretty much how it works. I remember a time before the wider internet when things were far more niche, and getting two star wars(or your niche topic of choice) together and watch the sparks go. There was very much a sense of 'Okay, exactly how much can I let my freak flag fly around this person' with alot of this stuff, alongside the simple passionate releif of 'Holy shit, this is someone who UNDERSTANDS'.

it's a real thing that happened.

Statistical outliers. Growing up, I never once encountered a fan of Star Wars who was a woman.

He's basically a hunting dog, then.

Well, take him hunting.

Get him started with scent/tracking, work on fetch/retrieval, off-lead commands, all that good stuff. You may have a 'backyard', but depending where you're living, said backyard may be too small to accommodate the work you'll need to do.

getting outcompeted in a capitalist world

Are they getting outcompeted, or are they simply not giving people what they really want?

One of these days, I'm going to finish that essay in my head regarding the character of Joshua Graham and how he relates to modern religion.

but the US Civil War did not fundamentally slow the trajectory of US economic or geopolitical rise.

The US Civil War occurred at the right point in history, around the time of the Industrial Revolution, to allow for this. While the South was economically devastated(and was so for at least a century afterwards), the Northern regions now had an entire breadbasket of cheap agricultural workhorses to harvest from without caring about the consequences.

Is there a way?

There is not.

You can paint a picture all you want, but you can't ignore the canvas. Fiction nowadays trying to include such elements just come across as obnoxious political screeds that after a certain point makes me throw them in the trash.

Just because I can read Eclipse Phase doesn't mean I don't roll my eyes at some of the elements they include, and despite my initial interest in the webcomic 'O Human Star', once I realized the analogy they were going with some of the setting elements made me severely pull back in my interest in seeing where it was going to go.

I'm sick a tired of people trying to force obvious modern age propaganda down my throat, and it's gotten to the point with most modern fiction that I default assume they'll include it until I learn otherwise.

I recall an article/blogpost from way back when about a woman doing exactly tit for tat, though if you ask me for specifics, I'm afraid it'll take a while for me to find it.

It did not work out the way she was expecting. Spoilers: The guys loved it.

Counterpoint: Political groups have had no issue taking the supposed insults from their opposition and turning it into a badge of pride, regardless of the format.

'Yankee Doodle' was supposed to be an insult. For a more recent occurrence, 'Keep your Rifle By Your Side' was supposed to be atleast slightly satire, until people listened to it, went 'Holy shit, this song slaps' and started using it unironically.

It's a phenomena that's not really new by any stretch.

Female Dating Strategy.

Diverse but isolated.

People try to claim America as a melting pot without looking at the mechanics(Nevermind that the phrase itself referred to New York City). That's the part that always sticks at me when I look at my very local history and see the various ethnic settlements that developed.

Certainly, you have diverse ethnic settlements that look from a modern standpoint to be very close to one another... but when you stop and take a step back, consider the time period they developed and the lack of coherent infrastructure, and you realize that these self-same settlements were in the middle of fucking nowhere and would take a good number of days to reach the nearest town or transportation hub, nevermind the nearest city.

Diverse, but isolated. Now, there is no isolation; we are all in the pot together, and it's slowly starting to boil.

Well, it was less 'settling' and more 'being forced to move there due to the British crown of the time trying to get rid of two problems at once'. The history of the Scots-Irish is certainly... colorful.

storming the capitol building

Why should storming the capital building be any different than when rioters stormed the White House?

People constantly try to paint the Jan 6 protest as something extraordinary, when it was just the right wing seeing what the left had been doing for the past four years and deciding to use a tool that apparently works.

Don't blame the protestors for assuming good faith and not realizing that left-wing protests were being sponsored and applauded by the various institutions kicking around.

and it will revert as soon as the person goes back to eating naturally.

Amazing. If you go back to the diet that was making you fat, you will get fat again. Will wonders never cease.

Sorry. I should probably hold back on the sarcasm, given that this is the motte, but this is the one 'secret' about dieting that I rarely see people point out - you can't stop.

Dieting isn't an on-off switch - it needs to be a conscious decision to moderate your diet aimed at long-term goals and body improvement. Once you reach a certain age, you can't just shovel crap into your face and expect to walk it off.

Dieting is a permanent change to your life, and the sooner people acknowledge that, the better.

Conversely, if someone wants to enjoy themselves sucking down baconators and Dr Pepper by the bucket, well, I can't stop them. Maybe they'll get more enjoyment out of life doing that then I will, I dunno.

never to become fat in the first place.

In a perfect world, yes. Ah, if I only knew growing up what I know now.

Can't say I ever hit the lethargy you're describing when I lost weight, however. Not sure if it was my overall slow path toward weightloss or not. If anything, I ended up with more energy, not less.

As for the hunger, eh. I just sucked up and dealt with it. I doubt that's good advice for other people, though.

Ah, I see you do not live in a location that has a Wendy's fast food restraunt.

It's probably for the best. Better to suffer in ignorance and not know the glories you have deprived yourself of.

But, yes. Back when I was exhaustively cataloguing my weight loss on a week by week basis, eating bread at a holiday meal would mean the difference between not gaining any weight if I didn't, and gaining several pounds if I did.

Which is an absolute shame, given all the recipes I have for various types of bread. So it goes.