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BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

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joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC

Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC


Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

I earnest disagree. If you check the GPT-4 white paper, the original base model clearly had a sense of internal calibration, and while that was mostly beaten out of it through RLHF, it's not entirely gone.

They have a genuine understanding of truth, or at least how likely something is to be true...

You are conflating two vastly different things. Perhapse this is an issue of poor translation between Indian and English but what GPT has is better described as a notion of "consensus" or "correlation". A degree to which [token a] is associated with [token b] which is emphatically not a concept of true vs false. To illustrate, if you feed your LLM a bunch of Harry Potter fan fiction as a training set your going to get a lot of Malfoy/Potter gay sex regardless of how Rowling may have written those characters and this is not an aberration, this is the system operating exactly as designed.

As much as I have been assured by childless female democrats and their allies in academia assure me that "cultural appropriation" is a terrible thing that must be condemned I've been enjoying watching the Czechs and Poles embrace the joy of redneckism


My worldview at this time is very, very far from progressive.

It's not though. You just to think it is because "as someone who has spent the entirety of my adult life in thoroughly progressive social spheres - everything from explicit socialist activist spaces in college, to the world of musical theatre and “queer performance art” you don't seem to grasp just how far your worldview already is from the median American. If the distance between the worldviews of yourself and your compatriots in the world of musical theatre is measured in 100s of feet the distance between you and the median republican who chuckles at the Babylon Bee is measured in nautical miles.

From outside those thoroughly progressive social spheres spotting the differences between progressivism and whatever you call your particular offshoot is like one of those bar room games where you have to spot the mole on the pin-up girl. They might not be exactly the same picture, but they are the same picture.

Likewise things like...

The three most egregious examples - the people who will be first against the wall if I’m ever magically granted dictatorial power - were, respectively, half-Filipino-half-black, fully black, and half-Puerto-Rican-half-white.

...are why "Stormfront or SJW" is a meme. I'm half tempted to link your rant to just such a board, but I value this place too highly to risk crossing those streams.

I urge you to stop and reflect upon the ideological choices you've made that lead you to arrive at that thought.

Can you please elaborate on your reasoning here?

I will try.

HBD as typically expressed here on theMotte is a strong normative belief in biological determinism. This believe is in turn used to justify opposition any cultural or social intervention that isn't explicitly configured along racial and intersectional lines.

"it's all genetics" they'll say, "teacher quality has pretty much zero bearing on educational outcomes" they'll say, and these claims will be used to explain why teaching black kids to read is a waste of time, and why rationalists need to make dysgenics a priority. [To be clear this isn't a straw man, it's the baseline] (https://www.themotte.org/post/349/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/63701)

HBDers dismiss pro-social behavior as stupid and counterproductive and when this leads to poor outcomes, they blame the melanin content of the other guys skin rather than a result of the defect-defect equilibrium that they've been actively rooting for.

What we are seeing in South Africa now is a failure of basic civic structures and trust, this has fuck all to do with skin color but it does have a great deal to do with social cohesion.

I think you have to be pretty "mind-killed", IE have drunk deeply from the Progressive/Marxist Kool-Aid to sincerely believe that "group differences" in genetics are not only going to outweigh individual variation, along with as other group-wide factors like culture and social policy, but outweigh them to such a degree that those factors can be safely dismissed as unmeaningful.

Then I ask you the same question that I keep asking and that no one here seems to have an answer for. Assuming for the sake of argument that HBD is true and that group differences are, as a rule, more determinative than individual variance, what of it? What value does "HBD Awareness" add over individual assessments of merit? Why promote "HBD Awareness" if not for the purposes of justifying discrimination based upon it?

If someone put up missing posters of Gazan children buried in rubble, it would still be a pretty awful move for someone to tear them down.

Bingo and that is why both the progs and the dissident-right object so vehemently to any implication (or reminder of the fact) that Israelis might be victims. The cease-fire advocates are not anti-war as much as they are on the other side.

The difference in outcomes of governance in otherwise-adjacent states is, um, certainly notable.

Ditto the inverse. The standard HBDer take is that culture doesn't matter, and that by extension Lee Kuan Yew's efforts at economic and cultural integration were a waste of time/resources, and yet (as you yourself observe) the differences in outcome are notable.

I imagine that someone will be along in a bit to argue that if Singapore had massacred all the ethnic Malays on the Island rather than integrating them they would have been even more successful but I don't buy it. That's the kind of policy that causes "unrest"

Stop feeding the obvious troll people.

While clearly we disagree on some ideological points here, I also don't see why you feel that grievance is the only rhetorical mode for White nationalism.

I know I catch a lot of complaints here, and accusations of "no true scotsman-ing" here for pointing out that the woke-left and alt-right are effectively identical (in some cases literally the same people) but I really do think it is that simple.

Having drunk the woke kool-aid they either can't or wont recognize a rhetorical mode that isn't based in grievance. Or less charitably, despite all the talk of being "red pilled" they're still in the progressive Matrix and still think it's air they're breathing.

As others have touched upon it's not homogeneity that drives Japan's relatively low levels of criminality, it's culture, customs, and habits.

Both the guy and the girl in the described story could be the most Ashkenazi of Jews and the guy would still be an asshole in need of an ass-whooping.

Likewise surveillance doesn't mean shit if it isn't backed by the will to do something about it, see the current state of the UK.

The missing fourth option on your list is "reject modernity and embrace tradition" not in the silly RETVRN sense peddled by gay-presenting euro-poors who self-identify as perverts on twitter, but in the understanding that maybe grandpa knew something you don't. Maybe all those backwards seeming customs that you chafed at because you're a good little liberal who believes in self-actualization and fighting the power actually serve a critical role. Maybe life is better when you make a conscious effort to say what you mean and mean what you say and refuse to tolerate anything less from those around you. Maybe "suiting up" to leave the house isn't just for you and contra liberal sensibilities, the old man (or woman) who tells the kids to "knock it off", wear a belt, watch thier language, etc... is serving a vital social function.

What if George S Patton was right about everything?

TBH, you're a nicer guy than I am because my knee jerk reaction was a Nelson Muntz-esque point and laugh.

First off this is a gross comparison. Second I'm not saying you out not to notice who your enemies are. I'm saying that you ought not to care. A subtle but profound difference.

You know what, the more I think about it the more absurd this warning feels.

Are we really going to pretend that acknowledging a potential cultural/linguistic difference that may in fact be relevant to the discussion at hand is somehow more "ignorant", "antagonistic" or *chuckles* "racist" than the typical HBD or Joo post that you guys routinely let slide?


While the pipeline was (is?) reachable by divers, I still favor a blockage/poor maintenance as the most likely theory, followed by sabotage from within NordStream's operation.

Thing is that the two pipelines blew something like 18 hours apart that strikes me as a long time for a group of divers and their support vessel to sit around waiting to be caught. If one were planning to destroy the pipes by planting bombs on the exterior, I would expect those bombs to be on a timer to allow the divers to already be long gone when shit goes down, and I would expect timers would be set to detonate simultaneously so as to minimize the risk of a bomb being discovered before it had gone off.

Brazil's problem is not. Race is only a problem in so far as one subscribes to Marxist (or more accurately post-Marxist) models of class interest. Sadly Brazil, much like academia is rife with current and former Marxists.

This is not anything new, this is just the Trad-Right's old warnings about rootless cosmopolitans and dangers of identity politics coming to pass.

But I think this argument could have been made 15 years ago, where anxiety over Obamacare or something was the most polarizing issue of the day. But political polarization has gone so far that these values have lost credibility.

Tell me you're under the age of 25 without using those words. Look kid, I'm old enough to remember the OKC Bombing and there being serious discussion in about whether McVeigh had actually done anything wrong.

You need to remember that most of the posters here are not Republicans, they're Gilfoyle-style Silicon Valley satanists. They like Trump for accelerationist reasons and because they find him entertaining, but if there were a serious threat of a Republican president actually enacting a socially conservative agenda most of them would swing so hard into the Democrats' camp that they'd make you look like the second coming of Ronald Reagan in comparison.

You're not wrong and yet...


Seems to me that Muggeridge's law has struck again. Dude who advocates radical self-interest killed by other people's radical self-interest.

There's a cynical bastard in me who suspects that a lot of the support for HBD and similar positions comes from Berkley Marxists and H1B Visa holders who's end goal is to undermine the US constitution by importing their caste system to the US.

Yes it's the culture. The same country, comprised of the same people, and subject to the same material and economic constraints can be a dynamo under one regime's leadership and a complete basket-case under another's.

Ironically your dog example only reinforces my point, you really should have chosen a Pomeranian or a Yorkie because chihuahuas are hunting dogs. The material reality is that the difference between Paris Hilton's Purse Puppy and a Mexican Rat-Catcher is in the upbringing rather than the breed.

In much the way that the dudes wearing the obnoxious "grunt style" shirts are almost always buds duds and REMFs and the folks complaining the loudest about HBD and dysgenics almost always turn-out to be poor breeding stock, it would make sense that the people most worried about a word generation algorithm would be the marginal academics who's only real output is words rather than insight.

I don't disagree with your decision, but I do wonder why (if you've recognized that Job's post was bait) you haven't handed them a warning and/or ban as well.