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BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC

Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/193024


old man yelling at clouds

12 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:58:45 UTC


Failed repeatedly in his attempts to die a hero and has now lived long enough to become the villain.


User ID: 659

Banned by: @cjet79

I don't think that NIH wants to be in the Eugenics business, so they're taking steps to avoid it.

Indeed, and in complaining about it I think people are revealing more about themselves than they they are their opposition.

  • -31

I'm posting another comment because this is my favorite story in a long time

I'd say that says a lot more about you than it does the alleged story.

  • -28

Let me also cut through what feels like a lot of unnecessary argumentation and simply ask you this: how can you explain the correlation between cognitive skills and genetic closeness depicted in this figure without acknowledging substantial genetic heritability?

Yes, when you control for factors X, Y and Z, whatever remains is going to be what shows up on the graph. That is what "controlling for" means. Where HBD-tards drop the ball is the transition form "things like height, athletics ability, show high degrees of heritability" to "judging people by their individual qualities rather than their race is anti-science"

  • -25

You have reduced this man to a straw-man archetype to rail against

I literally know nothing about this guy beyond what writings of his I've read and what you've said here.

If anyone has reduced Gregory Hood to a straw-man, it is Gregory Hood.

  • -22

recent anti-policing pushes have made black communities worse off.

Yes and it's no coincidence that those Anti-policing pushes have been spearheaded by the same class of people who are spearheading HBD awareness, namely secular progressive Democrats. The party of Woodrow Wilson and the KKK never changed sides, just their branding.

  • -21

Exactly what it says on the tin.

  • -20

From Bo Winegard on whether whites should embrace "white identity"

Tell me that you've been mind-killed by Jewish brain parasites without using those words. Cartoon wignat is a fucking cartoon.

  • -20

Why do you think that matters? My closing question was not addressed to Hood, it was adressed to @cake and the wider audience.

  • -20

Bluntly, a lot of this is really unsophisticated or just non-responsive.

It's not like much, if any, of the Pro HBD stuff that gets posted here is any better.

If we're being blunt, it ought to be pointed out that HBD as it is most typically advocated and defended here on theMotte is a normative belief rather than a descriptive one and should be judged as such.

  • -19

This is false.

No it is not. At least not with sufficient reliability to be useful. P = 0.5 might be enough to publish if you're working in a particularly "soft" academic field but it don't mean shit in the real world.

  • -19

No I wrote a post about how the specific essay linked was a load of ahistorical psuedo-Marxist nonsense, and observed that both the peddlers and consumers there of tend to be of a certain type.

  • -19

says you.

  • -19

Amazing every word of what you just said is wrong.

  • -19

I can conceive it I just don't believe that's the real motive.

I don't think it's a coincidence at all those who were pushing DEI back during the Bush administration have transitioned to pushing HBD now that their chief opponents are secular academics rather than conservative Christians. As I've said before, the party (and the Partisans) of Woodrow Wilson, never changed sides, just their branding. Whether it's white hoods in 1920 or black hoodies in 2020 it's the same fundamentally anti-american (and dare I say it anti-western) bullshit. The greatest trick the DNC ever played was convincing the media and a whole generation of idiots with PHDs that they weren't the real racists.

  • -18

Careful now, you're being too human and at signifiant risk of going down my road.

Part of being a good moderator as Cjet and Zorba define "good" is not noticing this sort of thing.

  • -18

Yes you have been following me around and yes it has been kind of annoying partially because I strongly suspect you're a sockpuppet, and partially because you still haven't havent explained how McNamara displaying an attitude towards the lives of his nation's troops that would be more at home in a 19th century Tzarist Army than a 20th Century Western one is supposed to prove that generalizations about group differences in IQ are more predictive of future success than say living in a household with both parents present, or disprove the utility of colorblind policies.

You're just another single-issue commentor/vandal grasping at anything he can to justify his issue and his vandalism.

  • -17

This just isn't true.

You are wrong, the reason that Ryan Long, Bill Burr, and the Babylon Bee's various bits about woke people and racists believing essentially the same things are so funny and have gained such traction is because it is true.

  • -17

I do and I do, because I believe that the primary driver of differences in outcome between groups is cultural. "My daddy taught me X" (or failed to teach me X) may be hereditary, but it is not genetic. Accordingly, the HBD-Tards stated preference for politeness is a trap, there trying to convince honest actors to play nice while they play dirty.

  • -16

Do you even know what a p value is?

I do and that's the joke. Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics. ;-)

What I'm suggesting is things like "evasive body language" and "baggy coat on a summer day" are far more indicative of "shoplifting" than any demographic quality, but because people raised in a upper-middle class progressive milieu have an underdeveloped sense of social awareness they are less able to read such signals.

  • -15

The answer is the same though.

  • -15

Where are these 'winners' upholding the West's heritage shamelessly?

All around for those who have the eyes to look.

  • -14

I think that you are acting very naive, if not outright stupid.

  • -14

One of the less stupid notions to come out of LessWrong was the idea of making one's beliefs "pay rent"

The fundamental problem with HBD as it is typically advocated by dissident progressives and users here on theMotte is that if the hypothesis is correct (and that is a big "IF") the actual benefit/utility to adopting "HBD Awareness" over some flavor of "colorblind meritocracy" will be less than zero. Accordingly I feel that it only appropriate to question why certain individuals/users seem to be so invested in their opposition to "blank slatism". I have my theories but none that are likely to be considered "charitable" or "kind" by the mod team.

  • -13

That's not what you said.

No, it's exactly what I said. An unreliable indicator is not a reliable indicator at all.

  • -13

Are you lying on purpose or are you actually this ignorant?

I could ask you the same question.

  • -13